Global synergy plants for depuration, biomass production and thermoelectric cogeneration (GSPDPTC).
It is not sufficient that the biological energy does not increase the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, since the reversible chemical reactions of calcium and magnesium that determine the alkalinity of waters and soils do not occur at the same rate of energy production. In fact, the Co2 fossil or biological, in the atmosphere, only reacts with water vapor. Only a very small percentage of rainwater has the opportunity to meet with calcium and magnesium (in the soils) to counteract the acidification process, which coincides with desertification and global warming. If we had 100% of biological energies, the problem would be reduced but would not be solved. We would never act on transportation with heat engines, but with the facilities that we are proposing could be taken on fixed installations. In industries and cities chimneys must be modified to purify and recover the fumes. Polluted air, including that of chimneys, must be used to oxidize the sewage discharge and the CO2 contained in it should be neutralized in large or small greenhouses limestone which produces thermal energy (fossil or biological). Infact, in urban centers are possible “mini calcareous glazing greenhouse” (mgg) matched to the “mini purifying urban vertical module” (pvum) that use biological process. In these processes of urban sewage it can be also incorporated air conditioning equipment, which with external devices, exchange heat with the air / air system, contribute to warm the planet. From them will come out air cooled and purified, semi purified water, which circulate in the current sewers along with the rainwater (rrpwl), while the sludge will be extracted from the lower and will travel in a parallel anaerobic line (asc), pressurized with submersible pumps (spas ). Both lines, of water and sludge, arrive at the same plant, which is simultaneously the producer of biological energy (or fossil), water and air purifier. This plants is based on the synergy and characterized by the fact that it expands the functions of thermoelectric power plants fueled with bio or fossil fuel (TEPbio or fos ) with new sections: capture cooling purification chimneys (CCPC), plus vertical synergic building (VSB), plus linear manufactured digesters dehydrators composters (LDDC). In these expanded plant functions where the fumes produced by “TEPbio or fos” are sent to chimneys (CCPC) that do not emit them into the atmosphere but filter them with electrostatic filter (esf), mix them with air in flue gas expansion chamber (fgec) and cool them recovering part of the heat, by heating water in a flue gas water heat exchanger (fgwe). Subsequently, the fumes by electric fans for fumes (eff), are conveyed in vertical sections covered mechanized limestone greenhouse (vcmlg) of VSB, where they are stored calcareous wheeled hanging baskets (cwhb); the warm waters are retrieved by hot water covered basin (hwcb) and hotwater and fumes channel (hwfc) and pumped by hot water lift pump (hwlp) into the pipe bundles (hwp) that heat before the digesters (dg) of the buildings (LDDC) and then sections (vcmpg) of VSB and finally, used in conjunction with other surface waters (rainwater, river, purified by final biological covered vertical pond (fbcvp) to create an artificial rain by water overflow tray (wot) in (vcmlg) that realizes a natural ion exchange between water, CO2 and calcareous material, which conveys the carbonates in the basin of the water to alkalize (wba). Using for the circulation of water pumps with dual supply inlet (caipds) and mini turbines (htva), we can produce hydroelectric energy instead of consuming it while raising the waters that produce artificial rain. Agricultural biomass and sludge produced by the plant are digested along with the biomass produced in the building (LDDC), dehydrated and turned into compost. The liquid digestate produced by this building is conveyed to the water basin to be purified (wbp) from where it begins purification that goes vertically through the biological ponds vertical (bcsvp ) and ( fbcvp ) that discharge treated water. If the water does not exceed the quality control setpoints, it is recycled through the recirculating water valve (rwv), basin (wddr) and overflow trays (wot), through the sections (vcmlg ) feeding again the basin of water to be alkalized (wba) and to be purified (wbp) that are linked by water sofned supply (wss) and alkaline water supply (aws); (GSPDPTC) is supplied by clean water from “global urban environmental depuration (Gued)”, through the line recovery rainwater and purified water (rrpwl) and the line “water supply (ws)” that arrives from upstream water body (upwb). It is fed by waste water by the line arrival sewer (as), agricultural wastewater (agrw) and all that arrives at water basin to be purifier (wbp). Its section (dg) of ( LDDC) is fed by sludge of “anaerobic sludge collector (asc)”, that is fed by “global urban environmental depuration (GUED)”