About me and about SPAWHE (updated)

I am a simple retired technician, who with the help of his experience, accumulated by installing industrial and environmental systems in a lifetime of work, has tried to propose inventions of environmental, energy, health and space public utility with interactive systems, which are they differentiate from current terrestrial solutions because interactivity gives the solutions the multidisciplinarity of the processes and therefore the increase in energy and purification yields and their contemporaneity, extracting energy directly from the environment. Therefore, we no longer need the transport of raw materials to produce energy and we do not even need the transport of the same energy with pylons or with underground electrical cables. While the world is preparing to transform hydrogen into fuel and to replace high pylons with underground cables, the undersigned states without the slightest doubt that compressed air is much cheaper and does not need combustion to produce energy. Therefore it does not wear out. The small percentage that dissolves in the energy vector, which is the very simple water, according to Henry’s principle, is released into the environment at the exit of the hydraulic turbines. Therefore, it can be compressed again and inserted into the autoclaves, which work in one way using the principle of impenetrability of the bodies and the pumps with the double separate power supply up to the impeller to extract the energy from the terrestrial environment. Obviously, we can artificially create the terrestrial environment even in the environments that we will create to travel in space with this energy that is not consumed and purifies itself. Only with this type of energy can we think of facing space travel of infinite duration.

I ended my career as an inventor with an open letter addressed to the Creator of the Universe, who probably inspired me with these solutions, to let him know that I have finished my work. If it is possible, I would like to finally enjoy the longed-for retirement and be closer to the grandchildren, since the work has not made me enjoy my daughters. For love of them and for future generations I could not escape this hard task. Inventing new space-based, energy, health and environmental solutions was very exciting, but communicating with the current world ruling class was like hitting a huge wall of rubber. This is demonstrated by the fact that not even one of the more than forty inventions deposited by the undersigned at the Italian Patent Office has been tested. In fact, I did not invent a single invention but a model of terrestrial and universal development, where everything is connected as in Albet Einstein’s specific and general relativity. But Einstein only discovered the two relativities created by the Creator of the Universe. He did not invent any system of logical connection between the science of man and that of God. He did not understand that terrestrial sciences and technologies must be much more delicate than the universal ones, as they must be derived from photosynthesis, the carbon cycle. , biochemistry, which develop at terrestrial pressures and temperatures. In fact, even if the earthly science in the year 2021 has not yet understood it, we can produce a primary and induced energy not linked to universal thermodynamics but to terrestrial fluid dynamics to produce physical forces and an electromagnetism perfectly compatible with the universal one.

I do not consider myself a super man, which is why I think the Creator of the Universe wanted to give me a hand in developing my solutions. However, without the scientific breakthroughs of scientists of the last century and previous ones, I could not have done a good job. I simply did the work I learned to do in industry and the environment, which is to put together the machines and plants following the industrial and environmental work cycles at the same time. Those who preceded me in the last century doing this work produced global warming because it did not close all the cycles it opened. To close them it was necessary to modify some machines and systems, as the undersigned did in his intellectual patents, silenced by terrestrial science, by governments, by entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, the politicians and economists who governed and manage the planet think that the development model created is already quite up to date. Instead, they do nothing but move from one emergency to another, relying on specific scientific committees: environmental, health, economic, which can do nothing but deal with the specific emergency, not being able to question the details of the model. development created by mutual agreement between governments and multinationals born after the Second World War. This model of development is wrong from the ground up precisely because development was created on specific inventions of man, never selected and never considered globally. Not even after having encountered the serious phenomena produced by global pollution, such as the melting of glaciers, and the acidification of the oceans, which the undersigned also proposed to combat through “artificial welling”

I was not surprised that none of my more than forty inventions were never made and I was not surprised that no one has ever replied to my open letters, but thank God, I have reached the end of my journey as an inventor, which I cannot say it was planned. Even my inventions, like all inventions, are random and specific, but compared to the inventions that have produced the current development model, they are different because they have closed all the main and collateral work cycles within the invented anthropic system. When I was unable to close all the cycles, I invented a subsequent invention that completed the work left open by the previous one. Unfortunately, this elementary logic has not been followed by the current inventions of multinationals and world public bodies. Probably, if they had followed it, at the end of the path of inventions, they would have realized that on planet Earth we do not need fuels, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, coal mines. The simplest and cheapest way to produce energy, heat, cold, to move on earth and in space is to extract energy directly from the environment, without opening unnecessary thermal and nuclear cycles that it is impossible to completely close.

The fact that none of the inventions published on SPAWHE has been tested and implemented by governments and world multinationals does not even absolve the opposition that did not demand experimentation. There are no extenuating circumstances for the entire world ruling class. Inventions of world public utility can and must be criticized from a technical, scientific and economic point of view.  Only constructive criticism can lead to progress. Instead, in the case of SPAWHE’s inventions, we witnessed general silence without anyone explaining the reasons. I, as an inventor, have criticized current anthropogenic inventions with constructive criticism, without asking for anything in return for my work. Current absurd Earth laws require inventors to prove at their own expense that their inventions work. If I wanted to prove that spawhe inventions work I would have had the wealth of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk together. Instead I am a pensioner who lives with his family on 1800 euros per month.

The acronym SPAWHE (synergic plants, artificial welling, hydro electromagnetism) has become too small to contain all the necessary inventions that should update the world state of the art of sciences and technologies. It is no wonder that after sixteen years of work I believe less and less in science and world institutions and more and more in God. had it helped I would not have found the links that have eluded all world science.

It was not easy to discover them without research laboratories. I had to put together my experiences in industry and the environment. I had to think about modifying the way pumps, turbines, autoclaves and anthropogenic plants in general work. The current divisions of scientific expertise of university faculties and scientific research in general have led to large specific insights in all sciences which have brought small benefits globally. In this world of great specializations, the most important specialization is lacking, that of knowing how to globally design anthropogenic plants so that individual specializations do not hinder each other for commercial reasons. Not scientific. The undersigned has been communicating this message for a long time. Unfortunately to no avail because the specialists do not know and do not want to answer globally. Only God could do it, but as we know, he has granted us free will and does not explicitly intervene if he does not approve of man-made man-made plants. But I, who have been a designer and installer of systems for a whole life, I wonder how he could approve them? I don’t think I’m an instrument in God’s hands because they don’t deem me worthy of that honor. But I challenge the whole of world science to prove where my solutions are wrong. If they prove my mistakes, they will not prove that they are right but that I simply made mistakes, as they did. But they had the tools and the capital to correct them and they didn’t. To be wrong is human, it is not human not to correct mistakes. For this reason, inventors, at least as retirees, must be independent from whoever pays them their salary.

