Every time I write an article about climate change, a serious climate event occurs at the same time. While I was writing this update article, the disaster in Los Angeles was still ongoing (13.01.2025). The city declared a state of emergency, while the fire also took over Subset Boulevard, symbol of the city and of the Hollywood myth. Behind the death of 25 people, the forced evacuation of 200 thousand people, ten thousand hectares of land gone up in smoke and more than ten thousand buildings destroyed, there is a combination of many factors, some of which are linked to climate change. The first estimates of the damage in Los Angeles are 250 billion dollars. This disaster will be remembered, above all, because several famous people of world cinema lost their homes. While the real cause of these disasters will continue to be silenced, which concerns the poor design of global anthropogenic plants, fixed and mobile, which involve all global public institutions since the beginning of the industrial era, especially the scientific ones, too focused on mathematical theories and not paying enough attention to the scientific imperfections of fixed mobile anthropogenic plants designed by human beings and subsequently monopolized by multinationals, with the consent of all world governments that fight each other, not to improve global environmental management, but to conquer a larger share of the market of old and new commercial energies, including those that they define as renewable, which in reality equally interfere with the natural functioning of terrestrial energy and cost much more than the real natural terrestrial energy designed by the undersigned without public and private money described on the website https://www.spawhe.eu.
With the global system that has been created, today it is not possible to prevent disasters and not even intervene quickly in repairs and fire extinguishing, because all the human plants do not exploit the natural interactive principles that would have allowed to extract electrical and electromagnetic energy, cold, directly from the water and air of the Earth, without electrical distribution networks to power large and small fixed and mobile users worldwide and therefore, also to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz that would allow firefighting vehicles to stop in a stable way on the fires. Current science, instead of experimenting with SPAWHE solutions that would cost little and would also allow the extinguishing of fires, continues to use Canadairs, which launch water from afar that does not reach the targets. While retardant liquids, added to the water, based on heavy materials (Perimeter Solutions), instead, reach the ground and therefore, create other permanent damage.
While California was burning, the powerful of the Earth from January 13 to 16 continued to discuss global strategies at the new summit held in Abu Dhabi, called IUHPE 2025, which means International Union of Health Promotion and Education, which means everything and nothing, if you do not go into the details of the solutions, where everything should be connected in a scientific and rational way. Italy in this context of modernization proposes to produce solar, wind and other generic renewable energy thermoelectric energy in other nations and transfer this energy to Italy through submarine cables that cross the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas. Completely the opposite of the SPAWHE system that with a single scientific and rational system would eliminate the problems of droughts, floods, the transport of electricity and its distribution. The words spoken by the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni are the following:
“The future of energy transition and digitalization will therefore depend on our ability to find a balance between sustainability and innovation”. How can the scientific and economic advisors of the Italian president and other world governments who continue to remain silent about the forty inventions of SPAWHE, continue to be credible? It is not a single invention but an interactive system that interacts positively with the natural terrestrial system. While their systems have produced global warming. No renewable energy is more renewable than water, air and gravitational force that are present in every corner of the Earth, including the poles and deserts. It is ridiculous to produce electricity in one country and transport it to another with submarine cables that cost a lot and can be interrupted by attacks, as can also be interrupted gas pipelines. While water, air and gravitational force cost nothing and no one can interrupt them if the plants are designed with the SPAWHE.eu system, both to create fixed and mobile energy plants. The more energy we produce, the more we will purify the environment. It is not the undersigned who says it, but the principles of Henry and Dalton. God gave us free will, but he could not continue to pretend nothing was happening while the ruling class destroyed the planet hiding behind a science that does not know how to assemble the plants rationally: It is no coincidence that before proposing myself as an inventor for a lifetime I installed industrial and environmental plants. These plants are not wrong but incomplete as they leave open cycles that nature would close, but with very long times, as it closed the natural pollution of the four earthly eras. Today pollution is produced at industrial speed and purification cannot occur at natural speeds. For this reason inventors must be experts in industrial and environmental technologies at the same time. For these reasons, I proposed myself as an inventor only as a pensioner, after having acquired both experiences. My curriculum vitae speaks clearly and even more clearly are my inventions that no one wanted to experiment with, both by public bodies and multinationals, who by mutual agreement have produced global warming, both in communist and capitalist countries. God is only one and after a life of work in industry and the environment, he inspired me with the SPAWHE system, which explains in great detail how to purify and produce sustainable energy in every corner of the Earth, including the poles and deserts. But it also explains how we could fight floods and desertification, and how we could travel on earth and in space without fuels, nuclear energy and energy accumulators. I do not claim industrial property, of my inventions, but only intellectual property that is recognized to all authors of intellectual works: writers, musicians, artists, including the authors of a simple song. It is very strange that world legislators from these categories do not demand taxes to be paid if their works are not sold and realized, while from inventors they demand the annual payment of maintenance fees even if their inventions are not financed, tested and realized. As an inventor, I have never had the money to pay the annual national and international maintenance fees, therefore, I have never paid them. I was right because in any case, my inventions were not financed and tested. I was right, above all, because I consider the SPAHWE system, as a single industrial intellectual work as the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri is a single literary intellectual work. Dante Alighieri condemned many powerful people of his time to hell. I do the same with a much more ambitious time, because my solutions could have been born before I was born and I also blame science, not only politicians. For this reason one of my most recent articles, has the following title: Sorry for the delay (for the clarification, I hope definitive, of some aspects of terrestrial energy) 03.07.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/sorry-for-the-delay-for-the-hopefully-definitive-clarification-of-some-aspects-of-terrestrial-energy;
The undersigned, who since 2006. Proposes solutions against climate change is isolated like a plague from the world’s economic power centers. In previous versions of this article I explained that I am a simple technician installing industrial and environmental systems, who as a pensioner, who wanted to freely explore, without being influenced by employers, his own environmental and energy solutions to govern the Earth and even go into space. I believe I have completed my work even if everything I have written and published has not been tested and implemented. The current world ruling class (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE THAT HAS PRODUCED GLOBAL WARMING HAS DISCARDED ALL MY SOLUTIONS WITHOUT EXPLAINING THE REASONS). Despite the internet, very few people in the world know my work and my website, and like everyone I receive requests for donations from people who do not know the complexity of global work and believe that with donations and advertising slogans they can solve some problems.
On December 31, 2024, I received the following donation request from a group of young people:
Waste less water, go vegan, don’t use the car… These are all good intentions, right? But there is something else you could do to actively promote climate justice in 2025 and in the years to come. Help Ultima Generazione double the number of local groups! We must be realistic. Climate disasters will increase in 2025. This is why we have developed a plan for 2025 that, with the right resources, would allow us to take root where we are not currently present. To put it into practice, however, we need your support! The end of the year is almost here and we will reach our goal of 20,000 euros: hundreds of people have donated and we have already raised 17,000 euros!
Obviously, these young people do not know who I am and what SPAWHE is. Eu, however, are many and even without concrete projects they manage to raise funds for the environment. Something that I have never managed to do. To these young people, I responded as follows:
Dear all, I would like to know what you will do when you have reached the figure of 20,000 euros with the donations collected. I ask because I have spent the same amount with my personal savings to file forty national and international patents precisely to solve with detailed projects the same environmental problems that you want to solve without finding public and private interlocutors, not at a national level, but at an international level. I do not want to be misunderstood, but if you have a better solution than multidisciplinary planning, which should be followed by an experimentation, equally multidisciplinary, but above all, impartial, I would like to know it. I am not against charity and good works, otherwise I would not have worked without being paid by anyone from 2006 until today. I tried for a few months to seek funds from donations through the online organizations gofund.me and Fiver, paying little, but without collecting even a single euro. Unfortunately, your 20,000 euros are just a drop in the desert and if you do not use them to practically demonstrate that the anthropogenic plants designed by governments and multinationals are wrong, they are useless. Meanwhile, my 20,000 euros have at least served to demonstrate that there are alternative solutions to experiment that governments and multinationals have not wanted to experiment with, without explaining the reasons, because no one has protested other than myself. No one has studied the solutions proposed by me in depth, no one has asked for their experimentation to verify whether they would solve the problems, or, they are works of fiction. No one asks why these solutions are not taught in middle schools, high schools and universities. In specific professional training courses. Unfortunately, the reason is very simple and is the same for which men have produced global warming. The specific skills that are taught in schools, universities, and in specialization courses, have not allowed us to understand all the invisible interactive connections that occur spontaneously in nature between the positive and negative ions contained in water, air, at atmospheric pressure and at higher pressures and at different temperatures. I, as a designer and installer for thirty-seven years of industrial and environmental plants, who proposed myself as an inventor in retirement, not being able to solve all the problems with specific skills for each sector, I simplified things, stating that all fixed and mobile anthropopic plants must close the cycles that open inside the same plant. In order not to complicate the design of the plants, everything that can be produced at the temperature of the terrestrial environment must be produced at that temperature. This type of research has gradually led to the hydroelectric system without the hydraulic jump in the submerged version in 2014 and compressed in 2015, which can solve all the environmental and energy problems of our time. Unfortunately these are inconvenient for communist and capitalist countries.
