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Open letter to the new prime minister of the Italian government, Mario Draghi, in the field of environment, energy and public health.
Abstract I had already written this article dedicated to the new prime minister of the Italian government, certainly, one of the best economists in the world, when I was pleasantly surprised by his adhesion to set up a ministry of "Ecological Transition". I was...
Open letter to Mr. Elon Musk who promised 100 million dollars to those who manage to capture CO2 from the atmosphere.
Dear Mr. Elon Musk, I hope to be able to participate in this competition too which, in 2012 I patented at national and international level the capture of CO2 at the exit of the chimneys, which I have virtually modified, creating an expansion chamber before the exit...
Let’s stop the perennial slaughter of the world’s elderly.
I was publishing this article with the following more scientific title, but then I thought I was even clearer: How you can live most of the human body a well-fed and well-oxygenated brain? Technological scientific system of survival against disease, disability and old...
Where science does not reach, the scientific organization of work arrives, if it is applied globally.
The quicksand of governments, entrepreneurs and global bureaucrats that block purification and interactive energies. Summary With this article with an unusual but significant title and sub-title, I simply reply with this umpteenth open letter to the letter from the...
The great gap between the science of God and that of man that produced global warming and Covid-19.
Abstract I think that the most beautiful words of the Christian gospel are those written by Matthew in the sixth chapter, verses 26-34, where Jesus says: “26 Look at the birds of the sky: they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds...
The greatest crimes against humanity.
The greatest crimes against humanity are not a thing of the past. No matter how serious the war crimes, environmental and nuclear disasters have been, they always represent isolated episodes. What is committed today legally, daily, in every corner of the Earth, under...