Here is SPAWHE’s nursery rhyme:

“The cleaning of fossil energy published in Spawhe.eu, is based, above all on inorganic chemistry that is able to absorb CO2, producing carbonates in the water. To speed up the processes and reduce the energy costs that would have involved the circulation of very large quantities of water necessary to neutralize the very large quantities of CO2 emitted by the current thermal power plants and heat engines, it has gradually been transformed technologically into solutions of less space by exploiting the principles Pascal and Henry.  In fact, I realized that on planet Earth, all the activities that nature produces through organic and inorganic chemistry, photosynthesis and the carbon cycle can be increased in speed without any need to use thermal, nuclear energy and current renewables. It is sufficient only to increase the operating pressures of the systems, modify the circulation pumps and make the machines work differently. In fact, natural interactive systems expel, with the times required by nature, the elements extraneous to natural cycles, due to accidental polluting phenomena, including direct and indirect thermal effects due to volcanic explosions, to natural fires that have always existed on the planet. The current industrial activities of men have multiplied exponentially the elements extraneous to natural cycles, therefore nature is no longer able to restore interactive balances. Obviously, this is my truth and in the entire website, I explain how, in my opinion, we should have created global plants that purify both fumes and water at the same time before they go to pollute the soils, rivers, lakes and seas. Having not done this in any country in the world, it has not been possible to advance the state of the art of purification to make it known to other countries. Therefore, the advancement of the state of the global purification art has not occurred. Consequently, it was not even possible to notice that the water circulation pumps, if we make them work in the direction of gravitational force, by placing them in series with the turbines, we could extract the energy directly from the environment. Having not done this, it was not possible to realize that the water circulation pumps, if in addition to making them pump in the direction of gravitational force, we modify them on the suction side and make them another inlet clearly separated from the main one up to the same impeller , we can always use the same water to create energy because we use one feed to recycle the water from the upper basin and the other feed to introduce into the same impeller the water discharged from a turbine fed by falling water from the same upper basin. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that by replacing the upper basin with a pressurized autoclave with compressed air, it being understood that we use a turbine connected to the outlet of the autoclave, we can recover the water drained from the turbine and insert it back into the autoclave, whose pressurized water is recycled with the same impeller of the pump by means of the second supply. In this way, with the same water and the same compressed air, we would have produced a current generator that extracts energy from the environment, with quite small dimensions. Having not done this, it was not possible to further reduce the dimensions of this current generator by increasing the operating pressure of the autoclave in order to be able to mount it on cars and trucks, on agricultural tractors. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions can still be reduced by using submersible pumps as turbines mounted directly in cylindrical tubes that would act as autoclaves. Therefore, these groups could be used to be inserted directly into the wells to raise the water and at the same time oxygenate the aquifers which today are polluted by agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and fecal coliforms. In fact, we know that part of the air that pressurizes the autoclave dissolves in the water according to Henry’s principle, purifying the water for free. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions could be reduced even further. Even miniaturized and instead of purifying the water from the wells we could purify the human blood, placing two small autoclaves side by side that would replace the right and left ventricles, creating energetically autonomous artificial hearts that would feed the systemic circuit that oxygenates the brain and the lungs to lengthen the life of the ‘man. Having not done this, it was not possible to think that pressurized cylindrical autoclaves can be incorporated an external cylinders containing water at atmospheric pressure, outside of which sliding tracks of permanent magnets mounted on transmission chains driven by motors can be made electric at variable revolutions that would produce an electromagnetic flux of variable intensity which would produce induced currents in a solenoid outside the same water tank. Therefore, we could produce in this tank a linear electromagnetic thrust force according to Lorentz’s law at the ambient temperature, without fuel that could be added to the reaction thrust of Newton that would be produced by propellers driven by electric motors always commanded by generators. of current that produce the primary hydroelectric energy, fed by submersible pumps used as turbines placed inside the central reservoirs. Not having done this, it was not possible to replace the current thermal turbofans of aircraft to travel in the atmosphere and in space with energy extracted directly from the environment, it was not possible to create flying cars, nor submarines that move with the same system without fuel.  It was not possible to make the ships travel without fuel, nor to mount the same system to make mobile barriers in the sea to defend ourselves from high waters. It was not even possible to think that in the space travel of the future we can add to the global linear motors an external steel tunnel connected to the turbo fan, where it will produce a higher vacuum higher than the surrounding space vacuum and connect this tunnel with a small vacuum pump to a thickening tank of the captured powders, which will be emptied periodically letting in the atmospheric air which will feed an electrostatic filter that will recover the powders that will be used together with the other interactive purification and energy plant inventions described on the website https: //www.spawhe.eu to make humans survive even in space without suffering physiological damage due to the absence of atmospheric pressure, gravity, food resources and raw materials to build spare parts for the machines necessary for survival in space. In fact, atmospheric air and water will fill the space caravan wagons full of human beings and will be endlessly recycled, suitably replenished with artificial photosynthesis and carbon cycle, while general gravity will be reinforced, becoming very similar. to the terrestrial one, electrostatically polarizing the paths of atmospheric conditioned air and recycled water in the interactive, energy and purification, compressed hydroelectromagnetic plants, still unknown to terrestrial science. Current science has forgotten that the primary fluid dynamic energy is produced by the flow rate for the density of the fluid itself. Therefore, the best solution to produce clean energy at low cost and in infinite quantities is: to use compressed air as an energy source (which is not consumed) and water as an energy carrier (which with the use of new pumps with separate double power supply up to the impeller, can recycle it indefinitely by exploiting the maximum pressure of the compressed air and the maximum density of the water at the same time. In the simple formula of fluid dynamic energy mentioned above, no heat source is needed. This is the biggest mistake in world science because water is not only the best physical and hydraulic energy carrier, it is also the best electromagnetic carrier, having the natural ability to ionize into ions (H+) and (OH-). This ability was given to her directly by nature, that is, by GOD. Excluding water from energy production means excluding physical, chemical, biological and neurological life, above all, producing energy coldly. So much so that among the inventions of the undersigned, there is also the artificial heart which oxygenates human blood, which could extend human life by several hundred years. Obviously, together with other parallel inventions in the field of medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, which are still to be developed. But air and water, which are fundamental, are provided free by Nature and the artificial heart, at least as a project, is provided free by the undersigned, who has not found financiers. I believe that the artificial heart that oxygenates the blood was not financed by the current ruling class because, if it works, it demonstrates that men have made mistakes in the most important inventions for the survival of nature and the human race, just to accumulate money.”

Luigi Antonio Pezone.

With my latest intellectual invention titled Interstellar Dust Capture System and Space Environmental Implants and my latest publication titled From the Earth Beyond the Moon, Colonizing Space with Compressed Hydroelectromagnetic Energy unknown to Earth science, I believe I have concluded my activity of inventor and writer of unwanted solutions by world power centers and power centers that oppose the dominant powers, having collected silences on both sides.

These silences weigh like boulders on the entire world development because the SPAWHE rhyme shows that we are wrong in both the purification systems and the energy ones, not only from the point of view of energy and environmental efficiency, but also of the economy. Just as there can be no comparison between chemistry and biochemistry and between magnetism and electromagnetism, all the more reason we cannot compare the current hydroelectric energy with compressed hydroelectromagnetism, because already the banal hydroelectric energy with the hydraulic jump is an energy supplied for free. from the gravitational force without the cost of transforming matter. Made combined with the pressure and recycling of water and air, it also involves free general biochemistry enhanced by the operating pressures in the autoclaves, as it involves the immense electromagnetic applications of current generators coupled to hydraulic turbines, of electric motors that produce drive torques and linear thrusts. Furthermore, since we do not develop heat to produce energy, we do not have to worry about purifying fumes or even cooling the steam. Therefore the anthropic plants would become in general, but above all the means of transport and work, lighter, more compact, efficient and economical. The reasons why this model of development based on global scientific reasoning has not been realized is due to the specialized scientific and technical culture pursued by both world universities, government ministries and multinationals. The world trade in patents that has developed on these specialized inventions, between public and private entities, excludes any possibility of producing globally reasoned inventions.

I have never opposed with legal appeals against the patent offices for the approximately twenty-five patents that have not been granted to me and I have never paid the maintenance fees of the approximately seventeen patents (eleven Italian and six international) that have been granted to me. Why would I have to pay these taxes if no public or private body in the world has shown interest in realizing them? Just to verify if my global and interactive applications were ignored only by the Italian political science political and entrepreneurial ruling class, I wanted to try to probe the world executive class in entrepreneurial science politics, filing the most important patents strategically at an international level, paying about 20,000 euro of additional expenses just for filing patents. The result was also the same at the international level. Global and interactive science and technology applications are unknown and unwanted globally and the undersigned in order to keep his global and interactive patents alive would have had to unnecessarily pay annual patent maintenance fees in all countries of the world while waiting for the world understand that the current specific inventions of the inventors of the past and of the current multinationals, if they do not become interactive, will continue to remain polluting inefficient, bulky and uneconomical.

