
The real title of this article is a little longer and is the following: The difference between the honest impartial energy of the universe and the manipulated terrestrial energy of governments and multinationals, which is destroying the planet. The alternative solutions of boycotted by the powerful of the Earth.


I have always known that the energy of the universe is equal to zero even if I am not a scientist but just someone who thinks with his own head. This is also confirmed by great scientists like Stephen Hawking. We little men, thanks to these scientists and the increasingly powerful astronomical observations allowed by technology, can only try to better understand the functioning of the universe that has an infinite dimension, only partially from galaxies, black holes, dark matter, stars, planets, which are mysteriously connected by a dense electromagnetic network and gravitational forces that connect all the bodies in space that move in synchrony, while the universe continues to expand, due to the nuclear explosions of individual stars and planets in infinite space in all directions to occupy new spaces, increasingly expanding the great electromagnetic and gravitational network that continues to keep everything connected. Measurements with the Hubble Space Telescope indicate that the universe is expanding at a faster rate than predicted by scientists’ models. I do not know how scientists could have made predictions, but as a simple designer of terrestrial anthropogenic plants, I assimilate this phenomenon to Pascal’s principle which says that pressure expands in all directions. Therefore, if the expansion speed of the universe increases, it means that the universe is increasing the number of nuclear explosions that create the pressure that expands in the infinite void.

It is clear that in an infinite dimensional context, the planet Earth is nothing more than a small insignificant element, which if it stops functioning, losing its vital characteristics, only the inhabitants of the earth will lose. But what are the vital characteristics of the Earth? Starting from the outside, they are certainly: the natural ionic exchange between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface, the atmospheric air, water, biological life, the nuclear force produced by the internal ferromagnetic nucleus that produces heat and the basic electromagnetism connected to the universal one. With these elements and with the elementary inventions proposed by the undersigned, without the use of any of the current terrestrial energies, we could extract painlessly from the earth’s environment without producing CO2, steam or any type of pollution, quickly bringing the value of CO2 and steam back to pre-industrial levels. Therefore, begin to cool the planet and rebuild the natural habitat. Probably also allowing the gradual regrowth of coral reefs.

If we do not intervene, the planet Earth continues to consume its internal resources and sooner or later, it stops working. It is not expelled from the system of the universe but continues to spin endlessly as a body with no or very little life, which retains its mass devoid of biological life, like the other planets in the solar system. Where do I want to get to with this premise? It is very simple. Human beings cannot refer to the energy of the universe which is completely different from terrestrial energy. Otherwise we would not be the only inhabitants of the solar system. We must learn to extract energy from the terrestrial environment in a way that is painless for the environment itself. This does not mean giving up progress. In other words, we cannot copy the nuclear energy of the universe which is disproportionate for the terrestrial biological balances and we cannot continue to extract resources from the subsoil. We must observe nature better because it has given us the tools to extract all the energy we need in a way that is painless for the terrestrial environment. It is not easy to understand all the details if we limit ourselves to saying that we are in favor of renewable energy, or the new nuclear, hydrogen transformed into fuel, traditional hydroelectric, wind and solar energy. In my life as a designer and installer of industrial and environmental anthropogenic plants, I have had to note that the majority of anthropogenic plants are wrong from an economic and technological point of view because the earth’s nature in the course of 4.5 billion lives has already established the climatic conditions for human survival without using any technology. Therefore, the task of designers and inventors is much simplified, if they do not allow themselves to be influenced by politicians, by employers who aim to invest in the energies that produce the greatest economic gains, without taking into account that none of the current energies has the interactive functioning, which is simultaneously energetic and purifying, that only the energies proposed by the undersigned have, being extracted naturally from the environment, although they are also the cheapest of all the others.


