Lettera aperta a probabili o improbabili finanziatori di SPAWHE SPA

Gentile Direttore/CEO, Saluti e felice anno nuovo 2025! Vorrei discutere con voi le prospettive del nuovo anno di proposta di finanziamento dei...

Open letter to probable or unlikely financiers of SPAWHE SPA

Dear Director/CEO, Greetings and Happy New Year 2025! I would like to discuss with you the new year’s prospects of project financing proposal. We...

Open letter to people of common sense on the energy of saving the climate and the economy of planet Earth.

Among the first measures taken by the New President of the United States was the pardon of the violent people who on 6. 01, 2020, stormed the...

The principles of inertia and reaction revised and corrected by SPAWHE.eu against thermal, nuclear and electric car follies.

The simple and economical way to produce energy, purify and distribute the world's water Abstract The first to study the principle of inertia was...

COP29 and G20 2024. The conspiracy of the powerful against sustainable development.

The mountains of politics, science and economics have given birth to inefficient mice against global warming, while the SPAWHE system, which could...

Open letter to probable or unlikely financiers of SPAWHE SPA

Dear Director/CEO, Greetings and Happy New Year 2025! I would like to discuss with you the new year’s prospects of project financing proposal. We can assist youyour company secures the LCL from major banks here in London that will be activegives you access to funds...

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COP29, year 2024, that is, the official ratification that world governments are at year zero with respect to the Spawhe system, which started in the year 2006, without public and private contributions, in the protection of the environment, the production of clean energy and the sustainable economy.     

COP29, anno 2024, ovvero, la ratifica ufficiale che i governi mondiali sono all’anno zero rispetto al sistema Spawhe, che è partito nell’anno 2006, senza contributi pubblici e privati, nella protezione dell’ambiente, la produzione di energia pulita e l’economia...

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Luigi Antonio Pezone

Luigi Antonio Pezone