I cannot participate in international conferences, even though invited, because as a simple pensioner, I cannot pay for travel and accommodation expenses, not having behind me the support of multinationals and governments that have created global warming and the unequal distribution of world wealth. It is no coincidence that my activity as an inventor began only as a pensioner after having spent twenty years in the design and installation of industrial plants and a second twenty years in environmental plants. The industrial experience helped me to learn about technologies and work organization to improve the speed of processes, while the environmental experience helped me to learn about the current state of the art of environmental technologies and the lack of environmental work organization that does not allow for environmental protection and the production of sustainable energy. Therefore, my activity as an inventor, started as a pensioner, consisted in the industrial reorganization of purification and energy work cycles to increase the speed of purification processes. Probably my work was appreciated by those who created the Earth and the entire universe, who inspired me to create some strategic and revolutionary functions, which allow us to extract clean energy directly from the environment both to create fixed and mobile plants. In the meantime, I have grown old and also become a grandfather of eight grandchildren. I hope that the other grandparents who have been better than me at accumulating money, make the right investments to ensure a better life for their grandchildren in a cleaner planet and with a more sustainable economy, thanks to my energy and purification inventions. In the meantime, if they want to continue to see their grandchildren grow for a long time, they should also think about themselves and finance my artificial heart oxygenator of human blood that could extend the life of elderly people by many years.
(31.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/artificial-heart-oxygenator-of-blood-energyically-autonomous/, ) Obviously, the undersigned and the financiers would have the priority of using this incredible invention, which is based on the same principles misunderstood by the current ruling class. Unfortunately, the time is very short to be able to do this experimentation filed in vain as a patent on 05/29/2018. For the above, I do not ask for donations but investments, for ourselves and above all, for future generations, before it is too late, also offering work for an alternative development model that involves the main human industrial, agricultural, health and transport activities. I extract from my following recent article, which summarizes my activity, a part of the second paragraph, where I ask for such investments: https://www.spawhe.eu/the-principles-of-inertia-and-reaction-revised-and-corrected-by-spawhe-eu-against-thermal-nuclear-and-electric-car-follies/
Global warming can be stopped by globally designing terrestrial anthropogenic plants.
I take the liberty of publishing the following quote by Charles Bukowski: “I have no more time to waste for people who believe they are superior or chosen. I have no more time or desire to justify who I am. I have no more time for false people. I have no more time for anything that does not have a soul. I have no more time to waste!” On June 6, 2024, I turned 75 and I believe that global warming can be stopped. Existing technologies are already sufficient. All that is missing are those integrating the SPAWHE system that the current ruling class pretends not to understand. On this occasion, I also publish the IBAN of a current account at Ing Bank, registered to me, which is currently empty, so that it can be filled by competent people. Not to do charity, but investments with honest profits, certainly, higher than current profits, as the SPAWHE system has the potential to renew the entire world economy. The IBAN is as follows: IT78I0347501605CC0012826539. The objective is as follows: The creation of SPAWHE SPA, which aims to test and create all of SPAWHE’s inventions. The risk of investors losing capital is zero. Because if, within a year, the fundraising is not sufficient to set up the company and start the business, the capital raised will be returned to the individual financiers. In fact, the following reason must be indicated in the payment transfer: Creation of SPAWHE SPA. In the intentions of the undersigned, SPAWHE SPA will be a multi-disciplinary joint stock company for the design, testing and construction of fixed and mobile energy and purification anthropic plants. SPAWHE SPA will legally claim the intellectual property of all forty of the undersigned’s inventions, which are not yet funded by any public or private body in the world. These inventions have not been funded and tested, although they all have the requirement of public social utility. I no longer have time to waste with a conservative and fake progressive ruling class, which has also conditioned science, to the point that, although it has had great geniuses in all sectors of human activity, it has not realized that nuclear and fossil energy are not compatible even for going into space. The Lorentz thrust, not producible by heat, is essential for navigating in space. Science has not realized that air is water with the simple inventions of SPAWHE, and the inventions already existing, starting from artificial light, can start from chlorophyll photosynthesis and create the entire carbon cycle inside the means of transport, recycling all organic and inorganic waste, including those that produce the force for space navigation. In fact, this energy is compatible with human physiology, and being developed cold, it allows the Newtonian and Lorentzian thrusts to be added together to overcome the gravitational force and continue in space only with the Lorentzian thrust.
Science has not even realized that the energy of SPAWHE is the same that the undersigned used to invent artificial hearts that oxygenate human blood, energetically autonomous, which, based on two small independent implants, which would replace the current right and left ventricles, could defeat many diseases and extend human life beyond all current expectations, obviously, with the help of artificial organs. SPAWHE Energy is the same that can save world agriculture devastated by climate change because, not needing the hydraulic jump to be produced, it allows a more rational distribution of world waters, preventing droughts and floods and with compressed hydroelectric engines, mounted on agricultural tractors, they will also be able to eliminate the current, unsustainable cost of fuels that on planet Earth (with hindsight) on planet Earth have never been used. Unfortunately this “hindsight” does not yet belong to science, governments and terrestrial multinationals.
Having made this premise of updating the current situation, I move on to updating the original article as a few years have passed since the birth of the Website and many things have changed for the worse, while my solutions have only aged, but not tested. So they are still current.
The presentation written in 2014, although it has undergone occasional updates, does not give the actual idea of all the work that is behind the website SPAWHE.eu.
Therefore, by updating the SPAWHE website I also publish more references to the most important articles and inventions, according to the date of publication and patent filings, so that readers better understand the logic with which the inventions were conceived and how they are connected to each other. In fact, previous inventions have inspired subsequent ones and in some cases, if the previous ones are not realized, subsequent ones cannot be realized. This clarification is necessary because even today, none of the approximately forty inventions of SPAWHE have been realized on planet earth, since the world ruling class, public and private, considers itself satisfied with the state of the art achieved in science and technology. For them, global warming, floods, typhoons, fires, droughts, viruses that attack man are due to unfortunate circumstances, while for me they are due to wrong industrial, environmental, energy inventions.
I inserted my CV of work experiences in place of the older article to emphasize that without work experiences, I could not have been an inventor in retirement. Those who read SPAWHE starting from the CV must keep in mind that my inventions have not yet been realized and that the inventions published later cannot be understood if the previous ones are not first read and understood. It took me fifteen years to publish the inventions of SPAWHE, which is the same time that Dante Alighieri took to write “The Divine Comedy” which is the most important literary work of all time, but it is still a work of fiction, where Dante Alighieri enjoyed putting many powerful men of his time in hell.
Since none of the systems described in SPAWHE have been realized, the current world ruling class would like to pass SPAWHE off as a work of fiction, which, not being of literary value, is not even interesting for schools. Instead, SPAWHE is a scientific work equivalent to the Divine Comedy, which debunks many myths that are still hard to die and that continue to cause damage. Like the “perpetual motion” and the concept that “nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed”. SPAWHE has shown that perpetual motion with the interactive energy between water, air and gravitational force is possible but not convenient. It has also shown that it is not necessary to transform matter. It is sufficient to borrow it and return it with the same chemical composition after having produced energy by exploiting only the physical properties of water and air, gravitational force and the principle of impenetrability of bodies. For these reasons SPAWHE has the right to enter schools for scientific merits, as the Divine Comedy has the same right for literary merits.
Returning to the concept of who I am, which the website must communicate to readers, I say that we humans are inextricably linked to the work we do. Everyone should do what they do best, and what they want to do, even if the society we live in does not always allow us to do what we would like to do. Personally, I was partially lucky to have been hired as my first job at Alfa Romeo in 1970 and to have been placed in the sector that dealt with the specific systems of the plant, which also studied the organization of work and internal transport. However, most of the experiences were wanted by the undersigned, changing work groups every two years on average within the same plant systems, until leaving Alfa Romeo in 1986 to also get to know the public water lifting, purification and energy systems first-hand, as the manager of the mechanical and hydraulic systems of a small installation company.
By voluntarily retiring in 2005 to start my career as an inventor from scratch, I wanted to demonstrate that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Even a single person, without money, who loves their job, can come up with cutting-edge projects that large public and private research institutions cannot conceive, despite the economic means and laboratories they have at their disposal. I have focused particularly on the environmental and energy sectors because I have noticed that they are the weakest sectors from the point of view of the scientific organization of global work, because not enough synergies have been used to develop solutions.
