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The hoax of the fight against global warming
What is the use of international treaties if no government respect them? The hoax of the fight against global warming Global warming is a hoax? Second US President Trump and his advisers the answer is yes. For the worldwide scientific majority warming it is real. For...
Defend the environment and territory from floods by producing energy.
Defend the environment and territory from floods by producing energy. Earthquakes are not caused by man, but we can defend enough well with the earthquake-resistant buildings. But in the floods there is much human responsibility, because we do not do prevention, and...
The fossil energy, that pollute, costs more of clean energy
The fossil energy, that pollute, costs more of clean energy In this article, I explain the reasons why, as a simple citizen, design engineer, installer of industrial, environmental energy plants and inventor, I no longer believe in science, politics and the world...
Hydroelectric power auto with peripheral torque to the wheels.
Hydroelectric power auto with peripheral torque to the wheels. Italian patent N. 102016000087373 dated 26/08/2016 ABSTRACT The current state of the art of means of transport was affected by heat engines, which predominated, for the absence of viable...
Fighting global warming extending the borders of perpetual motion
Fighting global warming extending the borders of perpetual motion This publication is partially extracted from the patent filing N. 102016000130510 del 23/12/2016 entitled “PRESSURIZED DOMESTIC HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, PRODUCER OF HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY”, that is looking for...
Pressurized domestic hydraulic system, producer of hydroelectric energy
Pressurized domestic hydraulic system, producer of hydroelectric energy Italian demand patent N. 102016000130510 del 23/12/2016 Abstract The invention of pump with dual supply until to the impeller has allowed developing different ways to produce hydroelectric energy...