In describing this article, I cannot help but connect to the previous article that anticipated by a few days the recently concluded Future Summit that took place on September 22 and 23, 2024 at the UN headquarters in New York. This summit did nothing but reiterate the objectives of the 2030 Agenda signed on September 25, 2015 by 193 countries including Italy, to share the commitment to guarantee a better present and future for our Planet and the people who inhabit it. I only want to underline the most important part of the speech by the Italian Prime Minister who confirmed the Mattei plan, which for me is a dive into the past, while for me, as written in the summary, even current renewables are outdated. I would also like to highlight the intervention of the President of the Italian ENEL Patrizia Grieco, who, referring to energy companies, states: “it is no longer enough to remunerate capital, they must learn to remunerate the system in which they live”. A challenge that – Grieco underlined – sees Enel as the first player in the world for energy generation capacity from renewable energy. Also in this case, I reiterate that not only are current renewables outdated, but I add that the Bargi hydroelectric plant, designed and managed by Enel, destroyed by a probable water hammer, a few months earlier, should have taught her that hydroelectric plants would be much more efficient, rational and safe, if they worked without the hydraulic jump. Having made these premises, I resume the description of the article in question.

If there was hindsight on planet Earth, it would have to be admitted that human technology should have concentrated on developing the production speeds of consumer goods without altering the climatic conditions of the planet. On planet Earth there have always been negative or polluting natural phenomena, such as seismic shocks, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, floods, but all these natural phenomena have been compensated by nature itself through the gradual absorption of the same polluting phenomena produced. While the waters, before the industrial era were quite manageable by the regular course of the four seasons. But with industrial development, to meet the increased energy and food needs and comfort of the human population, terrestrial science has oriented itself towards fossil, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, and wind energy. The undersigned, who as a pensioner wanted to try his hand as an inventor in cleaning up fossil fuels, has realized for about ten years that it is much simpler and cheaper to extract energy from the environment coldly, than to try to clean up fossil fuels by designing hydroelectric plants differently. Which, contrary to what I thought and what science still thinks, do not need a hydraulic jump to produce electricity and can also be made in a mobile version in the compressed hydroelectric version. We must not forget that among my inventions there is one called artificial welling that could increase, beyond all expectations, even the food production extracted from the sea and lakes, improving environmental conditions. In fact, by pumping water downwards, the system would bring the oxygen from the surface waters to the seabed, which is very often polluted, and would bring carbonates to the surface as food fertilizer. Furthermore, we can produce the electricity to operate the pump on site using an identical pump connected to a generator. In fact, the “pump current generator” group, which exploits the hydrostatic head, produces more energy than the group that consumes the “pump motor” energy. Therefore, the electrical energy is free, having been extracted from the environment. So electricity is free, having been extracted from the environment. Therefore, users should not pay for energy but only for the technology that produces it and possibly also for the inventors. I will return to this topic in this same article. For the moment, I affirm, as anticipated in the summary that the entire industrial purification and energy system of the Earth, should be revised and corrected with important changes, as it is responsible for the current climate changes that are devastating the planet and have already devastated the world economy by making everyone pay for the energy that could be largely extracted from the Earth’s environment without drilling wells and any industrial transformation in fixed and mobile anthropogenic plants.

The world science linked to the centers of power has never taken into consideration any of my forty inventions, however, on planet Earth it continues to teach that energy cannot be created from nothing and that perpetual motion is not possible. This was the main accusation that I received from the Italian and European patent office to my most important inventions. I opposed in vain with reasoning and also known scientific principles, which represent scientific paradoxes. That is, exceptions that confirm the rules. It is precisely the scientific paradoxes that allow us to extract energy from the terrestrial environment, which as I said, is very different from the energy of the universe. As it can be developed above all cold, exploiting fluid dynamic principles such as those of Venturi, Pascal, Torricelli, Newton for the purposes of producing force and physical principles, such as the solubility of air in water of Henry and Dalton for purification purposes. But, above all, the electromagnetic principles of Maxwell and Lorentz, must be developed cold to be able to be added to physical force. In fact, the Lorentz thrust would be particularly useful in aerospace and submarine transport, obviously without nuclear fuels and energy.

In fact, as if on purpose, even terrestrial electromagnetism that can be produced by man is different from that produced by nuclear energy, since it can only be produced cold at room temperature, through windings of copper wires protected with insulating paints and the circulation of permanent magnets, supported by the same electrical energy. Fortunately, terrestrial electromagnetism communicates perfectly with electromagnetism of nuclear origin. This dialogue is important, not only for the production of electrical energy, but also in all natural, industrial, agricultural, chemical, biological, electrostatic applications due to the natural ionization of water and air. Even human blood ionizes, otherwise, even my invention of the artificial heart oxygenating human blood would not work very well. Now it still doesn’t work, probably because it would interfere with useful but less efficient inventions, such as pacemakers.