For too long in the world, water has been purified in the wrong way because it neglects alkalinity, while fumes are only filtered. Only recently has energy production been questioned but even new energies are incomplete and do not protect the environment. As a plant designer, I cannot remain silent when I see wrong plants being built and I propose alternatives; those who do not know how to design must at least have the ability to choose and take sides, on one side or the other. In fact, if alternative solutions are ignored by environmental groups, philosophers, writers, journalists, who also denounce the problems, but remain silent about the solutions, there is something dark in their behavior too. I hope that my projects can at least serve to shed light on those who really want to protect the environment. Economic investment can go in the right or wrong direction but it is not only governments and entrepreneurs who decide. Public opinion also has a weight. Alternative planning is the only weapon we have and we have never used it because there are no free planners financed by those who raise funds to protect the environment. It took me fifteen years to study alternative purification solutions by supporting myself financially. The hardest part was deciding the starting points. To avoid making mistakes, I started from the initial phases in which pollution is produced because purification must not be done after, but at the same time as pollution and not only water but also air must be purified with the same cycles. Using common cycles between water and air I could not help but deepen their physical characteristics and their connection with the gravitational force that gradually led to the conception of energies that purify the environment and subsequently, to the artificial heart oxygenating the blood. They could also allow us to escape from the terrestrial environment by adding together the Newtonian and Lorentz thrusts, very different from each other, but which will have the same primary energy source in common
It is clear that governments, multinationals and the United Nations do not have an emergency plan, neither against Covid-19, nor against ocean acidification, nor how to strengthen human immune defenses and extend lifespan itself, nor how to seriously start the space race.
Let them know that the emergency plan is the SPAWHE model that I started to work in 2006, without their collaboration, without copyright, despite the patent filings. Indeed, against their silence that is equivalent to a boycott. Dante Alighieri’s hell is too small to contain the entire current world ruling class. But those who love science and their inventive work cannot bargain the conditions for collaboration. Inventions within the limits of their possibilities, must be developed equally, even without expecting any reward. Future generations who are not to blame, cannot wait. I am the grandfather of eight grandchildren, I cannot leave them in the hands of these governments, inventors and paid scientists, who do not even fear the judgment of history, which they cannot escape. I feel the duty to insist that my impartial solutions, which have cost me a lifetime of work, be verified.
After the accident at the Bargi power plant in Italy, in 2024, I had the confirmation that the current hydroelectric plants are all wrong because they should be designed with complete water recycling, as I have already written since 2015, without being believed by the current world ruling class. But I also had the confirmation that the natural hydraulic jump can be reinforced by mounting in series in the same circuit also a pressurized idioelectric plant with complete water recycling to give more power to the electric motor that feeds the water to the turbine, as visible in the attached figure. This means that the pressurized hydroelectric applications without hydraulic jump without the hydraulic jump are infinite, compatible with the Earth’s environment and human physiology, while current science continues to insist on fossil and nuclear energies that cost a lot and are not compatible, neither with the Earth’s environment, nor with human physiology.
I also had confirmation that the compressed hydroelectric system, in addition to being usable to revolutionize land transport of all types, can also be used to increase the operating pressure of terrestrial water lifting and distribution systems, which today represent one of the largest terrestrial energy expenses, while with the water scheme below, it will become the primary source of terrestrial electricity, as well as the best tool for preventing droughts and floods. Water must not be stored in mountain basins. These must produce energy with the minimum level and water recycling throughout the year and accumulate rainwater in periods without rain to be able to feed the water and electricity network located in the valleys inhabited by humans, with agricultural, industrial, urban water networks.
We do not need the current thermal power plants and electricity and gas distribution networks, but only an efficient terrestrial water distribution and from this we can also extract all the energy needed for civil and agricultural uses. Above all, we do not need the transportation of electrical energy on pylons that has a considerable economic cost and interferes with the natural ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. We do not need solar panels, wind turbines, nuclear power plants. On planet Earth there is nothing that costs less than ionizable and incompressible water, compressible and equally ionizable air and the gravitational force that is everywhere.
With these three elements, the technologies developed and the Spawhe.eu system that coldly extracts energy from the environment, we can extract fixed and mobile energy from the Earth’s environment, without side effects and also use it to go into space, after having pressurized the space wagons with terrestrial air that can be regenerated infinitely together with water with chlorophyll photosynthesis and artificial light.
Planet Earth at the end of the nineteenth century was fortunate to have great geniuses such as Einstein, Tesla, Ferraris, Edison, who very strangely, concentrated on electrical phenomena, never questioning the primary source of world energy, which for them was thermodynamic, as it came from the nuclei of stars and planets. But the most interesting phenomena can be noted above all in electromagnetism, thanks to scientists such as Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1855), Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836), Michael Faraday (1791-1867), William Thomson 1824-1907, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), and finally Hendrik Lorentz (1853 – 1928) who, by deepening his work, identified what is commonly called the Lorentz force. In fact, terrestrial electromagnetism cannot be coupled directly with thermal energy, if we consider that fossil and nuclear fuels are not free like water and air and that technologies are more complex and that we must also add the costs of cooling and air conditioning. It is precisely the scientific paradoxes that allow us to extract energy from the terrestrial environment, which as I said, is very different from the energy of the universe. As it can be developed above all cold, using fluid dynamic principles such as those of Venturi, Pascal, Torricelli, Newton for the purposes of producing force and physical principles, such as the solubility of air in water of Henry and Dalton for purification purposes. But, above all, the electromagnetic principles of Maxwell and Lorentz, must be developed cold to be added to the physical force. In fact, the Lorentz thrust, would be particularly useful in aerospace and submarine transport, obviously, without fuels and nuclear energy. Even more important has been the development of information technology, thanks to young and brilliant inventors, starting with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Linus Torvalds, Tim Berners-Lee, Donald Knuth, Brendan Eich, Solomon Hykes, Mark Zuckerberg, David Heinemeier Hansson, Richard Mathew Stallman, Bram Cohen, Hames Gosling. All these brilliant inventions, unfortunately, have only served to create new billionaires who, for reasons of personal interest, cannot share the self-purifying and self-energetic science of God, which, despite not using any human invention, but only natural chemical, physical, biological processes, at the beginning of the nineteenth century had created a perfect climate for men and animals on the planet Earth. Today, we have reached a dead end. We have no choice. It is necessary to make a selection between useful and harmful inventions and the choice, given the inability of men to make this selection, is being made directly by God, clearly showing the inventions that he does not approve of, increasing floods, droughts, fires that cannot be stopped with the inventions of governments and multinationals. Please read the following article: 22.102024 https://www.spawhe.eu/gods-self-purifying-and-self-energetic-science-is-against-the-science-of-governments-and-multinationals-that-have-produced-global-warming/.

This diagram simultaneously represents the water and energy distribution of the future without any of the current energies. In fact, where water arrives, energy also arrives because the other indispensable elements are atmospheric air and gravitational force. The rest is technology, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, electrical engineering, electronics, mechanics at room temperature, without producing CO2, steam and pollution, because the water purifies itself at each passage through the autoclave and this also applies to mobile systems.

The solutions reported above seem like science fiction and they are. But if it was possible for me to think of them, it is due to the invention of compressed hydroelectricity and the pump with a double separate supply up to the impeller. On planet Earth we have two immense sources of clean energy which are water and atmospheric air, which with the compressed hydroelectric system could power all terrestrial means of transport and work and even take us into space.
Probably, with fire-fighting containers full of water, we could also go into the ionosphere area above the deserts to trigger rains and fight desertification. We will never know if we do not free ourselves from the current way of designing anthropic systems that does not take into account the real climatic functioning of planet Earth.

Climatologists, who developed the above scheme, realized in the last century that the regulation of the Earth’s climate occurs through the ionic exchange between the Earth’s surface and the upper layer of the atmosphere, called the “ionosphere” which extends from 60 km to 1000 km. However, the F2 layer, where the absolute maximum of electronic density occurs in the ionosphere, is located at variable altitudes between 250 and 400 km and has a concentration of about 1012 e/m3 during the day and 5ּ1010 e/m3 during the night. With the current development model, the amount of e/m3 has stabilized at maximum levels, so the Earth’s climate cannot be controlled. All current energies, none excluded, including the transport of electrical energy lead to an unwanted increase in atmospheric gases and electrostatic charges, which did not exist before the advent of the industrial era. This uncontrolled increase in atmospheric gases, electrostatic charges and atmospheric precipitation has not been matched by the design of structural works capable of better distributing the world’s waters, in order to prevent droughts and floods. Even today, for terrestrial science, water is an energy vector only through the hydraulic jump. In other applications, it is an energy and purification cost to be sustained. While for the undersigned, who since 1987, after leaving the automotive industry, to deal with purification and water distribution plants, the natural evolution of terrestrial energy passes precisely through the promotion of water from energy cost to energy vector in all fixed and mobile terrestrial plants. Even though 28 years passed from 1987 to 2015 to invent the inventions of SPAWHE.eu that would allow the construction of hydroelectric plants without the hydraulic jump, even today, in 2025, the correct way to extract clean cold energy from water and air, consuming it on site, without transporting it and without increasing unwanted electrons in the ionosphere, has not been understood by all world science.