Not only can we not solve climate problems, but all other related problems as well. For example, the current way of extinguishing fires that are becoming more and more widespread with Canadair is ridiculous from the point of view of efficiency and economics: If we don’t add Newton’s and Lorentz’s push together, we can’t stop the amount of water needed for extinguishing on the outbreaks of fires without dispersing it in the atmosphere.

Who I am and what SPAWHE is, after the latest intellectual inventions, I can no longer say because I myself did not expect to be able to propose these solutions. If someone has enlightened me from above, do something more concrete to convince the skeptics. I will keep my website alive as long as I am master of my mental faculties, but I will not make other inventions, I will not publish other articles, I will not participate in conferences as a speaker. What I had to say personally or what was inspired to me by any higher entity, I think I have written it clearly. Men have been granted free will. They are the ones who must decide by whom they are to be governed and which inventions are to be tested and implemented. I prefer to come out with clean hands, without conflicts of interest. If I had found financiers and turned into an entrepreneur to carry out the cleaning of fossil energy as I had originally thought, by modifying the chimneys, the sewers and the purifiers, I would certainly have solved the problem of global warming. I was not granted this great honor, but if it had been granted to me and had continued to be an inventor, it would have been inevitable not to go into conflicts of interest with subsequent inventions. In fact, by extracting energy directly from the environment, fossil energy is not necessary and therefore it is not even necessary to clean it. Spawhe’s nursery rhyme, therefore, in addition to showing the possible evolution of the world state of the art of environmental protection and sustainable energy, also shows the conflicts of interest that arise between those who produce and market the previous and subsequent solutions.

Only the world ruling class pretends not to see these enormous conflicts of interest holding back progress. For this reason, inventors must not become entrepreneurs, but also for other more practical reasons. Inventions rarely arise from a sudden brilliant idea, just as rarely a researcher who investigates specific problems produces an invention. It is more likely that an invention arises from the crossed experience of different applications, but people rarely change jobs to meet new experiences if they are not forced by particular circumstances. Personally, I left the big industry to work in the environment to learn about the different types of anthropogenic plants. I would not have done so if there had not been a small economic incentive for Fiat to resign spontaneously as it was about to buy Alfa Romeo and therefore had to cut down on excess personnel. The passage of the undersigned from the organization of industrial work, where everything is connected and automated to the construction of isolated environmental plants in the territory that perform individual functions of lifting water, purifying the same water, or air, or producing energy hydroelectric, or thermal, or solar, or wind, it opened my mind to build multidisciplinary global plants as a retiree. I did not know the difficulties that I would have found on the part of the opposing interests of all the world specialist categories who do not want to change anthropogenic plants of any kind to continue selling and marketing obsolete plants. Only apparently innovative, such as electric cars and scooters that involve a greater production of fossil energy to charge them.

I don’t know if the Creator of the Universe has given me a hand. If he did, he didn’t give me secret formulas. He helped me to take a virtual rational path that gradually leads to discarding the inventions outdated by subsequent reasoning, without any government and any entrepreneur having spent a single dollar or euro for experimentation. It is obvious that no government and no multinational would ever have raised the money to develop interactive inventions to hide errors and conflicts of interest.

I believe in mine solutions precisely because they are simple to understand regardless of the help I may have received from a higher entity. Anyone with a scientific basis can understand them. All he has to do is start over from the beginning of the articles and inventions published, without missing any passage. Even if the path is very long and varied, sooner or later, one will find all the links that bind the previous inventions to the following ones, up to the global linear engines that capture the poor interstellars to create energy and feed the terrestrial colonizers. It is not strange that this solution would be simpler than the extraction of the same minerals from the earth, which require extraction wells, mines and subsequent heating to high temperatures to separate them from other minerals, as in the case of lime in ferrous materials. Isn’t it simpler and less cumbersome to produce hydroponic power in space, recycling everything by integrating with spatial dust, instead of hoeing the earth?

By being an inventor, my faith in the creator of the universe increased. But it is no longer based on an act of faith by those who do not understand. I understood that the science of God is millions of times superior to that of man even if it does not use technology. This must be used by humans to locally stimulate the interactive energy and natural purification processes at higher speeds in the presence of phenomena that require a greater concentration of energy or purification. In any case, the energy must be extracted from compressed air by gravitational force or artificially, using water as an energy vector, without transforming the matter, but recycling it endlessly. This is also true in the human body to heal diseases and extend human life (by replacing water with blood). But it is also valid in Space, bringing with it the quantities of water, air, artificial photosynthesis, the carbon cycle and terrestrial interactive technologies still unknown by terrestrial science.

Recently, thanks to the research carried out by many scientists who have studied meteorological phenomena, I have been able to write the following articles which clarify even better the need and urgency of extracting clean energy directly from the Earth’s environment, before climate events precipitate further.

117)  28.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-future-of-terrestrial-common-sense-is-called-submerged-compressed-and-reinforced-hydroelectric-energy-without-the-hydraulic-jump/; https://www.spawhe.eu/il-futuro-di-buonsenso-terrestre-si-chiama-energia-idroelettrica-sommersa-compressa-e-rinforzata-senza-il-salto-idraulico/

116) 20.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-causes-the-culprits-and-spawhes-solution-against-global-warming-second-open-letter-to-the-real-un-secretary-antonio-guterres/; https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-cause-i-colpevoli-e-la-soluzione-di-spawhe-contro-il-riscaldamento-globale-seconda-lettera-aperta-al-vero-segretario-dellonu-antonio-guterres/;

115) 26.05.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-possible-and-scientific-neutralization-of-global-warming-with-the-energy-and-purification-cycle-of-water/; https:// www.spawhe.eu/it/la-possibile-e-scientifica-neutralizzazione-del-riscaldamento-globale-con-il-ciclo-energetico-e-depurativo-dellacqua/

114) 20.04.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-talk-scientifically-about-the-italian-disaster-of-the-bargi-hydroelectric-power-plant/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-scientificamente-della-tragedia-della-centrale-idroelettrica-di-bargi/

113) 15. 02. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lets-talk-about-the-scientific-reasons-for-the-protests-of-european-farmers-that-science-and-governments-hide/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-delle-ragioni-scientifiche-delle-proteste-degli-agricoltori-europei-che-la-scienza-e-i-governi-nascondono/

112)  07. 01. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-per-conoscenza-a-mr-bill-gates-e-mr-elon-musk-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/,  https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-for-information-to-mr-bill-gates-and-mr-elon-musk-regarding-environment-and-energy/

111) 19.12. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-science-has-not-understood-that-planet-earth-could-be-energetically-autonomous-without-fossil-fuels-and-nucleated-energy/,

110) 26.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-the-usual-conference-of-global-scientific-hypocrisy-like-the-twenty-seven-previous-cops/,

109) 03.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-theory-of-general-relativity-to-the-general-artificial-terrestrial-interactivity-unwanted-by-governments-and-multinationals/,

108) 03. 09 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/world-governments-that-reject-the-extraction-of-clean-energy-from-the-environment-reject-a-perennial-scientific-windfall-from-the-sky/,

from the information collected through these articles, I understood that chlorophyll photosynthesis, the carbon cycle, biological life, organic and inorganic chemistry could not exist if there were not a continuous electrical and electromagnetic flow at the temperature of the earth’s environment and at the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere between the planet’s surface and the ionospheric belt surrounding the Earth, strategically belonging to both the mesosphere and the thermosphere. In this band extending between 60 and 1000 km of altitude, divided into layers with different electrical properties, due to variations in the composition and intensity of solar radiation and cosmic rays coming from space and the atmospheric gases that escape Earth’s gravity, ionization occurs of the component gases that produce the winds and rains that conditioned the earth’s environment to the optimal temperature we had before the industrial era.

