Nov 13, 2021
Riassunto Il riscaldamento globale è stato prodotto legalmente perché i controllori e controllati nel modello di sviluppo attuale sono dalla stessa parte. I governi mondiali, gradualmente, hanno smesso di fare gli imprenditori e anche se fanno ricerca scientifica,...
Nov 13, 2021
Abstract. Global warming has been produced legally because the controllers and controlled in the current development model are on the same side. World governments have gradually stopped being entrepreneurs and even if they do scientific research, they sell patents to...
Nov 1, 2021
The main problem of the planet Earth was and still is the identification of the correct primary energy that should have been the basis of industrial and economic development in view of the growth of the world population and the increase in consumption. Instead, at the...
Sep 26, 2021
First summary (full articles can be found at Since 1970, in the automotive industry, I have appreciated the scientific organization of work for creative purposes. Suffice it to say that first it inspired robotics that replaced humans in the...
Sep 14, 2021
Abstract It is no coincidence that science and terrestrial school teaching have convinced humans that perpetual motion is not possible and that terrestrial machines and systems cannot have yields greater than 100%. Earth science and technology, affirming this and...
Jul 29, 2021
ABSTRACT &nbs...