In my recent article entitled “sorry for the delay in clarifying, hopefully definitively, some aspects of terrestrial energy” (03.07.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/sorry-for-the-delay-for-the-hopefully-definitive-clarification-of-some-aspects-of-terrestrial-energy) ironically apologized to the world’s people for not having been born a century earlier because my inventions would have completely avoided global warming. But, probably, I would not have been believed anyway, if, as now, I had not belonged to the official academic science linked to the governments of the time. Today it is even more complicated to be believed, there being indissoluble links between governments, multinationals due to the one-way trade of patents of public research institutions towards multinationals. What I assert in the aforementioned article, is the fact that we human beings, with hindsight, could have passed directly from hydroelectric with the hydraulic jump to the one without the hydraulic jump, fixed and mobile and subsequently to the one reinforced with the same electrical energy produced, which would have avoided all thermal inventions, starting from steam boilers, thermal engines, thermal and nuclear power plants, solar panels and wind turbines. Projecting ourselves directly into the electromagnetic and fluid dynamic future of the planet with the water distribution network that would completely replace the electrical one, automatically integrated by the withdrawal of water and energy of all types. Not from single sources but from a universal network that would prevent droughts and floods, as shown in the schemes proposed for years and gradually updated only virtually due to a public and private world ruling class that, still, does not respond. The SPAWHE system applied, always cold, can also take us into space with global linear motors that are powered from inside the transport vehicle with artificial light and the carbon cycle that recycles everything and even captures interstellar dust to integrate minerals. We have only wasted time and almost destroyed the planet following a world ruling class that supports each other so as not to fall and be replaced by a ruling class of opposing factions, which on a scientific and technological level is equivalent. As the real power is in the hands of multinationals that still invest in thermal nuclear solar electric cars and do not want to seriously clean fossil energy as the undersigned has been proposing for years, through artificial rain in limestone greenhouses. In fact, if they used this system, they would realize that it would have very high energy costs and therefore, they too would be forced to invent hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump reinforced with pressurized hydroelectric, which is the true sustainable terrestrial energy.
Completely recycled water is the energy vector, which produces electricity through the pump used as a turbine and the electric current generator. Compressed atmospheric air is the source of energy that, exploited statically, does not need to be recycled (but reintegrated with the small percentage that dissolves in the water to purify it according to the principles of Henry and Dalton). The air that comes out of the vents located on the tank that collects the water at the exit of the turbine, can be recovered and inserted again into the autoclave. It is clear that the electricity produced in this way would cost almost nothing, since the ingredients are already present and functioning in the Earth’s system.The inventions of the SPAWHE.eu system are held back by a global ruling class that wants to continue selling oil and at the same time use artificial intelligence only where it is possible to make easy economic gains without working, with stock market speculation. In fact, with artificial intelligence it is easier to identify companies that grow and those that do not grow, especially because it is the large capitals that allow these power games. Unions and the entire world population do not interfere in scientific and technological matters. Science is made up of public employees and multinationals who must obey their employers. The one-way trade of public patents towards multinationals prevents the creation of truly alternative inventions to the current world power centers. These are the real reasons why none of the forty inventions of SPAWHE have ever been financed and tested. With global warming, damage to the environment and to the production system, especially food, is multiplying. The costs of repairing the damage due to climate change are multiplying because repairs do not last long against a system that is fundamentally wrong. I think that world politicians have demonstrated their impotence in the face of the multinationals of the past linked above all to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They have shared power because, above all, fossil fuels produce immense economic profits. But the new billionaires who base their power on new technologies, above all, IT, technological, should understand that they must free themselves from these cumbersome, heavy and obsolete technologies because terrestrial electromagnetic waves, unlike those of the universe and coming from the center of the Earth, do not need heat to be produced. Indeed, heat is the greatest obstacle to the production of terrestrial electromagnetic waves and also adding together Newton’s and Lorentz’s thrust, which is essential to be able to overcome the gravitational force to navigate in space, with clean energy, breathable by human beings.
It is not enough to be a billionaire to become an energy and environmental inventor. It is not even enough to hire, full time, complacent inventors who develop ideas that are not in line with the biology and physiology of terrestrial beings. 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-mr-bill-gates-on-energy-miracle/.
01.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-mr-elon-musk-who-promised-100-million-dollars-to-those-who-manage-to-capture-co2-from-the-atmosphere/.
The Star Link system, which consists of sending artificial telecommunications satellites with chemical rockets and leaving them to drift in space due to lack of energy, makes no sense, until, gradually, due to gravitational force, they will approach the Earth’s atmosphere, to be destroyed by friction with the atmospheric air. This slow approach to the Earth can take hundreds of years. In the meantime, the planet Earth will be surrounded by a huge amount of space junk that will need to be captured and destroyed when a rational and interactive transport system is developed, which certainly cannot be conceived by the current scientific advisors of billionaires who have failed or produced global warming, which is even worse. My solutions are described in the following unfunded articles of Spawhe.eu:
29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/interstellar-dust-capture-system-and-space-environmental-plants/,
29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-earth-beyond-the-moon-colonizing-space-with-compressed-hydroelectromagnetic-energy-unknown-to-terrestrial-science/
14.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-worldwide-misunderstanding-of-perpetual-motion-that-has-affected-terrestrial-development-and-space-research/
19.02.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-black-holes-to-the-uncertainty-principle-to-the-scientific-organization-of-work-unknown-by-science-and-by-the-authorities-on-earth/
12.05. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/flying-containers-for-rescuing-migrants-and-extinguishing-fires-without-using-fuel/,
03.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-theory-of-general-relativity-to-the-general-artificial-terrestrial-interactivity-unwanted-by-governments-and-multinationals/
03.07.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/sorry-for-the-delay-for-the-hopefully-definitive-clarification-of-some-aspects-of-terrestrial-energy
09.09.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-re-evaluate-the-intellectual-property-of-spawns-inventions-to-stop-global-warming/
22.10. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/gods-self-purifying-and-self-energetic-science-is-against-the-science-of-governments-and-multinationals-that-have-produced-global-warming/
With current technologies, we could make satellites energy autonomous and return them to Earth with energy that is regenerated with artificial light, the carbon cycle and global lunar engines that can overcome the gravitational force in the outward direction and bring the satellites back to controlled speeds for normal maintenance.
New paragraph, added on 19.01.2025 and integrated with the conclusion of the original article.
The space race for world science requires immense economic resources because the major obstacle is due to the opposition of gravitational force and atmospheric pressure, to overcome which, economic alliances between all the countries of the world would be necessary. NASA, which is the most authoritative space agency, has produced very important collateral inventions in the medical, technological and special materials fields, which have had great commercial success, but has lost, due to lack of capital, the energy battle and, recently, the new world billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have come to its aid, investing and collaborating with many billions of dollars to win this great challenge. I did not want to touch on this topic in this article and deal only with terrestrial energy. But I couldn’t help but add this paragraph to the article already written and partially published, after the recent failure of January 16, 2025, when the SpaceX Starship shuttle, one of the most ambitious projects of the space age, suffered a catastrophic explosion in flight a few minutes after takeoff from the launch pad in Boca Chica, Texas. The goal was to complete a 66-minute journey, with a soft splashdown in the Indian Ocean. However, a few minutes after separation, the shuttle’s engines stopped working. A sudden explosion erased all hope, leaving a bright footprint and a large question mark in the sky.
This episode, almost contemporary with the Californian fire and the Abu Dhabi summit, called IUHPE 2025 which means International Union of Health Promotion and Education, in which, for the undersigned, it is evident that the world’s ruling class has not understood that not even renewables can save the planet if we do not change the way of producing global energy, which would be simple and linear, extracting it on site with the SPAWHE,eu system, if the entire world science had not made the mess it did, creating fossil, nuclear, thermal and renewable energies, which do not interact positively with the Earth’s climate system, already set up to work coldly by the creator of the Universe with ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, maintaining the chemical compositions. Physical, biological, electrostatic, electromagnetic, of the elements involved, only increasing the pressure of the energy source (air) and the speed of the energy vector (water) for all terrestrial applications, and as the undersigned has demonstrated, even space in specially designed environments.
Returning to the in-flight explosion of SpaceX’s Starship shuttle, for me, it shows that this is not the best way to bring scientific equipment and crews into space. As I have already written in other articles, it is not necessary to reach escape velocity to exit the Earth’s atmosphere if we produce inside space vehicles, the compressed hydroelectric energy that has been hidden from public and private science worldwide since 2015. This energy is composed of an energy source, which is compressed air and the energy vector, which is water, which are not consumed and are infinitely recyclable, according to the fluid dynamic nonsense proposed by me for many terrestrial applications. With this energy that is not consumed, which in subsequent years also produced global linear engines with joint Newtonian and Lorentz thrust, it is possible to simplify and make both terrestrial and space flights economical.