The articles cited above take us back in time to the reflections of Isaac Newton, who said that what we know is a drop while what we don’t know is an ocean, today we can say that what we have learned, through new inventions and intelligence artificial, it is enough to appreciate more when we had men in Newton’s time (1642 1726). We just have to find the courage to drive the merchants out of the temple and manage planet Earth with a single government, a single currency and a single science, abolishing all terrestrial thermal and nuclear inventions, including weapons of destruction that use heat and radioactivity to destroy life. There is space and food for everyone on planet Earth if we learn to better extract energy from the environment without interfering with normal electrical and electromagnetic functioning that has worked very well at the temperature of the Earth’s environment since long before the wrong technological energy inventions produced by humans. men (thermal, nuclear, electrolytic, solar, wind) who, by exploiting individual scientific principles, are unable to control force, or pollution, or have low efficiency. They have high production costs and do not allow automatic energy renewal, as occurs in the terrestrial environment, through the direct or indirect contribution of sunlight, cosmic rays, the ionization of particles contained in atmospheric air and water, which he created the universe he created perfectly complementary, so that they can act respectively as a source of infinite energy, by means of the increase in operating pressure (air) and ideal incompressible energy carrier with high mass density, ionizable (H+ and OH-) with or without dissociation, to be able to produce all the energy needed at the Earth’s temperature by extracting it from the Earth’s atmosphere.

In fact, the meteorological studies mentioned above, which I did not know, began at the beginning of 1900 with rudimentary sounding balloons, by many scientists cited in the aforementioned articles, which the great official science, awarded with many Nobel Prizes in the same historical period, did not taken into consideration and has continued not to be taken into consideration today, with the new nuclear power. Which, even if in the future it were to reduce the serious danger of nuclear waste, cannot reduce the high production costs, the large dimensions and the immense quantity of steam produced, which has proven to be the most powerful and harmful greenhouse gas that due to its quantity and density, through lightning it produces an immense quantity of kinetic energy which destroys civil, industrial and agricultural construction works. Today we must ask ourselves why the aforementioned meterological studies did not lead the award-winning nuclear scientists to make the same considerations as the undersigned who understood that atmospheric air and clean water represent the synthesis of the energy of the Earth and similar planets, in which , due to fortunate circumstances, biological life was created which concerns all living beings, plants and animals. It is not strange that the undersigned, who has spent his entire working life installing anthropic industrial and environmental systems, as a pensioner, trying to delve into the details of the reasons why these systems have produced global warming, has been forced, gradually, to virtually modify almost all anthropic plants,fixed and mobile, having understood how nature worked before the industrial era. In fact, nature functioned perfectly from a biological point of view, at the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere and at the temperature of the Earth’s environment also thanks to the Earth’s electrical and electromagnetic energy, which already existed and worked perfectly before Earth scientists, like Coulomb, Faraday, Franklin, Maxwell, Lorentz, Tesla,  began to understand it. There were fortunate circumstances that allowed the development of electromagnetism separated from the production of primary electrical energy which is still linked to uneconomical, polluting, cumbersome energy sources, including renewable ones, which are disconnected from each other. While in nature everything is connected as chemistry, physics, are connected to each other by fluid dynamics which allows biochemical, biophysical photosynthetic development, in complete and interactive processes that only nature knows how to coherently put together to produce delicate and complete cycles at the temperature of terrestrial environment.

Today, science, made by employees, cannot escape the wrong interests of public and private employers, who do not look to the future but only to immediate interests.

Today, the economic and technical limits of bad inventions such as electric cars that require large and expensive energy accumulators are emerging. Which are composed of cells containing a liquid electrolyte, which allows the flow of electric current between the electrodes. When the temperature drops, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases, making it more difficult for current to pass through and decreasing the efficiency of the battery. If the battery is too cold, the electric car’s management system limits the charging current or blocks it completely to protect the vehicle’s components, making the charging operation much slower if not downright impossible. In extreme cases, the cold can also freeze the electrolyte of the batteries, irreparably damaging the internal structure of the cells and rendering the car unusable. In fact, the cold increases the internal resistance of the cells, which opposes the flow of current and generates heat, which in turn reduces the ability to store energy. If the battery is too cold, the electric car’s management system limits the charging current or blocks it completely to protect the vehicle’s components, making the charging operation much slower if not downright impossible. In extreme cases, the cold can also freeze the electrolyte of the batteries, irreparably damaging the internal structure of the cells and rendering the car unusable. In fact, the cold increases the internal resistance of the cells, which opposes the flow of current and generates heat, which in turn reduces the ability to store energy. All these technical and scientific problems become ridiculous with the very simple extraction of energy from the environment, which is also provided free of charge as water and air cost nothing. It doesn’t even cost anything to keep the water in the liquid phase (0 -100 degrees centigrade) with electrical resistors and the air in the gaseous state as the critical temperature of the air is – 141 degrees centigrade and the critical pressure 37.7 bar, But these conditions should occur simultaneously to liquefy the air and make it lose its great capacity as a natural energy accumulator.

Therefore, we could have means of transport and work that could operate at minimum speed all year round to avoid freezing of water in winter and heating of air in summer which users could find already ready for use without consuming any energy and without producing any pollution, slightly wearing the motors and circulation pumps, as the energy is extracted from the environment. In any case, the system of electric cars and the related charging network that world governments are creating without solving the problem of land, aeronautical, space and marine transport, which is that of being able to add Newton’s thrust together, is profoundly wrong and uneconomical. and Lorentz. which, as the undersigned has demonstrated, without a single euro of funding from the current governments and current multinationals, can only be added coldly so as not to damage the electrical circuits.

These things are under the eyes of all men in power and scientists, but no one speaks so as not to collapse the global economy. We are giving up the enjoyment of an immense quantity of clean, ready-made energy, without production, transformation and transport costs of electricity, which could be extracted cleanly from every corner of the earth in fixed and mobile plants at the moment it is needed, to wait for the realization of an ecological transition which should take place by 2050, with the new paid nuclear power which will not be able to help but produce even more steam than the current one, further increasing the current atmospheric irregularities, due to the increase in ion exchange between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere and as a result, global warming will increase even more. How can we continue to trust this science that does not distinguish the difference between destructive and creative forces? Even if the creator of the universe used both, he did not use them at the same time and used all the precautions and distances necessary so that nuclear energy does not interfere with the biological life reserved only for a very few lucky planets in the universe, among the such as the Earth.

