
Open letter to international judges and the United Nations.


In my previous article entitled “The difference between the energy of the universe and that of planet Earth” ( I tried to make people understand that environmental and energy design must adapt to the existing environment and the physiology of living beings in order not to cause damage to the environment and living beings. Therefore, even if we want to go into space we must bring the inventions described on the website Https://, which are global and interactive, while the inventions of multinationals are neither global nor interactive. Therefore they are not compatible with the terrestrial environment, nor with human physiology and even less to design space transport vehicles, where everything will be needed, including the energy that will allow us to go into space.

I am bringing up this topic again to promote my “non-profit” fundraiser in an attempt to demonstrate the reasons why Earth science, unfortunately, has gotten almost everything wrong in matters of the environment and energy.. By copying the link above you can see how many euros the undersigned will collect with the help of ordinary people on a global problem that has seen the failure of science, the United Nations and all the world institutions, which have not taken into consideration any of my forty inventions that, from the year 2006 to now, would have begun to reverse the process of global warming and, prevented the current climate worsening, which greatly complicates the work to be done on the entire planet to bring the climate back to natural conditions, which are those prior to industrial development.

In fact, God’s science before the industrial era was self-purifying and self-energetic and could continue to be so with a few simple inventions of that would extract clean, fixed and mobile energy directly from water, air, and gravitational force, which were specifically prepared by the creator of the universe from a physical, chemical, biological, electromagnetic and electrostatic point of view to carry out this task.

 This scientific miracle was before the eyes of the entire world science, but no one noticed because no one tried to seriously clean fossil energy. The only inventor who seriously addressed this serious problem was myself, who found himself faced with immense problems of economic costs using current technologies, therefore, to reduce these costs he was forced to improve the current state of the art, exploiting above all the physical principles of water and air, the laws and scientific paradoxes of Torricelli, Pascal, Venturi, Henry, Dalton, with a long series of simple and linear inventions listed in the “Spawhe nursery rhyme”, also reported in this article. Unfortunately, these inventions have proven inconvenient for the current world ruling class and environmental problems have further worsened.

The greatest obstacle to such recovery are the conflicts of interest of world public bodies (


 I am linking directly to one of my latest articles published on my website https://www, with a very short title “I apologize for the delay” Published on  03.07.2024 I, as an inventor, have taken my work seriously, daring to make my proposals only as a pensioner, after a life of work in industry and the environment. I apologize for the delay, but I am certain that we have gotten the entire model of world development wrong. I know well that I am guilty of pride, because there were great scientists in previous eras, but at that time there was not enough knowledge to separate useful inventions from those harmful to the earth’s environment.

I was lucky enough to be an installer of technological systems, first industrial (participating in the construction of the entire Alfa Romeo car plant in Pomigliano di Arco and following the commissioning and management for seventeen years). Then, for another twenty years, I dealt with the installation and construction of environmental systems, lifting, water distribution and energy production. Only as a pensioner did I allow myself to propose myself as an inventor, transferring industrial experiences to environmental ones, not vice versa, since the industrial sector is more developed than the environmental one. My forty inventions were not accepted by public bodies worldwide, so I was forced to write the “SPAWHE nursery rhyme” that could be transformed into a successful song if it were set to music and sung by a successful singer-songwriter, to also highlight the errors of science.

Current science has forgotten that primary fluid dynamic energy is produced by the flow rate for the density of the fluid itself. Therefore, the best solution to produce clean energy at low cost and in infinite quantities is: to use the elasticity of compressed air (which is not consumed) as an energy source and water as an energy vector (which with the use of new pumps with double separate power supply up to the impeller, can be recycled infinitely by exploiting the maximum pressure of the compressed air and the density of the water. (Recently, a liquid with a density 2.5 times higher than water was patented, which can also be used in mobile plants and in pressurized circuits to reinforce submerged hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump).

Therefore, heat has never been used to produce electrical energy. This has been the biggest mistake in world science, because water is not only the best physical energy carrier, it is also the best electromagnetic carrier, having the natural ability to ionize into Ions (H+) and (OH-). This ability was given to it directly by nature, that is, by GOD. Excluding water from energy production means excluding physical, chemical, biological, neurological life, above all, by producing energy coldly. With my miniaturized solution it would also be possible to create a small artificial heart, energetically autonomous, oxygenator of the blood, which could extend human life by many years. I believe that my artificial heart has not been financed by the current ruling class because, if it works, it shows that men have made the most important inventions for the survival of nature and the human race wrong, only to accumulate money. However, it is also possible that they will keep this invention hidden only for the narrow circle of men in power, even excluding the inventor.