26.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/what-world-science-has-not-understood-is-the-difference-between-the-universal-primary-energy-and-the-terrestrial-one/
14.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-worldwide-misunderstanding-of-perpetual-motion-that-has-affected-terrestrial-development-and-space-research/
29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-earth-beyond-the-moon-colonizing-space-with-compressed-hydroelectromagnetic-energy-unknown-to-terrestrial-science/
29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/interstellar-dust-capture-system-and-space-environmental-plants/
31.01.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/flying-and-floating-cars-with-interactive-global-linear-motors-and-thrust-of-newton-and-lorentz/
31.01.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/aerospace-and-submarine-transport-system-with-interactive-primary-and-inductive-linear-motors/
With the energy that is not consumed and that automatically renews the operating pressure of the energy source which is compressed air, which comes out of the appropriate vents placed on the recycling tank of the energy vector, which is the very simple incompressible and infinitely recyclable water, placed at the outlet of the hydraulic turbine, which connected to the current generator produces infinitely electric energy, which can also be multiplied, with other similar systems arranged in series or in parallel, which equally, do not consume the energy source and the energy vector, we can produce all the energy we need without paying for the energy source and the energy vector, which today we pay because science has betrayed the world’s people, siding with greedy men of public and private power. In the specific case of the space race, each satellite could be energy autonomous, mounted on an energy autonomous drone. Or, the satellite could be mounted on an energy-autonomous space wagon that reintegrates within itself the part of the energy that is dispersed in space, by means of artificial light, chlorophyll photosynthesis and the natural carbon cycle of humans, animals and food plants grown in the same environment as the means of transport. The only terrestrial energy that can allow this natural scientific and technological miracle at the same time is that produced with the compressed hydroelectric system without the hydraulic jump, which in the mobile version was invented in 2015 and subsequently improved and reinforced, also to go into the atmosphere and into space to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz and improve the circulation and purification circuits of water and atmospheric air inside the space wagons themselves, in the silence of the entire world science. Which is evident, has completely sold out to the world economic powers that continue to produce inventions that produce heat and steam in excess of that required by the life of men, animals and food plants, which is unwanted, both on Earth and in terrestrial and space transport of the present and future. Regardless of energy costs, which only economists without any intellect of chemical, physical, biological concepts can accept. For this reason we are witnessing enrichments, with virtual currencies such as bitcoins that have nothing to do with real work and the proliferation of energies called renewables that in reality are not. As energy must be extracted already clean from the Earth’s environment and developed within the bodies themselves to move on the Earth and also to work the Earth lift loads in construction sites. As written above, in space plants, we only need to integrate the percentage of energy lost starting from chlorophyll photosynthesis. I repeat what I have already written in vain in other articles. When it is necessary to reach temperatures above one thousand degrees centigrade, it is also possible to use coal as long as the cycles are closed with chimneys specifically designed and uselessly patented by the undersigned; limestone greenhouses with artificial rain, overlapping biological ponds, linear sludge digesters, dehydrators with injection of calcium powders for the production of sludge suitable for agriculture so as not to waste anything even from industrial cycles. These solutions have also been uselessly patented worldwide without finding interlocutors. If I had not first studied these solutions, which in any case have not been implemented by the current world ruling class, which continues to keep alive obsolete plants such as the Taranto LLVA and incinerators scattered around the world that do not close the cycles they open, I, Luigi Antonio Pezone, a simple pensioner, former installer of industrial and environmental anthropic plants, designed by public bodies and multinationals, would never have been able to invent the only truly clean and interactive energy, which costs nothing, as raw materials, and has the concrete possibility of taking us into space, always with the help of God. Without which, with the economic means that I had at my disposal, I would have stopped at the first disappointments received from men of power, from servile science, from legislators who deny intellectual property to inventors, without capital, not linked to political and economic power centers, and also demand patent maintenance fees that, obviously, they cannot pay. Unfortunately, for over a century, all of world science has been lost in a glass of water, getting very close to the truth of the true energy source and the true energy vector, without ever delving into the subject, as the undersigned has done, a simple pensioner, without economic means and hindered by scientific, political and multinational silences. If we do not start immediately to change the world’s water distribution and from this extract coldly, in a simple, clean and economic way the entire world energy without dispersing the world’s drinking water, as is currently happening, climate change will continue to destroy the planet and the entire world economy without anyone opposing it because everyone, directly or indirectly, works for those who currently hold the world’s economic power. It was no coincidence that the undersigned had to wait until retirement to develop his own solutions. It was no coincidence that they were not taken into consideration. It is no coincidence that inventors are not recognized as having intellectual property. It is no coincidence that inventors are asked to pay annual industrial patent maintenance fees even if they cannot find financiers. It is no coincidence that no multinational puts the synergy between global anthropogenic plants at the forefront, being specialized in single sectors. None has ever proposed artificial welling as a food source.

No one has ever proposed changing the primary source of world energy from thermal to fluid dynamics, with submerged and compressed hydroelectricity that does not need hydraulic jumps or even dams. The existing ones will be used in the opposite way to the motivation from their conception because energy must be produced without dispersing water with hydraulic jumps. But above all it is necessary to decarbonize and denuclearize all global land, sea, air and space transport because water, air and gravitational force are perfectly complementary to extract clean energy directly from the Earth’s environment. In some cases it is sufficient to make better use of some existing inventions. Among which, centrifugal pumps that mounted backwards can also be used as turbines, and that appropriately modified, with a double separate supply up to the impeller, can allow the infinite recovery of energy-producing water, the bypassing of the recycling pressure and the insertion of the same water into the pressurized production cycle, to repeat the same production cycles ad infinitum until the materials wear out.
God has put men in the position to extract clean electrical and electromagnetic energy for free from the Earth’s environment at all hours of the day and night, at all latitudes and longitudes of the planet, but he has not revealed this truth to everyone. He revealed it to me only after I demonstrated that I was not interested in political and economic power, after having first cleaned fossil energy for free with artificial rain in limestone greenhouses that the powerful of the Earth have not even considered in fixed and polluting plants like the Ilva of Taranto in Italy, which has not found buyers and financing. How many polluting plants like the Ilva of Taranto are there, small and large throughout the world? Why does no one modify them with artificial rain in limestone greenhouses even after I invented a way to bypass gravitational force and produce energy instead of consuming it?
The bypassing of pressure is the basis of the SPAWHE system, and can also allow the production of electromagnetic energy inside the bodies that can also be used in space, carrying with it all the necessary elements. For these reasons, the undersigned has conceived the future space race, as long caravans specialized in the production of the necessary spare parts that should assist each other. The current space exploration with fuels is only a useless waste of economic resources, increased pollution and space junk. We will be ready for the space race only when we learn to extract clean and inexhaustible energy from the terrestrial environment, which the current ruling class is boycotting in every way. Therefore, to go into space we must start from the production of artificial light, chlorophyll photosynthesis, the cultivation of food plants, the recycling of food waste, the global purification of organic and inorganic waste, in infinite cycles integrated with particles present in interstellar dust, captured by vacuum pumps, alongside global linear motors that, working with the same interactive terrestrial principles, would also produce the combined thrusts of Newton and Lorentz, always with the raw material extracted from the closed and pressurized environment at the terrestrial atmospheric pressure of the carriage traveling in space, occupied mainly by elderly human men equipped with artificial hearts that oxygenate the blood, energetically autonomous, and artificial organs that will have replaced the natural organs. But the brain and DNA will be human.