I, who as the inventor of anthropic plants that were never built, have always been concerned that my previous inventions were consistent with subsequent ones, am shocked by the inconsistency of a very large number of scientists, who still do not realize the environmental incompatibility of the solutions that they propose. Which are clearly in contrast with the terrestrial environment, generating greater phenomena, as well as polluting, due to combustion, steam, chemical, biological fumes, they also generate electrostatic and electromagnetic phenomena which disturb the normal functioning of chlorophyll photosynthesis and the cycle of terrestrial carbon. Even terrestrial meteorological science, which has studied, understood and published terrestrial electrostatic and electromagnetic phenomena, has never reached the same conclusion as me, which is the one that has characterized all my activity as an inventor: “the putting together in anthropic purification plants and energy cycles of water and atmospheric air which are complementary, both from a chemical, physical, biological, electrical and electromagnetic point of view, as long as they retain their terrestrial physical characteristics of water liquidity (energy and exchange vector ionic) and elasticity of air. It is no coincidence that among the visionary inventions of the undersigned there is also the artificial heart oxygenator of human blood which is made up of two very small autoclave systems, one of which feeds the systemic circulation and one the pulmonary circulation. Both systems will be energetically autonomous as they are equipped with a mini turbine coupled to a mini electric current generator and a mini pump with a separate double power supply until the impeller which inserts the blood that has been used to produce the blood into the autoclave recycling circuit. compressed hydroelectromagnetic energy needed by the human body as the human blood oxygenates every time it passes through the respective systemic or pulmonary autoclave. It is no coincidence that human blood is composed of 80% water, blood plasma over 90%, while tears are 98% water. Most of our fabrics contain more than 50% water. Even our bones contain water and even the lungs are made up of approximately 79% water, while the kidneys are up to 80%. Not everyone knows it, but water is abundant in particular in our brain, which is made up of approximately 85% water. It is no coincidence that the human brain is the most complex invention of all time. Only those who created the universe could conceive of such an invention. The functions of the brain are many and different from each other. By integrating the signals perceived through the five senses it associates meaning with what happens in the surrounding world, but not only that. The brain controls thoughts, memory and language, arm and leg movements, and the functioning of all organs in the body. Finally, by regulating breathing and heartbeat, it determines reactions to stressful events that may occur in daily life. We must ask ourselves why those who hold world power are also silent about the invention of the artificial heart that oxygenates blood, but praise the inventions linked to artificial intelligence.

Today, those who have the world’s great economic potential and also have the economic means to prevent economic waste and global warming are also using artificial intelligence to hide the scientific, technological and economic truth. In fact, they are using artificial intelligence, not to improve the many wrong industrial and environmental anthropic plants but to accentuate the current difference between rich and poor, using quantum computers to identify the companies that will grow and those that will lose in the perverse game of world stock exchanges, which continue to use incomplete inventions, not interactive. The entire current science has not realized that water and atmospheric air are the synthesis of the entire science of God, because without them there could be no form of plant or animal life and no infinitely renewable energy for explore space while respecting human physiology. However, the men of power in their ignorance are managing to influence even the science that satisfies them in order to bring home a salary. If one day my energetically autonomous blood oxygenating artificial heart becomes a reality, it will not be accessible to everyone. Above all, to the inventor, who will be dead and buried without ever having seen even one of his inventions made, probably inspired by the science of God which, as we know, never used the Pharisees and the powerful of the Earth to prove things but of poor and simple people, according to the culture of current times. Isn’t it strange that in my inventions there are no complex formulas of mathematical calculations, physics and chemistry, but only rational connections between existing and new inventions? Isn’t it strange that these inventions, although they are important, are not commented on by other inventors and scientists, for the obvious reason that they are employees of public and private companies? If this were not true at least some of the inventions summarized in the SPAWHE nursery rhyme would have been tested and it would be known whether it works or not. I am certain that my basic inventions work and that there is a lot of work to do to perfect them. But I am also sure that no one will work on these topics because we do not live in a true world democracy.

Luigi Antonio Pezone


Luigi Antonio Pezone

Via Caserta, 33

81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere


Mail: lapezone@spawhe.eu

Website map https://www.spawhe.eu


https://www.spawhe.eu/about-me/ and about spawhe, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/chi-sono/e– cosa-e-spawhe,

117)  28.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-future-of-terrestrial-common-sense-is-called-submerged-compressed-and-reinforced-hydroelectric-energy-without-the-hydraulic-jump/; https://www.spawhe.eu/il-futuro-di-buonsenso-terrestre-si-chiama-energia-idroelettrica-sommersa-compressa-e-rinforzata-senza-il-salto-idraulico/

116) 20.06.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-causes-the-culprits-and-spawhes-solution-against-global-warming-second-open-letter-to-the-real-un-secretary-antonio-guterres/; https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-cause-i-colpevoli-e-la-soluzione-di-spawhe-contro-il-riscaldamento-globale-seconda-lettera-aperta-al-vero-segretario-dellonu-antonio-guterres/;

115) 26.05.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-possible-and-scientific-neutralization-of-global-warming-with-the-energy-and-purification-cycle-of-water/; https:// www.spawhe.eu/it/la-possibile-e-scientifica-neutralizzazione-del-riscaldamento-globale-con-il-ciclo-energetico-e-depurativo-dellacqua/

114) 20.04.2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-talk-scientifically-about-the-italian-disaster-of-the-bargi-hydroelectric-power-plant/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-scientificamente-della-tragedia-della-centrale-idroelettrica-di-bargi/

113) 15. 02. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lets-talk-about-the-scientific-reasons-for-the-protests-of-european-farmers-that-science-and-governments-hide/, https://www.spawhe.eu/it/parliamo-delle-ragioni-scientifiche-delle-proteste-degli-agricoltori-europei-che-la-scienza-e-i-governi-nascondono/

112) 07. 01. 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-per-conoscenza-a-mr-bill-gates-e-mr-elon-musk-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/, https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-for-information-to-mr-bill-gates-and-mr-elon-musk-regarding-environment-and-energy/

112) 07. 01 2024 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-per-conoscenza-a-mr-bill-gates-e-mr-elon-musk-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/, https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-sir-leonard-valentinovich-blavatnik-for-information-to-mr-bill-gates-and-mr-elon-musk-regarding-environment-and-energy/

111)19.12.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-science-has-not-understood-that-planet-earth-could-be-energetically-autonomous-without-fossil-fuels-and-nucleated-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-la-scienza-non-ha-compreso-che-il-pianeta-terra-potrebbe-essere-autonomo-energeticamente-senza-combustibili-fossili-ed-energia-nucleare/,

110) 26.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-the-usual-conference-of-global-scientific-hypocrisy-like-the-twenty-seven-previous-cops/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-28-il-solito-convegno-dellipocrisia-scientifica-mondiale-come-le-ventisette-cop-precedenti/

109) 03.11. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-theory-of-general-relativity-to-the-general-artificial-terrestrial-interactivity-unwanted-by-governments-and-multinationals/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dalla-teoria-della-relativita-generale-alla-interattivita-generale-artificiale-terrestre-indesiderata-dai-governi-e-dalle-multinazionali/

108) 03. 09 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/world-governments-that-reject-the-extraction-of-clean-energy-from-the-environment-reject-a-perennial-scientific-windfall-from-the-sky/,https://www.spawhe.eu/i-governi-mondiali-che-rifiutano-lestrazione-dellenergia-pulita-dallambiente-rifiutano-una-perenne-manna-scientifica-caduta-dal-cielo/

107) 21.06.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-scientifically-disorganized-work-of-public-bodies-and-multinationals-of-planet-earth/, https://www.spawhe.eu/il-lavoro-scientificamente-disorganizzato-degli-enti-pubblici-e-delle-multinazionali-del-pianeta-terra/

106) 24. 05. 2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/parliamo-delle-responsabilita-delle-alluvioni-e-di-altre-responsabilita-ancora-piu-gravi/, https://www.spawhe.eu/lets-talk-about-the-responsibilities-of-floods-and-other-even-more-serious-responsibilities/

105) 12.05.2023 https://www.spawhe.eu/flying-containers-for-rescuing-migrants-and-extinguishing-fires-without-using-fuel/, https://www.spawhe.eu/container-volanti-per-il-salvataggio-dei-migranti-e-per-spegnere-gli-incendi-senza-luso-di-combustibili/