It was not easy to work alone on these interactive purifying and energetic solutions, that no one sees and no one feels the need for. I was forced to be alone in the workplace, and also to work for free for future generations who are not to blame for the choices made by current ones. However, the turning point that led me to start extracting clean energy directly from the environment began with the following Italian patent filings:

102014902290390 (CE2014A000011) dated 09.03.2014 entitled Marine water pumping systems suspended from floating platforms for down and upwelling; 102014902298581 (CE2014A000012) dated 03.11.2014 entitled vertical hydroelectric systems with water recycling; 102015000048792 (UB2015A003412) dated 04.09.2015 entitled Mobile perpetual current generators with compressed air or gas and water recycling; 102015000048796 (UB2015A003404) dated 07.09.2015 entitled Electric pumps and turbines with double feeding mouth; 102016000057968 (UA2016A004148) dated 06.08.2016 entitled Desalinizers – vertical ion exchange demineralizers with hydroelectric energy production; 102016000058416 (UA2016A004177), dated 08.06.2016 entitled Floating system with extruded, ribbed, reinforced and polystyrene filled polyethylene tubes; 102016000066396 (UA2016A004687), dated 06.27.2016 entitled autoclave system for water lifting, producer of hydroelectric energy; 102016000087373 (UA2016A006226) dated 08.26.2016 entitled Hydroelectric car with peripheral drive torque at the wheels; 102016000111939 (UA2016A008002), entitled Pressurized hydroelectric plants submerged in wells with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000111938 (UA2016A008001), dated 11.16.2016 entitled Pressurized hydroelectric plants submerged in basins with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000058018 (UA2016A004152), dated 11.16.2016 entitled Floating, hydroelectric plant, desalination plant, calcium and carbon extractor from deep sea waters; 102016000130510 (UA2016A009428), dated 12.23.2016 entitled Pressurized domestic plumbing system, hydroelectric energy producer; 102017000059993 (UA2017A003967) dated 01.06.2017 entitled Pressurized hydroelectric aerospace transport system with turbofans and compressed air injection.

The list continues with other inventions on aerospace transport without fuels. But stopping at the production of submerged hydroelectric energy in basins and aquifers, my reflection that I propose in this article is the following:

What would have happened if the submerged and compressed hydroelectric energies, proposed by the undersigned and not financed, had been invented and realized in 1900, a few years after the construction of the first hydroelectric plant; a few years before the publication of Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity?

I have already answered this question, which I asked myself, asserting that that was the best time to scientifically and technologically improve hydroelectric energy. Instead, the hydroelectric sector, since then, has not conceptually innovated and thermal and nuclear energies have advanced that produce CO2 and steam in very large quantities. These sectors based on large combustions and large reactors have also involved large energy transports in high voltage on aerial pylons, in which hydroelectric energy has also participated, which cannot but interfere with the natural ionic exchange between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface that meteorological science in the same historical period had already identified. Therefore, the various branches of science have not coordinated up to the present day to prevent energy production and its transport from worsening the environmental and climatic conditions of the planet. To the combustion fumes of fixed and mobile energy plants, the production of CO2 and steam, the transport of energy on pylons, with the energy produced with the hydraulic jump, have also been added the collapses of the dams, the overflowing of the same, which are much more harmful than the advantage of the energy produced if they do not exploit natural hydraulic jumps. In fact, reservoirs kept full to the maximum level to produce electricity have increased the speed of water towards agricultural valleys and urban centers while thermal, nuclear and solar power plants have increased CO2, steam and the amount of electricity to be transported on pylons.

I, who started to be an inventor in 2005, have dedicated nine years to trying to clean fossil energy and to improve water and air purification systems together in chimneys, sewers and purifiers. This long work led me to look for a cheaper and cleaner way to extract electrical energy from the Earth’s environment. In the years 2014 – 2016 I invented submerged and compressed hydroelectricity to create artificial rain on limestone greenhouses, welling and artificial rain to produce carbonates in water and to produce electric current generators, which in the following years I also proposed on means of transport and even in an artificial heart oxygenator of the blood. So, it took me nine years of work to realize that I had to investigate the hydroelectric sector, which, being able to produce anergy coldly, had the potential to extract clean electrical energy directly from the Earth’s environment, to use it for civil, industrial, health purposes and on means of transport and work. In 2024 I developed all the possible solutions without collecting a single euro of public or private funding. So, I apologize for the delay with which I arrived to investigate this sector and also for the fact that I was not good at making myself understood. But I think that the one who really has to apologize to the world’s people is the entire world science that has completely neglected the energetic, purifying, electromagnetic reflections hidden behind the hydraulic jump of water which was only the most visible aspect of hydroelectric energy production, which in the end, in 2024, the undersigned, preferred not to use, to exploit only submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy, which is lighter, more powerful and manageable than that of the hydraulic jump, being able to be made of any size and power, up to even entering the human chest to make small artificial hearts. It is clear that these solutions are in contrast with the choices that the world’s leading scientists are making, who still insist on thermal and nuclear energies. For the undersigned, it makes no sense to produce fossil heat and even worse nuclear heat and then have to cool it in practical uses of daily terrestrial life, industrial, agricultural, urban, in terrestrial, marine, aeronautical, space transport systems.