Luigi Antonio Pezone

Luigi Antonio Pezone
Via Caserta, 33
81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Mail lapezone@spawhe.eu
Website map https://www.spawhe.eu
https://www.spawhe.eu/permanent-open-letter-to-ordinary-people-to-explain-spawhes-inventions-in-the-time-of-the-unequal-distribution-of-wealth-global-warming-and-coronaviruses/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-permanente-alla-gente-comune-per-spiegare-le-invenzioni-di-spawhe-nel-tempo-delliniqua-distribuzione-della-ricchezza-del-riscaldamento-globale-e-dei-coronavirus/
https://www.spawhe.eu/about-me/ and about spawhe, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/chi-sono/e– cosa-e-spawhe,
127) 02.03.2025 https://www.spawhe.eu/sustainability-is-not-improvised-it-is-designed/, https://www.spawhe.eu/sustainability-is-not-improvised-it-is-designed/
126) 07.02.2025 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-probable-or-unlikely-financiers-of-spawhe-spa/; https://www.spawhe.eu/lettera-aperta-a-probabili-o-improbabili-finanziatori-di-spawhe-spa
125) 25.01.2025 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-people-of-common-sense-on-the-energy-of-saving-the-climate-and-the-economy-of-planet-earth/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-alle-persone-di-buon-senso-sullenergia-della-salvezza-del-clima-e-delleconomia-del-pianeta-terra/
124) 07.11.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-spawhe-system-can-save-planet-earth-from-global-warming-floods-droughts-and-fires/ https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-sistema-spawhe-puo-salvare-il-pianeta-terra-dal-riscaldamento-globale-dalle-alluvioni-siccita-e-incendi/
123) 22.10. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/gods-self-purifying-and-self-energetic-science-is-against-the-science-of-governments-and-multinationals-that-have-produced-global-warming/; https://www.spawhe.eu/la-scienza-autodepurativa-e-autoenergetica-di-dio-e-contro-la-scienza-dei-governi-e-delle-multinazionali-che-hanno-prodotto-il-riscaldamento-globale/
122) 05.10. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-difference-between-the-energy-of-the-universe-and-that-of-planet-earth/; https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-differenza-tra-lenergia-delluniverso-e-quella-del-pianeta-terra/
121) 16.09.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/third-open-letter-to-un-secretary-general-antonio-guterres-on-the-occasion-of-the-upcoming-future-summit/¸ https://www.spawhe.eu/terza-lettera-aperta-al-segretario-dellonu-antonio-guterres-in-occasione-del-prossimo-vertice-del-futuro/
120) 09.09.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-re-evaluate-the-intellectual-property-of-spawns-inventions-to-stop-global-warming/ https://www.spawhe.eu/it/rivalutiamo-la-proprieta-intellettuale-delle-invenzioni-di-spawhe-per-fermare-il-riscaldamento-globale/
118) 03.07.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/sorry-for-the-delay-for-the-hopefully-definitive-clarification-of-some-aspects-of-terrestrial-energy; https://www.spawhe.eu/it/scusate-il-ritardo-per-il-chiarimento-spero-definitivo-di-alcuni-aspetti-dellenergia-terrestre/
117) 28.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-future-of-terrestrial-common-sense-is-called-submerged-compressed-and-reinforced-hydroelectric-energy-without-the-hydraulic-jump/; https://www.spawhe.eu/il-futuro-di-buonsenso-terrestre-si-chiama-energia-idroelettrica-sommersa-compressa-e-rinforzata-senza-il-salto-idraulico/
116) 20.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-causes-the-culprits-and-spawhes-solution-against-global-warming-second-open-letter-to-the-real-un-secretary-antonio-guterres/; https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-cause-i-colpevoli-e-la-soluzione-di-spawhe-contro-il-riscaldamento-globale-seconda-lettera-aperta-al-vero-segretario-dellonu-antonio-guterres/;
115) 26.05.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-possible-and-scientific-neutralization-of-global-warming-with-the-energy-and-purification-cycle-of-water/; https:// www.spawhe.eu/it/la-possibile-e-scientifica-neutralizzazione-del-riscaldamento-globale-con-il-ciclo-energetico-e-depurativo-dellacqua/
114) 20.04.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-talk-scientifically-about-the-italian-disaster-of-the-bargi-hydroelectric-power-plant/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-scientificamente-della-tragedia-della-centrale-idroelettrica-di-bargi/
113) 15. 02. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lets-talk-about-the-scientific-reasons-for-the-protests-of-european-farmers-that-science-and-governments-hide/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-delle-ragioni-scientifiche-delle-proteste-degli-agricoltori-europei-che-la-scienza-e-i-governi-nascondono/
112) 07. 01. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-per-conoscenza-a-mr-bill-gates-e-mr-elon-musk-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/, https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-for-information-to-mr-bill-gates-and-mr-elon-musk-regarding-environment-and-energy/
112) 07. 01 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-per-conoscenza-a-mr-bill-gates-e-mr-elon-musk-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/, https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-for-information-to-mr-bill-gates-and-mr-elon-musk-regarding-environment-and-energy/
111)19.12.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-science-has-not-understood-that-planet-earth-could-be-energetically-autonomous-without-fossil-fuels-and-nucleated-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-la-scienza-non-ha-compreso-che-il-pianeta-terra-potrebbe-essere-autonomo-energeticamente-senza-combustibili-fossili-ed-energia-nucleare/,
110) 26.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-the-usual-conference-of-global-scientific-hypocrisy-like-the-twenty-seven-previous-cops/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-il-solito-convegno-dellipocrisia-scientifica-mondiale-come-le-ventisette-cop-precedenti/
109) 03.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-theory-of-general-relativity-to-the-general-artificial-terrestrial-interactivity-unwanted-by-governments-and-multinationals/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dalla-teoria-della-relativita-generale-alla-interattivita-generale-artificiale-terrestre-indesiderata-dai-governi-e-dalle-multinazionali/
108) 03. 09 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/world-governments-that-reject-the-extraction-of-clean-energy-from-the-environment-reject-a-perennial-scientific-windfall-from-the-sky/,https://www.spawhe.eu/i-governi-mondiali-che-rifiutano-lestrazione-dellenergia-pulita-dallambiente-rifiutano-una-perenne-manna-scientifica-caduta-dal-cielo/
107) 21.06.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-scientifically-disorganized-work-of-public-bodies-and-multinationals-of-planet-earth/, https://www.spawhe.eu/il-lavoro-scientificamente-disorganizzato-degli-enti-pubblici-e-delle-multinazionali-del-pianeta-terra/
106) 24. 05. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/parliamo-delle-responsabilita-delle-alluvioni-e-di-altre-responsabilita-ancora-piu-gravi/, https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-talk-about-the-responsibilities-of-floods-and-other-even-more-serious-responsibilities/
105) 12.05.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/flying-containers-for-rescuing-migrants-and-extinguishing-fires-without-using-fuel/, https://www.spawhe.eu/container-volanti-per-il-salvataggio-dei-migranti-e-per-spegnere-gli-incendi-senza-luso-di-combustibili/
104) 23.11.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-the-difference-between-virtual-and-real-development/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-la-differenza-tra-uno-sviluppo-virtuale-e-reale/
103) 05.11. 2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-open-letter-to-deputies-senators-world-information-bodies-on-the-subject-of-the-environment-and-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-lettera-aperta-ai-deputati-senatori-organi-di-informazione-mondiali-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/,
102) 10.10.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-new-italian-prime-minister-giorgia-meloni-on-the-subject-of-environment-and-energy/; https://www.spawhe.eu/lettera-aperta-alla-nuova-presidente-del-consiglio-italiano-giorgia-meloni-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/
101) 28.08. 2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/year-2022-record-of-heat-drought-storms-indomitable-fires-economic-inflation/; https://www.spawhe.eu/anno-2022-record-di-calore-siccita-nubifragi-indomabili-incendi-inflazione-economica/
100) 10.05.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/year-2022-the-war-in-ukraine-was-added-to-covid-19-to-the-inexistence-of-interactive-physical-defenses-suitable-for-the-environment-and-the-human-body/; https://www.spawhe.eu/anno-2022-la-guerra-in-ucraina-si-e-aggiunta-al-covid-19-alla-inesistenza-di-difese-fisiche-interattive-adeguate-allambiente-e-al-corpo-umano/
99) 14.04.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-crime-of-omission-of-the-world-public-institutions-in-matters-of-the-environment-energy-and-health-which-favors-multinationals-synthesized-in-the-nursery-rhymes-of-spawhe-eu/ https://www.spawhe.eu/il-reato-di-omissione-delle-istituzioni-pubbliche-mondiali-in-materia-di-ambiente-energia-e-sanita-che-favorisce-le-multinazionali-sintetizzato-nella-filastrocca-di-spawhe-eu/
98) 26.03.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-politics-of-terror-and-irrational-energy-of-nato-russia-and-china/, https://www.spawhe.eu/la-politica-del-terrore-e-dellenergia-irrazionale-della-nato-russia-e-cina/
97)19.02.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-black-holes-to-the-uncertainty-principle-to-the-scientific-organization-of-work-unknown-by-science-and-by-the-authorities-on-earth/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dai-buchi-neri-al-principio-di-indeterminazione-alla-organizzazione-scientifica-del-lavoro-sconosciuta-dalla-scienza-e-dai-potenti-della-terra/
96) 27.11. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/fundraising-in-defense-of-life-according-to-the-spawhe-model/, https://www.spawhe.eu/raccolta-fondi-in-difesa-della-vita-secondo-il-modello-spawhe/
95) 13.11. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-g20s-and-cop2627-cannot-understand-what-science-has-not-yet-understood/, https://www.spawhe.eu/i-g20-e-le-cop2627non-possono-comprendere-quello-che-la-scienza-non-ha-ancora-compreso/
94) 01.11.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/g20-of-the-year-2021-the-conference-of-who-should-save-the-planet-earth-by-immediately-starting-the-interactive-ecological- transition/, https://www.spawhe.eu/g20-dellanno-2021-il-convegno-di-chi-dovrebbe-salvare-il-pianeta-terra-iniziando-subito-la-transizione-ecologica-interattiva/
93) 26.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/what-world-science-has-not-understood-is-the-difference-between-the-universal-primary-energy-and-the-terrestrial-one/, https://www.spawhe.eu/quello-che-la-scienza-mondiale-non-ha-compreso-e-la-differenza-tra-lenergia-primaria-universale-e-quella-terrestre/