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103) 05.11. 2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-open-letter-to-deputies-senators-world-information-bodies-on-the-subject-of-the-environment-and-energy/, https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-27-lettera-aperta-ai-deputati-senatori-organi-di-informazione-mondiali-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/,

102) 10.10.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-new-italian-prime-minister-giorgia-meloni-on-the-subject-of-environment-and-energy/; https://www.spawhe.eu/lettera-aperta-alla-nuova-presidente-del-consiglio-italiano-giorgia-meloni-in-materia-di-ambiente-ed-energia/

101) 28.08. 2022  https://www.spawhe.eu/year-2022-record-of-heat-drought-storms-indomitable-fires-economic-inflation/; https://www.spawhe.eu/anno-2022-record-di-calore-siccita-nubifragi-indomabili-incendi-inflazione-economica/

100) 10.05.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/year-2022-the-war-in-ukraine-was-added-to-covid-19-to-the-inexistence-of-interactive-physical-defenses-suitable-for-the-environment-and-the-human-body/; https://www.spawhe.eu/anno-2022-la-guerra-in-ucraina-si-e-aggiunta-al-covid-19-alla-inesistenza-di-difese-fisiche-interattive-adeguate-allambiente-e-al-corpo-umano/

99) 14.04.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-crime-of-omission-of-the-world-public-institutions-in-matters-of-the-environment-energy-and-health-which-favors-multinationals-synthesized-in-the-nursery-rhymes-of-spawhe-eu/ https://www.spawhe.eu/il-reato-di-omissione-delle-istituzioni-pubbliche-mondiali-in-materia-di-ambiente-energia-e-sanita-che-favorisce-le-multinazionali-sintetizzato-nella-filastrocca-di-spawhe-eu/

98) 26.03.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-politics-of-terror-and-irrational-energy-of-nato-russia-and-china/, https://www.spawhe.eu/la-politica-del-terrore-e-dellenergia-irrazionale-della-nato-russia-e-cina/

97)19.02.2022 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-black-holes-to-the-uncertainty-principle-to-the-scientific-organization-of-work-unknown-by-science-and-by-the-authorities-on-earth/, https://www.spawhe.eu/dai-buchi-neri-al-principio-di-indeterminazione-alla-organizzazione-scientifica-del-lavoro-sconosciuta-dalla-scienza-e-dai-potenti-della-terra/

96) 27.11. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/fundraising-in-defense-of-life-according-to-the-spawhe-model/, https://www.spawhe.eu/raccolta-fondi-in-difesa-della-vita-secondo-il-modello-spawhe/

95) 13.11. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-g20s-and-cop2627-cannot-understand-what-science-has-not-yet-understood/, https://www.spawhe.eu/i-g20-e-le-cop2627non-possono-comprendere-quello-che-la-scienza-non-ha-ancora-compreso/

94) 01.11.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/g20-of-the-year-2021-the-conference-of-who-should-save-the-planet-earth-by-immediately-starting-the-interactive-ecological- transition/, https://www.spawhe.eu/g20-dellanno-2021-il-convegno-di-chi-dovrebbe-salvare-il-pianeta-terra-iniziando-subito-la-transizione-ecologica-interattiva/

93) 26.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/what-world-science-has-not-understood-is-the-difference-between-the-universal-primary-energy-and-the-terrestrial-one/https://www.spawhe.eu/quello-che-la-scienza-mondiale-non-ha-compreso-e-la-differenza-tra-lenergia-primaria-universale-e-quella-terrestre/

92) 14.09.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-worldwide-misunderstanding-of-perpetual-motion-that-has-affected-terrestrial-development-and-space-research/, https://www.spawhe.eu/lequivoco-mondiale-del-moto-perpetuo-che-ha-condizionato-lo-sviluppo-terrestre-e-la-ricerca-spaziale/

91) 29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/from-the-earth-beyond-the-moon-colonizing-space-with-compressed-hydroelectromagnetic-energy-unknown-to-terrestrial-science/https://www.spawhe.eu/dalla-terra-oltre-la-luna-colonizzando-lo-spazio-con-lenergia-idroelettromagnetica-compressa-sconosciuta-dalla-scienza-terrestre/

90) 29.07.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/interstellar-dust-capture-system-and-space-environmental-plants/https://www.spawhe.eu/sistema-di-cattura-polveri-interstellari-e-impianti-ambientali-spaziali/

89) 22.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-accompanying-the-open-letter-to-the-new-president-of-the-italian-council/https://www.spawhe.eu/lettera-aperta-di-accompagnamento-alla-lettera-aperta-al-nuovo-presidente-del-consiglio-italiano/

88) 12.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-new-prime-minister-of-the-italian-government-mario-draghi-in-the-field-of-environment-energy-and-public-health/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/2346-2/ lettera- aperta- al- nuovo- presidente- del –consiglio- del governo- italiano-Mario- Draghi, in- materia- di ambiente- energia-e-sanità-pubblica/  

87) 01.02. 2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-mr-elon-musk-who-promised-100-million-dollars-to-those-who-manage-to-capture-co2-from-the-atmosphere/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/2346-2/lettera-aperta-al-signor-elon-musk-che-ha-promesso-100-milioni-di-dollari-a-chi-riesce-a-catturare-il-co2-dallatmosfera/

86) 15.01.2021 https://www.spawhe.eu/how-you-can-live-most-of-the-human-body-a-well-fed-and-well-oxygenated-brain-technological-scientific-system-of-survival-against-disease-disability-and-old-age/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/fermiamo-la-strage-perenne-di-anziani-mondiali/

85) 27.10. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/where-science-does-not-reach-the-scientific-organization-of-work-arrives-if-it-is-applied-globally/https://www.spawhe.eu/dove-non-arriva-la-scienza-arriva-lorganizzazione-scientifica-del-lavoro-se-e-applicata-globalmente/,

84) 28. 10. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-great-gap-between-the-science-of-god-and-that-of-man-that-produced-global-warming-and-covid-19/, https://www.spawhe.eu/il-grande-divario-tra-la-scienza-di-dio-e-quella-degli-uomini-che-ha-prodotto-il-riscaldamento-globale-e-il-covid-19/

83) 23. 09. 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-greatest-crimes-against-humanity/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/i-piu-grandi-crimini-contro-lumanita/

82) 20.09.2020  https://www.spawhe.eu/what-are-the-world-parliamentarians-for/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/a-che-servono-i-parlamentari-mondiali/

81) 14.06 2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/a-small-italian-miracle-of-giuseppe-contes-government/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/un-piccolo-miracolo-   italiano-del-governo-di-giuseppe-conte/

80) 17.06.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/in-which-virtual-dimension-live-politicians-scientists-and-econimists-who-do-not-know-the-terrestrial-reality/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/in-quale-dimensione-virtuale-vivono-politici-scienziati-ed-economisti-che-non-si-accorgono-della-realta-terrestre/

79) 20.05.2020  https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-worldwide-publishers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-agli-editori-mondiali-nel-tempo-del-covid-19/

78) 28.04.2020 https://www.spawhe.eu/no-unknown-viruses-will-kill-us-if-we-modify-mans-defenses/ https://www.spawhe.eu/it/nessun-virus-sconosciuto-ci-uccidera-se-modifichiamo-le-difese-delluomo/

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72) 19.12.2019  https://www.spawhe.eu/against-the-inefficiency-of-the-united-nations-and-governments-even-the-obed-of-widow-may-be-useful-to-protect-the-environment/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/contro-linefficienza-delle-nazioni-unite-e-dei-governi-anche-lobolo-della-vedova-potrebbe-essere-utile-alla-protezione-dellambiente/

