I do not want to appear to be against world science, accusing it of being the main culprit of global warming, the spread of viruses, and the unequal distribution of world wealth. World science specifically made the right inventions in all areas, as each invention represented a small miracle that improved human living conditions. However, who like myself, fortunately and by personal choice, has divided his working life into two parts: first participating in the construction of industrial anthropogenic plants in order to increase productivity and subsequently, starting from scratch professionally, the second part the has dedicated to anthropic environmental and energy plants in order to increase the protection of the environment, has not been able to avoid being an inventor as a retiree, proposing an alternative development model, displeasing all those who have been successful in the current development model scientific, technological, industrial, environmental, political, economic which, according to myself, has come to an end. It must start from the production of primary energy, which is the most important and also the only one that has never been produced on planet Earth. Why didn’t the United Nations and the economic development ministries of the 196 sovereign states come to the same conclusions as me? I think the answer is quite simple, almost trivial. The reason is that they preferred to concentrate only on improving the scientific organization of industrial work, neglecting the scientific organization of environmental work which, unfortunately, the undersigned has revolutionized, unfortunately, only virtually, creating complete work cycles both from the point of view industrial and environmental, which gradually, always virtually, have also become energetic and purifying at the same time, extracting the energy directly from the environment, without science, the United Nations, the ministries of economic development noticing anything.
The undersigned at the end of his three working lives, in industry, in the environment and as an inventor, now completed, does not worry about not having achieved success from an economic and power point of view. But considering that he has not found references in the current world ruling class, not even in science and in young people who protest against global warming, viruses and unemployment. Since no government and no multinational has financed my work and having nothing else to invent, I publicly ask for donations like politicians who promise their voters a better future (but only in words). Considering that my about forty inventions have been greeted with silence and considering that I still have a few years left to live (at least I hope), I can only try to start my fourth working life, practically demonstrating what I have published (who it does by itself makes for three). Before I die, I want to show, at least on a demonstrative level, that the SPAWHE model (Synergic Plants, Artificial Welling, Hydroelectromagnetic Energy), is the only one that can save the Earth and humans, even if it will not be 100% realized. . I promise to die poor, because I would be ashamed to die rich, having always lived on my modest job and my modest pension. As the inventor of an alternative sustainable development model, I would be inconsistent in dying rich, having lived modestly, closing the gates of Heaven on my own (It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter paradise). Even if the famous Paradiso didn’t exist, what good would my credit cards be if I didn’t use them for the sustainable trials I published? While in the world due to wrong inventions resources are wasted and many people are dying of hunger, especially children. My idea is always the one published in the following article of 28.02.2020: https://www.spawhe.eu/a-global-stock-company-against-errors-omissions-and-opportunities-wasted-by-science-and-world-power-centers/.
Above all I want to experience one of my most important inventions which is “the artificial heart oxygenating the blood autonomously energetically”. I am sure it will be the main invention that will allow the men and women of the future to live in a new dimension, beyond the physical aspect. In fact, our appearance will make no sense when future generations are over a hundred years old. However, they will retain the human brain and DNA, even when supplemented with artificial neurons. I think we shouldn’t puzzle over the existence of the soul. If the soul exists, it is in the things we do, in the feelings we experience. These things are contained and stored in the brain, which cannot survive the body with the natural heart and pacemakers. The artificial heart oxygenating the blood autonomously energetically, with the energy extracted from the environment (as I hope all the anthropic machines of the future will be) serves, above all, to nourish and oxygenate the brain, avoiding brain death. For those who love life, I don’t think it is a problem to live in an artificial body if we are motivated to live in order to continue enriching our knowledge and our affections. Personally, I was oved this year to see the Paralympics. They showed me that those who have little and those who are poor love life more than those who have everything. If we reflect, above all, if I am right that on planet Earth, we can extract all the energy we need from the environment without producing any form of pollution, we must not fear the overcrowding of the world population either, because the immense amount of elderly people who it will populate the Earth, it will not live on food but on pure and simple energy and some vitamins dissolved in human blood, which will touch them by right, when they have defeated global warming and unwanted viruses created by the current wrong development model. I conclude this appeal by quoting SPAWHE’s nursery rhyme which, like my inventions, has so far collected only silences. I hope he also raises some money. While it is true that money does not bring happiness, it is also true that money well spent creates greater social well-being and reduces conflicts between human beings. Here is the nursery rhyme: The cleaning of fossil energy published in spawhe, is based, above all on inorganic chemistry that is able to absorb CO2, producing carbonates in the water. To speed up the processes and reduce the energy costs that would have involved the circulation of very large quantities of water necessary to neutralize the very large quantities of CO2 emitted by the current thermal power plants and heat engines, it has gradually been transformed technologically into solutions of less space by exploiting the principles Pascal and Henry. In