In fact, terrestrial electromagnetism cannot be coupled directly with thermal energy. If we consider that fossil and nuclear fuels are not free like water and air and that technologies are more complex and that we must also add the costs of cooling and air conditioning.

I, who have worked for 55 years in industrial and environmental anthropic systems, cannot understand the reasons why we, human beings, cannot extract cold energy from the terrestrial environment, taking advantage of the advantages offered for free by gravitational force, the flexible and compressible atmospheric air and the incompressible, impalpable, ionizable water.

Above all, today, when technology would allow it, why do we not regulate with inverters the amount of energy to be extracted from the environment, controlling the number of revolutions of the motors that power the pumps that in turn power the turbines connected to current generators, also eliminating the costs of gear changes and mechanical transmissions?

Why has science not exploited the physical laws due to gravitational force, to hydrostatic pressure, which allow the alternator coupled to the turbine to produce more electrical energy than that absorbed by the pump, which must only overcome the state of inertia of the energy vector, which is water or any other liquid contained in the system, open to atmospheric pressure only at the exit of the turbine, but with the water or the energy liquid infinitely recyclable, thanks to the invention of the undersigned called “pump with double separate power supply up to the impeller?”

 It should be clear that a compressed hydroelectric plant, in addition to the hydrostatic head and the pressure of the autoclave, can also be enhanced by using an energy carrier liquid denser than water. It should be clear that several c ompressed hydroelectric plants put together on a terrestrial, marine, aeronautical or space transport vehicle, with their own electrical energy extracted separately from the environment, can constitute a complete and energetically autonomous energy complex, which can also start from artificial light, with chlorophyll photosynthesis, the carbon cycle, the production of the same water and air and the Newtonian and Lorentz thrust to move in space at a speed proportional to the amount of energy extracted for free from the terrestrial environment, natural or artificial and transformed into global linear motors that can choose to dose the force to use between that of Newton and Lorentz, or add them together. This cannot be done today because the terrestrial Lorentz thrust can only be produced with cold electrical circuits. In order to allow the masters of the Earth to sell fossil and nuclear energy, current terrestrial science has given up on adding together the Newtonian and Lorentzian thrusts that would have allowed simultaneously to multiply efficiency and eliminate pollution. In fact, we could create in the means of transport of the future an additional electrical network powered by autonomous compressed hydro-electromagnetic current generators, which use the compressed air and liquid accumulated in the autoclaves to reinforce the force of the external global linear motors. The same electrical network can circulate the permanent magnets in strategic positions inside the means of transport itself in the desired direction to create or reinforce the Lorentz electromagnetic thrust, already produced by the external global linear motors. The same internal current generators exchange atmospheric air with that of the autoclaves that comes out of the vents of the pumps used as turbines inside and outside the passenger compartments. The internal electrical network powers all the auxiliary electrical circuits, including the small compressors that return the air solubilized in water or in the energetic liquid to the autoclaves in the one-way recycling phase through the pressurized autoclaves inside and outside the cabins, fed endlessly with pumps equipped with double separate power supply up to the impeller, which scientists at the service of governments and multinationals still pretend not to understand how it works.

In the meantime, the same scientists have understood much more complex and expensive systems such as the magnetic confinement of the heat of nuclear fusion that can reach one hundred million degrees. The world’s public sciences are still competing to extract energy from the division of the atom and have not funded the simple division of the feed mouth of centrifugal pumps that applied to the modification of submerged and compressed hydroelectric plants, which they have not even funded, would allow us to extract for free from the Earth’s environment all the energy needed to govern the Earth’s environment at Earth’s temperature without pollution and also to design aeronautical and space transport systems. I am not against nuclear energy. I find the applications of nuclear medicine and industrial ones that allow the use of lasers, which are limited only to the excitation of atoms, very useful. Producing nuclear energy is crazy in every way. It is nothing more than the exponential multiplication of the defects of thermal energy, which could have been avoided if some sensible scientist had preceded me in the early 1900s, immediately after the construction of the aforementioned Niagara hydroelectric plant. Unfortunately, this has not yet happened up to our times, which is why I gave this article the strange title of the Massimo Troisi film “Sorry for the delay”.