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70) 3.09.2019  https://www.spawhe.eu/the-global-warming-has-been-produced-legally/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-riscaldamento-globale-e-stato-prodotto-legalmente/

69) 30.05.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-that-the-current-generations-do-not-understand-are-the-best-resource-of-future-generation/https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-that-the-current-generations-do-not-understand-are-the-best-resource-of-future-generation/

68) 15.04.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-omission-crime-is-the-daily-bread-of-sciences-bureaucrats-and-world-governments/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-reato-di-omissione-e-il-pane-quotidiano-delle-scienze-burocrati-e-governi-mondiali/

67) 11.03.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/hydroelectric-greenhouses-for-the-purification-of-fumes-co2-and-water-with-natural-alkalinisation/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/serre-idroelettriche-depuratrici-dei-fumi-co2-e-acqua-con-alcalinizzazione-naturale/

66) 25.01.2019 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop24-the-replies-that-miss-to-greta-thunberg-yellow-gilets-poor-countries-and-sustainable-inventions/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop24-le-risposte-che-mancano-a-greta-thunberg-gilet-gialli-paesi-poveri-e-invenzioni-sostenibili/

65) 10.12.2018  https://www.spawhe.eu/someone-in-the-world-should-prohibit-the-incomplete-inventions-of-science/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/qualcuno-nel-mondo-dovrebbe-vietare-le-invenzioni-incomplete-della-scienza/

64) 30.08.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/development-and-the-environment-penalized-by-science-and-international-laws/,  https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lo-sviluppo-e-lambiente-penalizzati-dalla-scienza-e-dalle-leggi-internazionali/

63) 18.08.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/who-govern-the-world-the-sovereign-states-or-the-world-bag/,  https://www.spawhe.eu/it/chi-governa-il-mondo-gli-stati-sovrani-oppure-la-borsa-mondiale/

62) 11.06.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-frode-del-debito-pubblico-mondiale/https://www.spawhe.eu/the-world-public-debt-fraud/

61) 31.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/artificial-heart-oxygenator-of-blood-energyically-autonomous/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cuore-artificiale-ossigenatore-del-sangue-autonomo-energeticamente/

60) 30.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/sustainable-environmental-design-is-a-social-duty-of-world-institutions-mini-domestic-water-purification-system-with-hydroelectric-energy-production/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-progettazione-ambientale-sostenibile-e-un-dovere-sociale-delle-istituzioni-mondiali-mini-sistema-di-depurazione-acqua-domestica-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/

59) 30.05.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-european-social-innovation-competition-lottery/,https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-lotteria-della-competizione-innovazione-sociale-europea/,

58) 02.04.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-world-needs-political-scientists-and-judges-more-close-to-people-and-environment/,https://www.spawhe.eu/it/nel-mondo-servono-politici-scienziati-e-giudici-piu-vicini-al-popolo-e-allambiente/

57) 04.03.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/pct-it2016-000202-open-letter-to-w-i-p-o-and-the-international-legal-offices/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/pct-it2016-000202-lettera-aperta-alla-w-i-p-o-e-agli-uffici-legali-internazionali/

56) 01.03.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/we-integrate-the-principles-of-energy-conservation-to-correct-the-serious-errors-of-science/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/integriamo-i-principi-della-conservazione-dellenergia-per-correggere-i-gravi-errori-della-scienza/

55) 19.02.2018 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-lost-civilizations-einsteins-thought-and-survival-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-civilta-perdute-il-pensiero-di-einstein-e-lenergia-di-sopravvivenza/

54) 29.12.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/compressed-air-is-much-more-powerful-practice-and-economic-of-hydrogen/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/laria-compressa-e-molto-piu-potente-pratica-ed-economica-dellidrogeno/

53) 07.12.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/after-the-failure-of-cop23-it-is-needful-to-realize-prototypes-of-interactive-energy-before-cop24/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/dopo-il-fallimento-della-cop23-e-necessario-realizzare-i-prototipi-dellenergia-interattiva-prima-della-cop24/

52) 30.11.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop23-the-unthinkable-has-already-been-thought-with-interactive-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop23-limpensabile-e-gia-stato-pensato-con-lenergia-interattiva/

51) 10.11.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop-23-the-mysteries-of-the-interactive-energy-and-depurations-hided-by-the-institutions/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop-23-i-misteri-dellenergie-e-delle-depurazioni-interattive-occultate-dalle-istituzioni/

50) 31.10.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-force-of-rational-scientific-global-reasoning-made-instant-by-instant/,  https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-forza-del-ragionamento-razionale-scientifico-globale-fatto-istante-per-istante/

49) 30.10.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/a-new-development-model-with-interactive-energy-and-rich-floating-camps-built-in-oceans-with-petroleum-derivates/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/un-nuovo-modello-di-sviluppo-con-energie-interattive-e-ricche-colonie-galleggianti-negli-oceani-costruite-con-i-derivati-del-petrolio/

48) 30.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-world-revolution-of-transportation-unwanted-by-manufacturers-by-science-by-the-governments-and-others/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-rivoluzione-mondiale-dei-trasporti-indesiderata-dai-costruttori-dalla-scienza-dai-governi-e-da-altri/

47) 30.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/archimedes-was-wrong-but-the-science-has-never-correct-him/https://www.spawhe.eu/archimedes-was-wrong-but-the-science-has-never-correct-him/

46) 04.09.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-interactive-energy-inexhaustible-and-protective-of-the-environment-unwanted-by-science-and-governments/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lenergia-interattiva-inesauribile-e-protettiva-dellambiente-indesiderata-dalla-scienza-e-dai-governi/

45) 20.08.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/if-science-was-been-globally-applied-current-energies-and-depurations-would-not-have-a-future/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/se-la-scienza-fosse-applicata-globalmente-le-attuali-energie-e-depurazioni-non-avrebbero-un-futuro/

44) 04.08.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/learn-to-extract-better-energy-from-the-environment/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impariamo   -a-estrarre-meglio-lenergia-dallambiente/

43) 31.07.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/aerospatial-pressurized-hydroelectric-transport-system-with-turbofan-and-compressed-air-injection/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-di-trasporto-aerospaziale-idroelettrico-pressurizzato-con-turboventilatori-e-iniezione-di-aria-compressa/

42) 13.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu /the-hoax-of-the-fight-against-global-warming/https://www.spawhe.eu/the-hoax-of-the-fight-against-global-warming/

41) 13.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/defend-the-environment-and-territory-from-floods-by-producing-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/difendere-lambiente-e-il-territorio-dalle-alluvioni-producendo-energia/

40) 10.02.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-fossil-energy-that-pollute-costs-more-of-clean-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lenergia-fossile-che-inquina-costa-di-piu-dellenergia-pulita/

39) 14.01.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/hydroelectric-power-auto-with-peripheral-torque-to-the-wheels/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/auto-idroelettrica-con-coppia-motrice-periferica-alle-ruote/

38) 04.01.2017 https://www.spawhe.eu/fighting-global-warming-extending-the-borders-of-perpetual-motion/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/combattiamo-il-riscaldamento-globale-ampliando-i-confini-del-moto-perpetuo/

37) 15.12.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurized-domestic-hydraulic-system-producer-of-hydroelectric-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-idraulico-domestico-pressurizzato-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/

36) 25.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/cop22-failed-international-crime-of-states-not-punished-when-the-collapse-of-worldwide-economy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/cop22-fallito-reati-internazionali-degli-stati-non-puniti-quando-il-crollo-delleconomia-mondiale/