fact, I realized that on planet Earth, all the activities that nature produces through organic and inorganic chemistry, photosynthesis and the carbon cycle can be increased in speed without any need to use thermal, nuclear energy and current renewables. It is sufficient only to increase the operating pressures of the systems, modify the circulation pumps and make the machines work differently. In fact, natural interactive systems expel, with the times required by nature, the elements extraneous to natural cycles, due to accidental polluting phenomena, including direct and indirect thermal effects due to volcanic explosions, to natural fires that have always existed on the planet. The current industrial activities of men have multiplied exponentially the elements extraneous to natural cycles, therefore nature is no longer able to restore interactive balances. Obviously, this is my truth and in the entire website, I explain how, in my opinion, we should have created global plants that purify both fumes and water at the same time before they go to pollute the soils, rivers, lakes and seas. Having not done this in any country in the world, it has not been possible to advance the state of the art of purification to make it known to other countries. Therefore, the advancement of the state of the global purification art has not occurred. Consequently, it was not even possible to notice that the water circulation pumps, if we make them work in the direction of gravitational force, by placing them in series with the turbines, we could extract the energy directly from the environment. Having not done this, it was not possible to realize that the water circulation pumps, if in addition to making them pump in the direction of gravitational force, we modify them on the suction side and make them another inlet clearly separated from the main one up to the same impeller , we can always use the same water to create energy because we use one feed to recycle the water from the upper basin and the other feed to introduce into the same impeller the water discharged from a turbine fed by falling water from the same upper basin. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that by replacing the upper basin with a pressurized autoclave with compressed air, it being understood that we use a turbine connected to the outlet of the autoclave, we can recover the water drained from the turbine and insert it back into the autoclave, whose pressurized water is recycled with the same impeller of the pump by means of the second supply. In this way, with the same water and the same compressed air, we would have produced a current generator that extracts energy from the environment, with quite small dimensions. Having not done this, it was not possible to further reduce the dimensions of this current generator by increasing the operating pressure of the autoclave in order to be able to mount it on cars and trucks, on agricultural tractors. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions can still be reduced by using submersible pumps as turbines mounted directly in cylindrical tubes that would act as autoclaves. Therefore, these groups could be used to be inserted directly into the wells to raise the water and at the same time oxygenate the aquifers which today are polluted by agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and fecal coliforms. In fact, we know that part of the air that pressurizes the autoclave dissolves in the water according to Henry’s principle, purifying the water for free. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions could be reduced even further. Even miniaturized and instead of purifying the water from the wells we could purify the human blood, placing two small autoclaves side by side that would replace the right and left ventricles, creating energetically autonomous artificial hearts that would feed the systemic circuit that oxygenates the brain and the lungs to lengthen the life of the ‘man. Having not done this, it was not possible to think that pressurized cylindrical autoclaves can be incorporated an external cylinders containing water at atmospheric pressure, outside of which sliding tracks of permanent magnets mounted on transmission chains driven by motors can be made electric at variable revolutions that would produce an electromagnetic flux of variable intensity which would produce induced currents in a solenoid outside the same water tank. Therefore, we could produce in this tank a linear electromagnetic thrust force according to Lorentz’s law at the ambient temperature, without fuel that could be added to the reaction thrust of Newton that would be produced by propellers driven by electric motors always commanded by generators. of current that produce the primary hydroelectric energy, fed by submersible pumps used as turbines placed inside the central reservoirs. Not having done this, it was not possible to replace the current thermal turbofans of aircraft to travel in the atmosphere and in space with energy extracted directly from the environment, it was not possible to create flying cars, nor submarines that move with the same system without fuel. It was not possible to make the ships travel without fuel, nor to mount the same system to make mobile barriers in the sea to defend ourselves from high waters. It was not even possible to think that in the space travel of the future we can add to the global linear motors an external steel tunnel connected to the turbo fan, where it will produce a higher vacuum higher than the surrounding space vacuum and connect this tunnel with a small vacuum pump to a thickening tank of the captured powders, which will be emptied periodically letting in the atmospheric air which will feed an electrostatic filter that will recover the powders that will be used together with the other interactive purification and energy plant inventions described on the website https: //www.spawhe.eu to make humans survive even in space without suffering physiological damage due to the absence of atmospheric pressure, gravity, food resources and raw materials to build spare parts for the machines necessary for survival in space. In fact, atmospheric air and water will fill the space caravan wagons full of human beings and will be endlessly recycled, suitably replenished with artificial photosynthesis and carbon cycle, while general gravity will be reinforced, becoming very similar. to the terrestrial one, electrostatically polarizing the paths of atmospheric conditioned air and recycled water in the interactive, energy and purification, compressed hydroelectromagnetic plants, still unknown to terrestrial science. “
Luigi Antonio Pezone