I was not yet born when all this global energy and purification disorder began and it took me a lifetime of work in industry and the environment to understand it. None of my bosses or employers ever invited me to correct the errors but only to respect the tender specifications of the plants to be built in industry and the environment. I proposed the corrections as a pensioner without being paid by anyone, even losing money to file patents that were not liked by the multinationals, nor by the public bodies that collaborate with each other to create global development also through the trade of patents. My inventions were not appreciated because they go into the details of neglected purification cycles and the details of sustainable plant design that I could never have proposed without knowing the work cycles and existing plants.

For this reason I apologized for the delay, not to governments and not even to the multinationals. But to the entire world population that is agitating and protesting in the squares of the world, without knowing that if we do not go into the details of the solutions, the best solutions cannot be identified simultaneously from an economic, environmental and energy point of view. Only complete solutions produce development and well-being for all democratically. Incomplete solutions allow illicit speculation that enriches speculators and damages the less well-off classes. Designing complete and impartial anthropic plants using the most up-to-date technologies in the right place and at the right time should be a social and moral duty, especially for public designers. Unfortunately, according to my over fifty years of experience, it is precisely public plants that are the most wrong. Even industrial plants are wrong from an energy and environmental point of view, but they are saved by a better scientific organization of work. The reasons why I believe I have simultaneously solved both the problem of global warming and the problem of sustainable energy that will take us into space are due to the fact that I have brought the scientific organization of industrial work into the environmental and energy sector. There could be no progress in the environmental and energy sector without a transfer of experience from industry to the environment and without preparing the systems and infrastructures to follow the common cycles of water, air, fumes, reducing costs and increasing the speed of purification and energy processes, as if we were competing for efficiency with a planet similar to Earth.

Only by virtually modifying the functioning of chimneys and sewers has it been possible to create common water and air purification cycles, which first led to artificial rains and then to economizing processes by modifying the way pumps work, which we only use to lift water. Instead, if we use them in reverse, pumping water in the direction of gravitational force, they become a tool for extracting energy from the environment. Obviously, this is only the first step to take. Not finding public and private interlocutors, I was forced to virtually follow the entire path described in Spawhe’s nursery rhyme. If I got some details wrong, only experimentation can improve them. For the moment, I can assert that I followed an original path in the hydroelectric sector that was innovated only with large civil and structural works that brought more disasters than benefits, altering the natural distribution of terrestrial waters. The current hydroelectric system combined with the production of fossil and nuclear energy that has produced CO2 and steam in huge quantities and combined with the high voltage transport of electrical energy, produce the perfect alternations of floods and droughts, as if they had been specifically designed to destroy the planet Earth, which before 1900 had a perfect climate.

By producing cold electrical and electromagnetic energy across the planet we can save the economy and the Earth’s environment, also seriously starting the road to exploring space.

Of course, before doing all this we must extend human life with the artificial heart oxygenating the human blood autonomous in energy, which is also part of the inventions misunderstood by current terrestrial science.

Continuation of the article on the subject in question.

I went to look on my website, how many articles have the subtitle of open letter to the international court of justice and to the United Nations or European and national public bodies. There are thirty-four articles written from 2017 to the end of 2022. I have not continued to add these subtitles, because it is obvious that international judges, the United Nations, institutional bodies, European and Italian, have other important things to do. But I ask myself: what is more important to do on planet Earth, especially for public bodies, if not to study the best solutions to respect the laws of nature which are also the laws of God? We human beings are not the masters of planet Earth. We must close in the anthropic plants all the cycles that damage the environment directly or indirectly, or we must study the systems to not open them, which is the best solution and is also the most economical solution. Public science, which collaborates with governments and the United Nations, which also manage intellectual and industrial property, should be used to identify these systems.

By publishing above almost entirely the article “sorry for the delay” from which only the graphic part was excluded, I wanted to highlight that the terrestrial world development has been penalized precisely because the intellectual property of inventors free to invent, who do not belong to the castes of the academic world, those of public bodies and industrial property, has not been protected. In other words, the development we have had in the last fifty years has occurred, above all in the electronics sector, where it has been possible to make inverters smaller, allowing us to transform direct electrical energy into alternating current and to adjust the speed of electric motors at will, which have infinite applications, reducing the costs of mechanical transmissions. Even more important has been the development of information technology, thanks to young and brilliant inventors, starting with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Linus Torvalds, Tim Berners-Lee, Donald Knuth, Brendan Eich, Solomon Hykes, Mark Zuckerberg, David Heinemeier Hansson, Richard Mathew Stallman, Bram Cohen, Hames Gosling.