92) 14.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-worldwide-misunderstanding-of-perpetual-motion-that-has-affected-terrestrial-development-and-space-research/, https://www.spawhe.eu/lequivoco-mondiale-del-moto-perpetuo-che-ha-condizionato-lo-sviluppo-terrestre-e-la-ricerca-spaziale/
91) 29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-earth-beyond-the-moon-colonizing-space-with-compressed-hydroelectromagnetic-energy-unknown-to-terrestrial-science/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dalla-terra-oltre-la-luna-colonizzando-lo-spazio-con-lenergia-idroelettromagnetica-compressa-sconosciuta-dalla-scienza-terrestre/
90) 29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/interstellar-dust-capture-system-and-space-environmental-plants/, https://www.spawhe.eu/sistema-di-cattura-polveri-interstellari-e-impianti-ambientali-spaziali/
89) 22.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-accompanying-the-open-letter-to-the-new-president-of-the-italian-council/, https://www.spawhe.eu/lettera-aperta-di-accompagnamento-alla-lettera-aperta-al-nuovo-presidente-del-consiglio-italiano/
88) 12.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-italian-government-mario-draghi-in-the-field-of-environment-energy-and-public-health/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/2346-2/ lettera- aperta- al- nuovo- presidente- del –consiglio- del governo- italiano-Mario- Draghi, in- materia- di ambiente- energia-e-sanità-pubblica/
87) 01.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-mr-elon-musk-who-promised-100-million-dollars-to-those-who-manage-to-capture-co2-from-the-atmosphere/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/2346-2/lettera-aperta-al-signor-elon-musk-che-ha-promesso-100-milioni-di-dollari-a-chi-riesce-a-catturare-il-co2-dallatmosfera/
86) 15.01.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/how-you-can-live-most-of-the-human-body-a-well-fed-and-well-oxygenated-brain-technological-scientific-system-of-survival-against-disease-disability-and-old-age/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/fermiamo-la-strage-perenne-di-anziani-mondiali/
85) 27.10. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/where-science-does-not-reach-the-scientific-organization-of-work-arrives-if-it-is-applied-globally/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dove-non-arriva-la-scienza-arriva-lorganizzazione-scientifica-del-lavoro-se-e-applicata-globalmente/,
84) 28. 10. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-great-gap-between-the-science-of-god-and-that-of-man-that-produced-global-warming-and-covid-19/, https://www.spawhe.eu/il-grande-divario-tra-la-scienza-di-dio-e-quella-degli-uomini-che-ha-prodotto-il-riscaldamento-globale-e-il-covid-19/
83) 23. 09. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-greatest-crimes-against-humanity/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/i-piu-grandi-crimini-contro-lumanita/
82) 20.09.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/what-are-the-world-parliamentarians-for/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/a-che-servono-i-parlamentari-mondiali/
81) 14.06 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/a-small-italian-miracle-of-giuseppe-contes-government/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/un-piccolo-miracolo- italiano-del-governo-di-giuseppe-conte/
80) 17.06.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/in-which-virtual-dimension-live-politicians-scientists-and-econimists-who-do-not-know-the-terrestrial-reality/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/in-quale-dimensione-virtuale-vivono-politici-scienziati-ed-economisti-che-non-si-accorgono-della-realta-terrestre/
79) 20.05.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-worldwide-publishers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-agli-editori-mondiali-nel-tempo-del-covid-19/
78) 28.04.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/no-unknown-viruses-will-kill-us-if-we-modify-mans-defenses/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/nessun-virus-sconosciuto-ci-uccidera-se-modifichiamo-le-difese-delluomo/
77) 23.04.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/covid-19-and-the-world-bag-losses-are-due-to-the-unknown-principle-of-body-impenetrability/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-covid-19-e-i-crolli-delle-borse-mondiali-sono-dovuti-allo-sconosciuto-principio-dellimpenetrabilita-dei-corpi/
76) 11.03.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-patent-office-and-the-italian-government-in-the-time-of-the-coronavirus/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-allufficio-brevetti-e-al-governo-italiano-nel-tempo-del-coronavirus/
75) 28.02.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/a-global-stock-company-against-errors-omissions-and-opportunities-wasted-by-science-and-world-power-centers/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/una-societa-per-azioni-globale-contro-gli-errori-omissioni-e-opportunita-sprecate-dalla-scienza-e-dai-centri-di-potere-mondiali/
74) 31.01.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/flying-and-floating-cars-with-interactive-global-linear-motors-and-thrust-of-newton-and-lorentz/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/autovetture-volanti-e-galleggianti-con-motori-lineari-globali-interattivi-spinte-di-newton-e-lorentz/
73) 31.01.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/aerospace-and-submarine-transport-system-with-interactive-primary-and-inductive-linear-motors/, http://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-di-trasporto-aerospaziale-e-sottomarino-con-motori-lineari-globali-interattivi-primari-e-indotti/
72) 19.12.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/against-the-inefficiency-of-the-united-nations-and-governments-even-the-obed-of-widow-may-be-useful-to-protect-the-environment/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/contro-linefficienza-delle-nazioni-unite-e-dei-governi-anche-lobolo-della-vedova-potrebbe-essere-utile-alla-protezione-dellambiente/
71) 16.09.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/environmental-projects-and-replies-of-a-false-general-secretary-of-the-un/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/progetti-ambientali-e-risposte-di-un-falso-segretario-generale-dellonu/
70) 3.09.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-global-warming-has-been-produced-legally/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-riscaldamento-globale-e-stato-prodotto-legalmente/
69) 30.05.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-that-the-current-generations-do-not-understand-are-the-best-resource-of-future-generation/, https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-that-the-current-generations-do-not-understand-are-the-best-resource-of-future-generation/
68) 15.04.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-omission-crime-is-the-daily-bread-of-sciences-bureaucrats-and-world-governments/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-reato-di-omissione-e-il-pane-quotidiano-delle-scienze-burocrati-e-governi-mondiali/
67) 11.03.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/hydroelectric-greenhouses-for-the-purification-of-fumes-co2-and-water-with-natural-alkalinisation/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/serre-idroelettriche-depuratrici-dei-fumi-co2-e-acqua-con-alcalinizzazione-naturale/
66) 25.01.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop24-the-replies-that-miss-to-greta-thunberg-yellow-gilets-poor-countries-and-sustainable-inventions/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop24-le-risposte-che-mancano-a-greta-thunberg-gilet-gialli-paesi-poveri-e-invenzioni-sostenibili/
65) 10.12.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/someone-in-the-world-should-prohibit-the-incomplete-inventions-of-science/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/qualcuno-nel-mondo-dovrebbe-vietare-le-invenzioni-incomplete-della-scienza/
64) 30.08.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/development-and-the-environment-penalized-by-science-and-international-laws/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lo-sviluppo-e-lambiente-penalizzati-dalla-scienza-e-dalle-leggi-internazionali/
63) 18.08.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/who-govern-the-world-the-sovereign-states-or-the-world-bag/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/chi-governa-il-mondo-gli-stati-sovrani-oppure-la-borsa-mondiale/
62) 11.06.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-frode-del-debito-pubblico-mondiale/, https://www.spawhe.eu/the-world-public-debt-fraud/
61) 31.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/artificial-heart-oxygenator-of-blood-energyically-autonomous/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cuore-artificiale-ossigenatore-del-sangue-autonomo-energeticamente/
60) 30.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/sustainable-environmental-design-is-a-social-duty-of-world-institutions-mini-domestic-water-purification-system-with-hydroelectric-energy-production/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-progettazione-ambientale-sostenibile-e-un-dovere-sociale-delle-istituzioni-mondiali-mini-sistema-di-depurazione-acqua-domestica-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/
57) 04.03.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/pct-it2016-000202-open-letter-to-w-i-p-o-and-the-international-legal-offices/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/pct-it2016-000202-lettera-aperta-alla-w-i-p-o-e-agli-uffici-legali-internazionali/
56) 01.03.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/we-integrate-the-principles-of-energy-conservation-to-correct-the-serious-errors-of-science/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/integriamo-i-principi-della-conservazione-dellenergia-per-correggere-i-gravi-errori-della-scienza/
55) 19.02.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-lost-civilizations-einsteins-thought-and-survival-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-civilta-perdute-il-pensiero-di-einstein-e-lenergia-di-sopravvivenza/
54) 29.12.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/compressed-air-is-much-more-powerful-practice-and-economic-of-hydrogen/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/laria-compressa-e-molto-piu-potente-pratica-ed-economica-dellidrogeno/
53) 07.12.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/after-the-failure-of-cop23-it-is-needful-to-realize-prototypes-of-interactive-energy-before-cop24/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/dopo-il-fallimento-della-cop23-e-necessario-realizzare-i-prototipi-dellenergia-interattiva-prima-della-cop24/
52) 30.11.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop23-the-unthinkable-has-already-been-thought-with-interactive-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop23-limpensabile-e-gia-stato-pensato-con-lenergia-interattiva/
51) 10.11.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-23-the-mysteries-of-the-interactive-energy-and-depurations-hided-by-the-institutions/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop-23-i-misteri-dellenergie-e-delle-depurazioni-interattive-occultate-dalle-istituzioni/