The invention of the undersigned of the centrifugal pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller is fundamental for the global revolution of purification and energy production.

Clearly, the Creator of the universe is a great designer, otherwise, He would not have arranged everything, so that men could invent these solutions. In fact, the planet Earth, being endowed with a strong gravitational force has undergone natural evolutions that have allowed it to develop organic and inorganic chemical elements and biological life forms that clearly show that we earthlings have inherited an energy much more evolved than that of the universe. Unfortunately, strangely enough, these revelations are sometimes communicated to ordinary people, without academic qualifications, like myself, to complicate things.

So, contrary to what the professors say, on planet Earth, we can go much further than perpetual motion. Perpetual motion would make no sense, as it would not produce or consume energy. As a designer and installer of industrial and environmental plants, I understood the logic of the performance of industrial plants, where I worked for the first seventeen years of my life. Later, I changed jobs to understand the logic of the performance of public plants, where I worked for twenty years before retiring and designing human plants my way, making everyone unhappy. Both the owners of industries and the governments, which in theory should be the owners of public plants. In reality, the real owners of today’s society are the multinationals. Which are very comfortable with the high yield of industrial production and the low yield of public plants, which continue to use obsolete solutions in energy production and purification, allowing easier economic gains to the narrow world ruling class, which does what it wants, without finding opposition, but only collaboration to spread wrong inventions such as electric cars, which without the creation of an adequate network of electric energy charging points (powered by energy produced by thermal power plants) would not have been sold. My hydroelectric car completely energy autonomous has not found financiers, without any political party, environmental association, scientific journal, information organs protesting for this discrimination.

Today, there is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, but it is used more to control the performance of world stock markets than to study more intelligent solutions in purification and energy production. Not even my artificial heart, an energy-autonomous blood oxygenator, has been understood because science has underestimated the value of the interactive functioning of ion exchange in energy and purification processes that would oxygenate human blood instead of water. On the other hand, water purifiers also continue to waste thermal energy to power powerful compressors and blowers ins      tead of solubilizing oxygen directly in the production phase of compressed hydroelectric energy, where such solubilization would occur for free and the production of electricity itself would not consume fuel but only the wear of rotating machines.

Since governments have given up on being entrepreneurs even in communist countries, world research can be said to work entirely for multinationals. The designers of machines and plants work to create wealth for employers in exchange for wages, not to solve energy consumption problems. Unfortunately, by consuming energy in the wrong way we also consume the planet’s natural resources. On planet Earth all metal, plastic and glass materials can be recycled even if this does not happen perfectly, but what world science has not yet understood is the power of compressed hydroelectromagnetic energy that can also be completely recycled on the planet Earth and I would add that we are also making mistakes in space research and development, continuing to insist on fossil, nuclear and chemical energy for a fee, which are the same ones used by NASA. (The undersigned is the only inventor in the world who insists that we could go there also with clean energy extracted from the natural terrestrial environment and from artificial terrestrial environments, because the energy extracted from water from the air is not consumed and is recycled infinitely, precisely because of the ionic characteristics of water and air. Obviously, we must design the systems so that the air retains the gaseous state and the water the liquid state. There is something dark in the refusal of public and private science to experiment with my simple solutions of submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy patented in 2014 and 2015, which could quickly solve the problem of climatic irregularities that alternate floods and droughts and related damage. The current world ruling class, in order to continue to allow the current trade of energy sources and current technologies, pretends not to understand the power of the interactivity of common processes of water and air that would purify each other while producing electricity at room temperature.

I am forced to use the conditional because the current ruling class, having never wanted to create common energy and purification cycles in homes and sewers by also modifying the chimneys because the proposals were made by a simple pensioner, it was impossible to advance the state of the art technology of fixed purification and energy plants. It is even more difficult to hope that experiments will be done on mobile energy and even more so on air and space transport, where the inevitable physiological losses of energy sources should be regenerated starting from chlorophyll photosynthesis, therefore, from the artificial light produced in space carriages. But nothing is impossible if the solution is correct. It is certainly not correct to think of going into infinite space with rockets.