35) 15.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/marrakech-2016-is-there-a-conspiracy-or-is-only-scientific-technological-political-legislative-incompetence-which-increases-the-co2-in-the-environment/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/marrakech-2016-esiste-un-complotto-o-e-soltanto-incompetenza-scientifica-tecnologica-politica-legislativa-che-incrementa-il-co2-nellambiente/

34) 11.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurised-submerged-hydroelectric-plants-in-wells-with-lifting-and-oxigenation/https://www.spawhe.eu/impianti-idroelettrici-pressurizzati-sommersi-in-pozzi-con-sollevamento-e-ossigenazione/

33) 10.11.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pressurised-submerged-hydroelectric-plants-in-basins-with-lifting-and-oxygenation/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianti-idroelettrici-pressurizzati-sommersi-in-bacini-con-sollevamento-e-ossigenazione/ 

32) 31.08.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/pumps-and-turbines-with-separated-double-supply-until-to-the-impeller/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/elettropompe-e-turbine-con-doppia-alimentazione-separata-fino-alla-girante/

31) 22.07.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/relativity-and-technology-in-the-new-hydroelectric-energy/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/relativita-e-tecnologia-nella-nuova-energia-idroelettrica/

30) 11.07.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-sustainable-future-of-environment-energy-food-and-labour-is-based-on-the-new-hydrology/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-futuro-sostenibile-dellambiente-dellenergia-dellalimentazione-e-del-lavoro-e-basato-sulla-nuova-idrologia/

29) 30.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/autoclave-system-for-water-pumping-hydroelectric-energy-producer/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-autoclave-per-sollevamento-idrico-produttore-di-energia-idroelettrica/

28) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/floating-system-with-extruded-polyethylene-pipes-ribbed-reinforced-and-filled-with-polystyrene/ ,  https://www.spawhe.eu/it/sistema-di-galleggiamento-con-tubi-in-polietilene-estrusi-nervati-rinforzati-e-riempiti-di-polistirolo/

27) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/floating-system-hydroelectric-desalter-extractor-of-calcium-and-carbon-from-marine-deep-water/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-galleggiante-idroelettrico-dissalatore-estrattore-di-calcio-e-carbonio-dalle-acque-marine-profonde/

26) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/vertical-desalinators-demineralizers-by-ion-exchange-with-hydroelectric-energy-production/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/desalinizzatori-demineralizzatori-verticali-a-scambio-ionico-con-produzione-di-energia-idroelettrica/

25) 15. 04.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/where-is-the-science-and-where-hope/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/dove-la-scienza-e-dove-la-speranza/

24) 10.06.2016 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-mr-bill-gates-on-energy-miracle/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-a-mr-bill-gates-sullenergia-miracolosa/

23) 09.12.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-future-of-energy-is-hydroelectric-but-not-the-present-hydro-power/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-futuro-dellenergia-e-idroelettrico-ma-non-e-lidroelettrico-attuale/

22) 05.12.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-causes-of-the-failure-of-the-world-summit-in-paris/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-cause-del-fallimento-del-vertice-mondiale-di-parigi-sullambiente/

21) 30.11.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-water-and-energy-revolution-in-eight-global-projects-to-cool-the-planet-create-eating-and-work-2/,   https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-rivoluzione-dellacqua-e-dellenergia-in-otto-progetti-globali-per-raffreddare-il-pianeta-creare-alimentazione-e-lavoro/

20) 16.11.2015  https://www.spawhe.eu/from-efficient-purification-to-sustainable-energy/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/dalla-depurazione-efficiente-allenergia-sostenibile/

19) 31.10.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-probable-reasons-for-the-lack-protection-of-the-environment/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-probabili-ragioni-della-scarsa-protezione-dellambiente/

18) 16.10.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/global-synergy-plants-for-depuration-biomass-production-and-thermoelectric-cogeneration-gspdptc/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianti-sinergici-globali-per-depurazione-produzione-di-biomasse-e-cogenerazione-termoelettrica-gspdptc/

17) 10.09.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/hydropower-plants-with-lifting-recycling-and-water-distribution/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianti-idroelettrici-con-sollevamento-riciclo-e-distribuzione-acqua/

16) 22.06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-italian-patent-office-and-to-the-minister-of-economic-development/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-allufficio-brevetti-italiano-e-al-ministro-dello-sviluppo-economico/

15) 15. 06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/also-churches-and-associations-should-learn-to-design/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/anche-le-chiese-e-le-associazioni-devono-imparare-a-progettare/,

14) 11.06.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/energy-right-at-the-right-time-in-the-right-place-2/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/le-energie-giuste-al-momento-giusto-al-posto-giusto/

13) 03.06.2015  https://www.spawhe.eu/second-open-letter-to-the-european-commission/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/seconda-lettera-aperta-al-parlamento-e-alla-commissione-europea/

12) 10.05.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/appeal-for-spawhe-on-the-occasion-of-expo-2015/ ,  https://www.spawhe.eu/it/appello-per-spawhe-in-occasione-dellexpo-2015/

11) 05.04.2015 https://www.spawhe.eu/last-appeal-for-spawhe-before-the-expiration-of-            international-patents/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/ultimo-appello-per-spawhe-prima-del-decadimento-dei-brevetti-internazionali/

10) 16.12.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-ai-progettisti-e-imprenditori-italiani/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/lettera-aperta-ai-progettisti-e-imprenditori-italiani/

9) 30.11.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-water-and-energy-revolution-in-eight-global-projects-to-cool-the-planet-create-eating-and-work/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-rivoluzione-dellacqua-e-dellenergia-in-otto-progetti-globali-per-raffreddare-il-pianeta-creare-alimentazione-e-lavoro-2/

8) 21.10.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/the-perpetual-energetic-motion-is-possible-in-the-fixed-and-mobile-versions/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/il-moto-perpetuo-energetico-e-possibile-nelle-versioni-fisse-e-mobili/

7) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/capture-cooling-purification-chimneys-ccpc-international-patent-n-patent-wo2014-076724-and-subsequent-invention-air-filtration-and-thermal-exchange-tower-aftet/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/ciminiere-di-cattura-e-purificazione-fumi-ccpc-brevetto-internazionale-n-wo2014-076724-e-successiva-invenzione-integrativa-torre-di-filtrazione-aria-e-scambio-termico-aftet/

6) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/capture-cooling-purification-chimneys-ccpc-international-patent-n-patent-wo2014-076724-and-subsequent-invention-air-filtration-and-thermal-exchange-tower-aftet/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/fabbricato-sinergico-verticale-fsv-vsb-per-depurazione-acqua-e-co2-piu-produzione-di-biomasse/

5) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/linear-synergistic-system-of-digestion-dehydration-and-composting-ldcc/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-sinergico-di-digestione-disidratazione-e-compostaggio-lineare-d-d-c-l/

4) 04.07.2014 https://www.spawhe.eu/global-synergy-plants-for-depuration-biomass-production-and-thermoelectric-cogeneration/https://www.spawhe.eu/it/impianto-sinergico-di-depurcogeproduzione-termoelettrica-coperta-globale-d-c-p-t-c-g/

3) 28.02. 2013  https://www.spawhe.eu/closing-the-anthropogenic-carbon-cycle/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/la-chiusura-del-ciclo-di-carbonio-antropogenico/

2) 28.11. 2007 https://www.spawhe.eu/phosphor-removal-from-detergents-wastewater-and-greywater-recycling-system-for-flushing-toilets/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/phosphor-removal-from-detergents-wastewater-and-greywater-recycling-system-for-flushing-toilets/

1) 15.11.2007 https://www.spawhe.eu/english-curriculum-vitae/ , https://www.spawhe.eu/it/curriculum-vitae-italiano/

Best regards

Luigi Antonio Pezone