However, these inventors were lucky because they found in the nature of the Earth the natural predisposition to transmit their information. How much would computer transmission have cost without the natural electromagnetic network prepared by the creator of the universe, through the ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere? I say that it would have been impossible to realize their inventions. Moreover, with very low costs and very high profits. I am sure that it would have cost little also for the hardware of electromagnetism, which needs to produce driving torques and electromagnetic linear thrusts, especially, since I realized that we can produce hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump, in fixed and mobile version. That is, as written above, since 2015. Unfortunately, on planet Earth no one believed me, including the new computer billionaires. It is easier to make money with software than with the hardware of the planet. Which involves large structural and technological works, which today, are aggravated in costs by the solutions chosen in the past and present, which have altered the foundations on which the terrestrial energy is based, which is very different from the energy of the universe, as I wrote in the previous article: In fact, on planet Earth, the hardware is all to be redone. But, the biggest obstacle is the public and private ruling class, which does not give up the business it has made at the expense of the Earth’s climate, which first began to destroy coral reefs, then to melt land and sea glaciers and today is rebelling with violent storms and floods that do not respect the old four seasons.

Basically, the sectors in which the undersigned has concentrated while working as a pensioner have never been explored with a complete and interactive vision from an industrial and environmental point of view from the end of the nineteenth century to the current 2024.

Despite having published the following SPAWHE nursery rhyme in several articles, the world ruling class continues to pretend not to understand, therefore I publish it again in bold:

“The cleaning of fossil energy published in, to be efficient, should be based, above all on inorganic chemistry that is able to absorb CO2, producing carbonates in the water, so that they counteract the acidification of the oceans and global warming. To speed up the processes and reduce the energy costs that would have involved the circulation of very large quantities of water necessary to neutralize the very large quantities of CO2 emitted by the current thermal power plants and heat engines, it has gradually been transformed technologically into solutions of less space by exploiting the principles Pascal and Henry.  In fact, I realized that on planet Earth, all the activities that nature produces through organic and inorganic chemistry, photosynthesis and the carbon cycle can be increased in speed without any need to use thermal, nuclear energy and current renewables. It is sufficient only to increase the operating pressures of the systems, modify the circulation pumps and make the machines work differently. In fact, natural interactive systems expel, with the times required by nature, the elements extraneous to natural cycles, due to accidental polluting phenomena, including direct and indirect thermal effects due to volcanic explosions, to natural fires that have always existed on the planet. The current industrial activities of men have multiplied exponentially the elements extraneous to natural cycles, therefore nature is no longer able to restore interactive balances. Obviously, this is my truth and in the entire website, I explain how, in my opinion, we should have created global plants that purify both fumes and water at the same time before they go to pollute the soils, rivers, lakes and seas. Having not done this in any country in the world, it has not been possible to advance the state of the art of purification to make it known to other countries. Therefore, the advancement of the state of the global purification art has not occurred. Consequently, it was not even possible to notice that the water circulation pumps, if we make them work in the direction of gravitational force, by placing them in series with the turbines, we could extract the energy directly from the environment. Having not done this, it was not possible to realize that the water circulation pumps, if in addition to making them pump in the direction of gravitational force, we modify them on the suction side and make them another inlet clearly separated from the main one up to the same impeller , we can always use the same water to create energy because we use one feed to recycle the water from the upper basin and the other feed to introduce into the same impeller the water discharged from a turbine fed by falling water from the same upper basin. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that by replacing the upper basin with a pressurized autoclave with compressed air, it being understood that we use a turbine connected to the outlet of the autoclave, we can recover the water drained from the turbine and insert it back into the autoclave, whose pressurized water is recycled with the same impeller of the pump by means of the second supply. In this way, with the same water and the same compressed air, we would have produced a current generator that extracts energy from the environment, with quite small dimensions. Having not done this, it was not possible to further reduce the dimensions of this current generator by increasing the operating pressure of the autoclave in order to be able to mount it on cars and trucks, on agricultural tractors. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions can still be reduced by using submersible pumps as turbines mounted directly in cylindrical tubes that would act as autoclaves. Therefore, these groups could be used to be inserted directly into the wells to raise the water and at the same time oxygenate the aquifers which today are polluted by agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and fecal coliforms. In fact, we know that part of the air that pressurizes the autoclave dissolves in the water according to Henry’s principle, purifying the water for free. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions could be reduced even further. Even miniaturized and instead of purifying the water from the wells we could purify the human blood, placing two small autoclaves side by side that would replace the right and left ventricles, creating energetically autonomous artificial hearts that would feed the systemic circuit that oxygenates the brain and the lungs to lengthen the life of the ‘man. Having not done this, it was not possible to think that pressurized cylindrical autoclaves can be incorporated an external cylinders containing water at atmospheric pressure, outside of which sliding tracks of permanent magnets mounted on transmission chains driven by motors can be made electric at variable revolutions that would produce an electromagnetic flux of variable intensity which would produce induced currents in a solenoid outside the same water tank. Therefore, we could produce in this tank a linear electromagnetic thrust force according to Lorentz’s law at the ambient temperature, without fuel that could be added to the reaction thrust of Newton that would be produced by propellers driven by electric motors always commanded by generators. of current that produce the primary hydroelectric energy, fed by submersible pumps used as turbines placed inside the central reservoirs. Not having done this, it was not possible to replace the current thermal turbofans of aircraft to travel in the atmosphere and in space with energy extracted directly from the environment, it was not possible to create flying cars, nor submarines that move with the same system without fuel.  It was not possible to make the ships travel without fuel, nor to mount the same system to make mobile barriers in the sea to defend ourselves from high waters. It was not even possible to think that in the space travel of the future we can add to the global linear motors an external steel tunnel connected to the turbo fan, where it will produce a higher vacuum higher than the surrounding space vacuum and connect this tunnel with a small vacuum pump to a thickening tank of the captured powders, which will be emptied periodically letting in the atmospheric air which will feed an electrostatic filter that will recover the powders that will be used together with the other interactive purification and energy plant inventions described on the website https: // to make humans survive even in space without suffering physiological damage due to the absence of atmospheric pressure, gravity, food resources and raw materials to build spare parts for the machines necessary for survival in space. In fact, atmospheric air and water will fill the space caravan wagons full of human beings and will be endlessly recycled, suitably replenished with artificial photosynthesis and carbon cycle, while general gravity will be reinforced, becoming very similar. to the terrestrial one, electrostatically polarizing the paths of atmospheric conditioned air and recycled water in the interactive, energy and purification, compressed hydroelectromagnetic plants, still unknown to terrestrial science. Current science has forgotten that the primary fluid dynamic energy is produced by the flow rate for the pressure and density of the fluid itself. Therefore, the best solution to produce clean energy at low cost and in infinite quantities is: to use compressed air as an energy source (which is not consumed) and water as an energy carrier (which with the use of new pumps with separate double power supply up to the impeller, can recycle it indefinitely by exploiting the maximum pressure of the compressed air and the maximum density of the water at the same time. In the simple formula of fluid dynamic energy mentioned above. No heat source is needed. This is the biggest mistake in world science because water is not only the best physical and hydraulic energy carrier, it is also the best electromagnetic carrier, having the natural ability to ionize into ions (H+) and (OH-). This ability was given to her directly by nature, that is, by GOD. Excluding water from energy production means excluding physical, chemical, biological and neurological life, above all, producing energy coldly. So much so that among the inventions of the undersigned, there is also the artificial heart which oxygenates human blood, which could extend human life by several hundred years. Obviously, together with other parallel inventions in the field of medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, which are still to be developed. But air and water, which are fundamental, are provided free by Nature and the artificial heart, at least as a project, is provided free by the undersigned, who has not found financiers. I believe that the artificial heart that oxygenates the blood was not financed by the current ruling class because, if it works, it demonstrates that men have made mistakes in the most important inventions for the survival of nature and the human race, just to accumulate money.”

Having made the parenthesis of Spawhe’s nursery rhyme which also concerns future potential, let’s stop at the current situation, in the year 2024. With my inventions, which began in 2006, something could already have been started. But the real turning point could only have started in 2015 with the invention of the hydroelectric system without the hydraulic jump, as the hydraulic basins that accumulate water in the mountains to produce electricity with the hydraulic jump, have created more harm than good for the world community due to the fact that they must be maintained at the maximum level to produce the maximum one-way energy. This has led to the collapse of many dams and produced many floods, as the heavy rains, finding the basins full, pour with greater violence into the valleys (I cannot mention all the disasters that have already occurred and commemorate the victims, otherwise the article becomes too long). Instead, with the production of energy without the hydraulic jump we recycle the water that produces energy with the maximum pressure (which we reinforce with the compressed hydroelectric system placed in parallel to the main plant) keeping the water basins at the minimum level, therefore, the empty volume of the basins becomes a tool for preventing droughts and the slowing down of flood waters. Furthermore, no longer needing the hydraulic jump, we can transfer the water that is not needed to produce energy to other areas where electricity is needed and all the water that is not needed we can use for agricultural, industrial, drinking purposes without wasting even a drop.