50) 31.10.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-force-of-rational-scientific-global-reasoning-made-instant-by-instant/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-forza-del-ragionamento-razionale-scientifico-globale-fatto-istante-per-istante/
49) 30.10.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/a-new-development-model-with-interactive-energy-and-rich-floating-camps-built-in-oceans-with-petroleum-derivates/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/un-nuovo-modello-di-sviluppo-con-energie-interattive-e-ricche-colonie-galleggianti-negli-oceani-costruite-con-i-derivati-del-petrolio/
48) 30.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-world-revolution-of-transportation-unwanted-by-manufacturers-by-science-by-the-governments-and-others/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-rivoluzione-mondiale-dei-trasporti-indesiderata-dai-costruttori-dalla-scienza-dai-governi-e-da-altri/
47) 30.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/archimedes-was-wrong-but-the-science-has-never-correct-him/, https://www.spawhe.eu/archimedes-was-wrong-but-the-science-has-never-correct-him/
46) 04.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-inexhaustible-and-protective-of-the-environment-unwanted-by-science-and-governments/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lenergia-interattiva-inesauribile-e-protettiva-dellambiente-indesiderata-dalla-scienza-e-dai-governi/
45) 20.08.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/if-science-was-been-globally-applied-current-energies-and-depurations-would-not-have-a-future/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/se-la-scienza-fosse-applicata-globalmente-le-attuali-energie-e-depurazioni-non-avrebbero-un-futuro/
44) 04.08.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/learn-to-extract-better-energy-from-the-environment/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impariamo -a-estrarre-meglio-lenergia-dallambiente/
43) 31.07.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/aerospatial-pressurized-hydroelectric-transport-system-with-turbofan-and-compressed-air-injection/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-di-trasporto-aerospaziale-idroelettrico-pressurizzato-con-turboventilatori-e-iniezione-di-aria-compressa/
42) 13.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu /the-hoax-of-the-fight-against-global-warming/, https://www.spawhe.eu/the-hoax-of-the-fight-against-global-warming/
41) 13.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/defend-the-environment-and-territory-from-floods-by-producing-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/difendere-lambiente-e-il-territorio-dalle-alluvioni-producendo-energia/
40) 10.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-fossil-energy-that-pollute-costs-more-of-clean-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lenergia-fossile-che-inquina-costa-di-piu-dellenergia-pulita/
39) 14.01.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/hydroelectric-power-auto-with-peripheral-torque-to-the-wheels/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/auto-idroelettrica-con-coppia-motrice-periferica-alle-ruote/
38) 04.01.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/fighting-global-warming-extending-the-borders-of-perpetual-motion/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/combattiamo-il-riscaldamento-globale-ampliando-i-confini-del-moto-perpetuo/
37) 15.12.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurized-domestic-hydraulic-system-producer-of-hydroelectric-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-idraulico-domestico-pressurizzato-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/
36) 25.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop22-failed-international-crime-of-states-not-punished-when-the-collapse-of-worldwide-economy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop22-fallito-reati-internazionali-degli-stati-non-puniti-quando-il-crollo-delleconomia-mondiale/
35) 15.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/marrakech-2016-is-there-a-conspiracy-or-is-only-scientific-technological-political-legislative-incompetence-which-increases-the-co2-in-the-environment/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/marrakech-2016-esiste-un-complotto-o-e-soltanto-incompetenza-scientifica-tecnologica-politica-legislativa-che-incrementa-il-co2-nellambiente/
34) 11.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurised-submerged-hydroelectric-plants-in-wells-with-lifting-and-oxigenation/, https://www.spawhe.eu/impianti-idroelettrici-pressurizzati-sommersi-in-pozzi-con-sollevamento-e-ossigenazione/
33) 10.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurised-submerged-hydroelectric-plants-in-basins-with-lifting-and-oxygenation/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianti-idroelettrici-pressurizzati-sommersi-in-bacini-con-sollevamento-e-ossigenazione/,
32) 31.08.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pumps-and-turbines-with-separated-double-supply-until-to-the-impeller/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/elettropompe-e-turbine-con-doppia-alimentazione-separata-fino-alla-girante/
31) 22.07.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/relativity-and-technology-in-the-new-hydroelectric-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/relativita-e-tecnologia-nella-nuova-energia-idroelettrica/
30) 11.07.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-sustainable-future-of-environment-energy-food-and-labour-is-based-on-the-new-hydrology/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-futuro-sostenibile-dellambiente-dellenergia-dellalimentazione-e-del-lavoro-e-basato-sulla-nuova-idrologia/
29) 30.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/autoclave-system-for-water-pumping-hydroelectric-energy-producer/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-autoclave-per-sollevamento-idrico-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/
28) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/floating-system-with-extruded-polyethylene-pipes-ribbed-reinforced-and-filled-with-polystyrene/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-di-galleggiamento-con-tubi-in-polietilene-estrusi-nervati-rinforzati-e-riempiti-di-polistirolo/
27) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/floating-system-hydroelectric-desalter-extractor-of-calcium-and-carbon-from-marine-deep-water/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-galleggiante-idroelettrico-dissalatore-estrattore-di-calcio-e-carbonio-dalle-acque-marine-profonde/
26) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/vertical-desalinators-demineralizers-by-ion-exchange-with-hydroelectric-energy-production/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/desalinizzatori-demineralizzatori-verticali-a-scambio-ionico-con-produzione-di-energia-idroelettrica/
25) 15. 04.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/where-is-the-science-and-where-hope/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/dove-la-scienza-e-dove-la-speranza/
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19) 31.10.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-probable-reasons-for-the-lack-protection-of-the-environment/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-probabili-ragioni-della-scarsa-protezione-dellambiente/
18) 16.10.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/global-synergy-plants-for-depuration-biomass-production-and-thermoelectric-cogeneration-gspdptc/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianti-sinergici-globali-per-depurazione-produzione-di-biomasse-e-cogenerazione-termoelettrica-gspdptc/
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15) 15. 06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/also-churches-and-associations-should-learn-to-design/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/anche-le-chiese-e-le-associazioni-devono-imparare-a-progettare/,
14) 11.06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/energy-right-at-the-right-time-in-the-right-place-2/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-energie-giuste-al-momento-giusto-al-posto-giusto/
13) 03.06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/second-open-letter-to-the-european-commission/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/seconda-lettera-aperta-al-parlamento-e-alla-commissione-europea/
12) 10.05.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/appeal-for-spawhe-on-the-occasion-of-expo-2015/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/appello-per-spawhe-in-occasione-dellexpo-2015/
11) 05.04.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/last-appeal-for-spawhe-before-the-expiration-of- international-patents/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/ultimo-appello-per-spawhe-prima-del-decadimento-dei-brevetti-internazionali/
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9) 30.11.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-water-and-energy-revolution-in-eight-global-projects-to-cool-the-planet-create-eating-and-work/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-rivoluzione-dellacqua-e-dellenergia-in-otto-progetti-globali-per-raffreddare-il-pianeta-creare-alimentazione-e-lavoro-2/
8) 21.10.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-perpetual-energetic-motion-is-possible-in-the-fixed-and-mobile-versions/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-moto-perpetuo-energetico-e-possibile-nelle-versioni-fisse-e-mobili/
7) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/capture-cooling-purification-chimneys-ccpc-international-patent-n-patent-wo2014-076724-and-subsequent-invention-air-filtration-and-thermal-exchange-tower-aftet/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/ciminiere-di-cattura-e-purificazione-fumi-ccpc-brevetto-internazionale-n-wo2014-076724-e-successiva-invenzione-integrativa-torre-di-filtrazione-aria-e-scambio-termico-aftet/
6) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/capture-cooling-purification-chimneys-ccpc-international-patent-n-patent-wo2014-076724-and-subsequent-invention-air-filtration-and-thermal-exchange-tower-aftet/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/fabbricato-sinergico-verticale-fsv-vsb-per-depurazione-acqua-e-co2-piu-produzione-di-biomasse/
5) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/linear-synergistic-system-of-digestion-dehydration-and-composting-ldcc/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-sinergico-di-digestione-disidratazione-e-compostaggio-lineare-d-d-c-l/
4) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/global-synergy-plants-for-depuration-biomass-production-and-thermoelectric-cogeneration/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-sinergico-di-depurcogeproduzione-termoelettrica-coperta-globale-d-c-p-t-c-g/
3) 28.02. 2013 https://www.spawhe.eu/closing-the-anthropogenic-carbon-cycle/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-chiusura-del-ciclo-di-carbonio-antropogenico/
2) 28.11. 2007 https://www.spawhe.eu/phosphor-removal-from-detergents-wastewater-and-greywater-recycling-system-for-flushing-toilets/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/phosphor-removal-from-detergents-wastewater-and-greywater-recycling-system-for-flushing-toilets/
1) 15.11.2007 https://www.spawhe.eu/english-curriculum-vitae/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/curriculum-vitae-italiano/
Best regards
Luigi Antonio Pezone