The future of terrestrial common sense is called Submerged, compressed and reinforced hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump.

I wrote this article, as a presentation of a future joint-stock company named SPAWHE (Synergic Plants Artificial Welling Hydroelectric Energy) to...

Il futuro di buonsenso terrestre si chiama Energia idroelettrica sommersa, compressa e rinforzata senza il salto idraulico.

Ho scritto questo articolo, come presentazione di una futura società per azioni dal nome SPAWHE (Synergic Plants Artificial Welling Hydroelectric...

The causes, the culprits and SPAWHE’s solution against global warming. Second open letter to the real UN secretary Antonio Guterres

Introduction           Our era, of inhabitants of the Earth, is characterized, undoubtedly, by the...

The possible and scientific neutralization of global warming with the energy and purification cycle of water.

[i]        I publish this very optimistic article seven years after the publication of my article entitledI “The hoax of the fight against global...

Let’s talk scientifically about the Italian disaster of the Bargi hydroelectric power plant.

The recent disaster that occurred in Italy on 04.10.2024, after the commemoration of the seven people who died in the accident that occurred in the...

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Fundraising in defense of life according to the Spawhe model.

I do not want to appear to be against world science, accusing it of being the main culprit of global warming, the spread of viruses, and the unequal distribution of world wealth. World science specifically made the right inventions in all areas, as each invention...

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Raccolta fondi in difesa della vita secondo il modello Spawhe.

Io non voglio sembrare di essere contro la scienza mondiale, accusandola di essere la principale responsabile del riscaldamento globale, della diffusione dei virus, e dell’iniqua distribuzione della ricchezza mondiale. La scienza mondiale, specificamente, ha fatto le...

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Luigi Antonio Pezone

Luigi Antonio Pezone
