Dec 14, 2016
The future of the car and terrestrial transport is hydroelectric. Presentation of the Italian patent filing 102016000087373 dated 26 / 08 / 2016 entitled Hydroelectric power auto with peripheral torque to the wheels. Those who know my little story of...
Dec 5, 2016
The potentialities of pressurized hydroelectric energy The pressurized hydroelectric energy using compressed air is as powerful as fossil energy but it is not neutral, protects the environment, has a production cost cannot be compared to fossil energy, but to the...
Nov 25, 2016
COP22 failed, international crime of states not punished. When the collapse of worldwide economy? The election of US President Trump, which took place while in Marrakech, placed the past climate conference COP 22, has completely obscured it and good intentions towards...
Nov 15, 2016
Marrakech 2016: Is there a conspiracy or is only scientific, technological, political, legislative incompetence, which increases the CO2 in the environment? To this question cannot answer the delegates of the 196 countries participating in the summit, which are among...
Nov 11, 2016
Riassunto L’invenzione della pompa con doppia alimentazione separata sul lato aspirante ha consentito l’invenzione dell’energia idroelettrica con il riciclo dell’acqua in vaso aperto. Con tale sistema abbiamo, contemporaneamente, il sollevamento dell’acqua e la...
Nov 11, 2016
Pressurised submerged hydroelectric plants in wells with lifting and oxigenation. Italian demand patent N. 102016000111939 dated 08/09/2016 Abstract The invention of the pump with two separate supply until the impeller on the suction side has allowed the...