Oct 28, 2020
Abstract I think that the most beautiful words of the Christian gospel are those written by Matthew in the sixth chapter, verses 26-34, where Jesus says: “26 Look at the birds of the sky: they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds...
Sep 23, 2020
The greatest crimes against humanity are not a thing of the past. No matter how serious the war crimes, environmental and nuclear disasters have been, they always represent isolated episodes. What is committed today legally, daily, in every corner of the Earth, under...
Sep 20, 2020
While in Italy we are voting on a popular referendum on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians, because the Italians have realized that the number of parliamentarians is much higher than the population compared to other countries, the undersigned wonders:...
Jul 14, 2020
A small Italian miracle of Giuseppe Conte’s government After refusing to comply for the umpteenth time with the bureaucratic requests of the Italian patent office, instead of being punished for not granting the patent, as has always happened, unexpectedly, I was...
Jun 17, 2020
(open letter to the Italian patent office cc political, scientific, legal, Italian, European, world authorities). INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY What a great invention is e-mail, above all, certified. I would have had to spend a capital to legally demonstrate that the...
May 20, 2020
Open letter to worldwide publishers in the time of covid-19 – 20 may 2020Dear publishers, many of you know a letter that I am writing to anyone who asks me for an exclusive article. I take the liberty of sending it to you again on the occasion of the publication...