Where is the science and where hope?

Where is the science and where hope? By Luigi Antonio Pezone  To download water in a marine or lake bottom is sufficient feed, continuously, from a little higher than the surface height, a tube that reaches down to the bottom. The reason why, even with a small...

Open letter to Mr. Bill Gates on energy miracle.

Open letter to Mr. Bill Gates on energy miracle. Dear Mr. Bill Gates, I read a few days ago your interview with James Bennett of November 2015 entitled “We need an energy miracle” (http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/11/we-need...

The future of energy is hydroelectric, but not the present hydro power.

The future of energy is hydroelectric, but not the present hydro power. Environmental inventions are like swallows. One does not make a summer. Must be many and traveling in the same direction. For this has been invented SPAWHE. Without SPAwhe worldwide environmental...

The causes of the failure of the world summit in Paris

The causes of the failure of the world summit in Paris The causes of the failure of the World Summit in Paris on the environment (COP21) currently underway, from 30 November to 11 December 2015, are independent of improbable agreements between countries that could be...