Therefore, it is clear that we have made a mistake in the entire development of the earth, that we have produced global warming uselessly. Furthermore, we have uselessly wasted fossil resources that could have been used differently (for example, to create artificial welling to extract power from the sea, through artificial islands off the ocean, far from tsunami dangers, with petroleum derivatives). With these solutions we will also have solved the problem of migrants and reduced world poverty in general. In fact, artificial welling, together with vertical desalination, is a high invention of the undersigned and not financed by any government or multinational.

The current worsening of the global climate situation has occurred because none of my forty inventions have been accepted and tested, either by NATO countries or by former communist countries. Which today cannot be considered communist, as they produce the same consumer goods, use the same weapons of destruction and compete on the same world stock exchanges. Unfortunately, for me, the origin of the problems is scientific. None of the very good and famous inventors of the past, including Einstein, Tesla, Maxwell, Lorentz, Oppenheimer, Fermi, ever thought that energy could be extracted already clean from the Earth’s environment. Initially, not even I believed it. First I had to convince myself. Of course, I did not convince the patent offices, which defined my most important inventions as “perpetual motion”, which I could not oppose with legal appeals due to lack of money. It is no coincidence that the patent offices depend on the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), which is a body of the United Nations. Since I became aware of the flourishing market of selling patents of public inventors and researchers to multinationals, I had no choice but to continue filing patents, without caring about the opinion of the patent offices and without paying the maintenance fees for the patents that were granted to me. I was sure that no one would finance my inventions. As in fact happened. This is the reason why, I ask, especially to international judges, the reason why intellectual property is not granted to inventors, which instead is granted to someone who writes a simple song or to a novelist who works from fantasy.

This is very strange because an inventor who cannot find financiers does not make any profit from his invention and therefore should not pay any taxes, while a writer who does not sell books and does not pay taxes does not see his copyright expire if his book is appreciated by future generations.

In my humble opinion, intellectual property should concern, above all, inventors who propose solutions that are not common compared to the current development model. Nothing changes for planet Earth if a fictional novel is revalued.

Many things would change if my purifying and energetic solutions, for which I have not paid maintenance taxes, were revalued, because an inventor of solutions of public social utility has n                     o less rights than a fictional writer, a musician or a songbook, who is not required to pay taxes if he does not find publishers.

I think that even if I have not found public and private financiers, the facts have proved me right while I am still alive, with the evident and sudden acceleration of floods, which alternate with droughts without respecting the old rules of the four seasons.

For this reason, at seventy-five years old, while I should have been resting, I am forced to organize a “Non-profit” fundraiser. This unscrupulous world ruling class will try to do business even with the reconstruction works, which will be endless, if the problems are not solved by modifying the design of fixed and mobile anthropic plants according to the solutions proposed by the undersigned. Even if a large part of science thinks like me, not having been able to go into the details of an alternative plant design of anthropic plants, they remain silent about my solutions, just to avoid proving me right. For years, I have been publishing my solutions on my website, on Linkedin, Academia edu, and more recently on Medium, Substack, Quora. I try not to pay premium subscriptions that I cannot afford with my pension income. The articles that talk about my inventions receive decent views, but zero comments. This means that we are governed by hypocrisy and that a pensioner without adequate income and academic qualifications could not even afford to publish. But I do it anyway within the limits of the access that are granted to me without bleeding myself financially with premium subscriptions, which I cannot afford with my pension income.

Compared to qualified professors and scientific journalists, my solutions arise from direct industrial experience, which aims to increase the speed of processes and from environmental experience which aims to close all thermal, chemical and polluting cycles in the context of fixed and mobile. If I had not spent half my working life designing and installing industrial plants and half designing and installing environmental plants, and if I had not spent my retirement years integrating the two systems together, I would never have been able to hypothesize the best solutions, which are precisely those that would extract clean energy directly from the environment. Several years of work were necessary even as a pensioner, above all, because I was snubbed by universities, by public bodies such as ENEA, which collaborated to create the CCS system that was supposed to hide CO2 underground, and ENI, which refused to clean fossil energy with my systems because it already complied with existing regulations, as I have already published in some articles in previous years. Even without their collaboration, the truth, however, I brought it out because I first went into the details of sewer purification, chimneys, domestic water saving, agricultural industrial, always creating common processes between water and atmospheric air. Until, to reduce the costs of water and air purification, I had the idea of ​​putting in series in the same pipes of the anthropic plants the pumps that absorb electrical energy and the turbines that serve to produce electrical energy, which are still separated in all terrestrial anthropic plants. The international law on patent filings, managed through the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) makes no distinction between those who file a patent of public social utility and a commercial patent. The question we must ask ourselves is why is intellectual property not recognized to inventors who do not have the economic means to realize their inventions by themselves? Hardware is not like software that can be developed on a computer. If no one believes the publication and the drawings, it is necessary to make demonstration prototypes that in any case involve construction sites with civil, electromechanical, thermal, fluid dynamic works. Before making the same works in a real scale.

