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The water and energy revolution in eight global projects, to cool the planet, create eating and work.
The water and energy revolution in eight global projects, to cool the planet, create eating and work. When, eight years ago, I decided to devote my experience, my time and my savings to study environmental and energy globally applicable solutions to protect the...
From efficient purification to sustainable energy
From efficient purification to sustainable energy The purpose of my website http: // was to seek public and private partners in over 150 countries around the world who have signed agreements on intellectual property. This naive attempt failed because...
The probable reasons for the lack protection of the environment.
The probable reasons for the lack protection of the environment. I have to thank my thirty-seven years as a designer and installer of plants in private companies if I did able to grow and study my daughters. But at the end of that pleasant and important duty, I...
Global synergy plants for depuration, biomass production and thermoelectric cogeneration (GSPDPTC)
Global synergy plants for depuration, biomass production and thermoelectric cogeneration (GSPDPTC). It is not sufficient that the biological energy does not increase the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, since the reversible chemical reactions of calcium and...
Hydropower plants with lifting, recycling and water distribution.
Hydropower plants with lifting, recycling and water distribution. Italian demand patent N. 102015000048789 del 04/09/2015 Abstract The state of the art in the exploitation of water resources on land and hydropower generation has been conditioned by the absence of...
Open letter to Italian patent office and to the minister of economic development.
Open letter to Italian patent office and to the minister of economic development. Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 22/ 06/2015 Subject: Procedure for examination patent application no. CE2014A000011 filed on 03/09/2014 entitled marine floating platforms with suspended...