This is what I propose to do at a demonstrative level with the “Spawhe City” which would be a small city like Disneyland where the prototypes of Spawhe’s invention would be shown that all the countries of the world could freely copy, regardless of industrial and intellectual property, which does not concern the citizens of the world who have the right to receive the best of science and technology at minimum costs. As it should also be for health care. It is no coincidence that not even my artificial heart oxygenating the blood energetically autonomous, which would work on the same physical, biological and electromagnetic principles, has been financed and tested. If with my artificial heart we were to demonstrate that we can extend human life without altering DNA, it would mean that we can also extend the life of the planet simply by extracting energy from atmospheric air and terrestrial water that have complementary electromagnetic properties that current science has not appreciated by trying to extract energy from fuels, nuclear energy, solar panels, wind turbines, which do not have interactive and electromagnetic capabilities that can be used when needed at the temperature of the terrestrial environment. For these reasons, the undersigned has proposed to produce terrestrial energy also in the space plants of the future since it is the only energy that is not consumed and can be regenerated infinitely. It can even allow the pressurization of space carriages to the atmospheric pressure of the Earth with the circulation of water driven by circuits pressurized at higher pressures in the internal and external recycling pipes, which will also allow Newton and Lorentz thrust on the outside. Above all, it is the only energy that man can breathe, and if he really wants to go into space, he cannot continue to launch rockets with chemical fuels that only ensure departure. I do not want to be right on all fronts without the necessary experiments, but neither can I accept seeing my most basic inventions trashed by a ruling class that has shown that it does not know and does not appreciate the great gift of water, terrestrial air and gravitational force that would have allowed us to live comfortably on Earth without triggering the current climate disasters. The damage of which cannot be repaired before other destructive phenomena recur.

In my country, which is Italy, former homeland of scientists and inventors, my solutions have not been taken into consideration by either the progressive or conservative governments that governed from 2006 to 2024. The current government, in addition to the Mattei plan, has proposed insurance policies, instead of exporting compressed hydroelectric magnetic energy throughout the universe, without the hydraulic jump, which is the cleanest, cheapest, most efficient energy conceived by humans. Not only by the undersigned who has only virtually assembled it, as a designer and installer of anthropic systems, exploiting many inventions of the past. I had to make impartial choices, without being influenced by personal interests. One thing is certain. When I started to be an inventor I believed more in science than in God. Today I believe more in God than in science, because the solutions that have come out are also the cheapest and cleanest. These solutions are the same ones that already worked perfectly on planet earth without the use of any technology, as the physical, chemical, biological, electromagnetic processes had already been designed by the creator of the universe for the consumption necessary for living beings. The increase in the world’s human population has led to an increase in consumption, which should have been satisfied simply through the scientific organization of human work at the temperature of the earth’s environment, without interfering with the natural functioning of the planet with the energy coming from the universe. In other words, without producing the gases that terrestrial nature had already expelled in the previous millions of years (mainly steam, CO2, and also electrostatic phenomena that interfered with the natural ionic exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere). I would be a liar if I said that I had understood the entire complex terrestrial energy system from the beginning of my activity as an inventor. Instead, I understood it gradually, and I realized that there can be nothing more rational, functional and economical than the system used by the Creator of the universe to produce terrestrial electrical energy through cold production extracted directly from water, atmospheric air and gravitational force. Which also allows the production of cold electromagnetism, which cannot be produced otherwise, being achievable only with copper wires protected with insulating paints that are certainly not able to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the cold extraction of terrestrial energy is the only solution that can allow us to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz that on planet Earth has never been added to create economic and light aeronautical and space transport means capable of infinitely recycling both the energy source (compressed air) and the energy vector (incompressible and ionizable water). Therefore, I personally, starting my activity as an inventor as a pensioner, have come closer to the science of God and have distanced myself more and more from the current terrestrial science. Which, if it has produced global warming, means that it has not understood that planet Earth works differently from the universe. Consequently, the Spawhe system is the only one truly compatible with planet Earth.

Luigi Antonio Pezone   