If I have interpreted well the logic of the Creator of the universe to correctly produce terrestrial energy (which has not yet been produced but boycotted by the entire world ruling class), even more so, this solution also applies to space. Precisely because space is infinite we must think of energies that are not consumed and that must be breathable by men. Therefore, we will have to carry with us not only the raw materials, but also the technologies to regenerate them infinitely, as the undersigned has proposed in the virtual design of global linear motors that could, in fact, take us into space with terrestrial energy produced cold, which would be able to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz that on Earth has never been added because public and private science has persisted in using thermal energy that does not allow thermal engines (rockets) to be combined with delicate electromagnetic engines built with coils of wires protected with insulating paints, which together with the circulation of permanent magnets are able to produce this type of thrust, essential to overcome the gravitational force. But also to connect to the electromagnetic network of the universe. If we do not connect rationally and efficiently to the electromagnetic network of the universe, we will not make great strides in space exploration either.

I report an excerpt of my article and patent filing “It will be cheaper to travel in a vacuum when atmospheric pressure and air resistance become insignificant. But what is even more important is the fact that, by slightly modifying the global linear motors, traveling in space, we can capture interstellar dust, which contains the same minerals as on Earth. This can be used for many scientific purposes, but above all, as fertilizer for hydroponic crops and the production of meat without animals to feed space travelers. We simply need to create a steel tunnel outside the global linear motor connected to the turbo fan where a high vacuum will be produced that is higher than the surrounding space vacuum and connect this tunnel with a small vacuum pump to a dust thickening tank, which will be emptied periodically by letting atmospheric air enter, which will feed an electrostatic filter that will recover the dust that will be used together with the other interactive purification and energy plant inventions described on the website to allow human beings to survive even in space without suffering physiological damage due to the absence of atmospheric pressure and gravity. In fact, atmospheric air and water will fill the wagons of space caravans full of humans and will be recycled endlessly, appropriately reintegrated with artificial photosynthesis and the carbon cycle, while general gravity will be reinforced, becoming very similar to that of Earth, electrostatically polarizing the paths of conditioned atmospheric air and recycled water in the interactive, energetic and purifying, compressed hydro-electromagnetic plants, still unknown to terrestrial science. It is not surprising that I have not been granted a patent on this solution and that I have not filed a legal appeal against this decision of the bureaucrats of the Italian and European patent offices. I cannot waste my limited economic resources as a simple pensioner to oppose such decisions if the entire world science is not ready to admit its mistakes. I can only hypothesize that my solutions work and advance the state of the art virtually by proposing subsequent inventions that follow the same interactive reasoning. In fact, interactive purification and energy processes occur naturally in nature in the presence of photosynthesis and the carbon cycle at atmospheric pressure in the presence of terrestrial minerals, chemistry, biology, physics and electromagnetism at the natural speed of the terrestrial environment. To make them occur at higher speeds it is necessary to increase the operating pressures, the flow rates of the components involved in the processes, create artificial light, modify the machines that circulate the fluids and those that produce energy. Since world science has always been divided into sectors specialized in individual disciplines, even industry and multinationals have not studied in depth how to increase the speed of interactive purification and energy processes.  

 So, an inventor like myself who has spent half his working life learning the scientific organization of work and technology in the automobile industry and another half his working life learning the energy purification processes and water distribution in public facilities, could do nothing but put the two experiences together to study and propose, as a pensioner, the complete interactive processes, which have been met with silence from public and private science and with the obvious opposition of the bureaucrats in the Patent offices. It is obvious that since terrestrial systems have not been understood, space systems cannot be understood (where it is necessary to artificially increase the pressure of the environment so as not to create physiological damage to humans accustomed to living at atmospheric pressure and at the same time compensate for the lower gravity, guiding the flows of water and air in the desired directions by means of the pressurization of the environment and the ionization of water and air, already partially tested on planet Earth in particular terrestrial environments, such as electrostatic paint booths). It is equally obvious that an inventor who knows his work cannot accept the silences of science, which has never applied the scientific principles of Henry, Pascal, Venturi, Torricelli, Maxwell, Faraday, Einstein simultaneously in the same plants as scientific truths. World science has shown that it is capable of legislating individual scientific principles, while technology has shown that it is capable of designing machines that exploit them individually. But the real inventions are those that bring together more principles and technologies together to accelerate energy and purification processes together compatibly with the resistance of materials, temperatures, pressures, bearable by human beings in the simplest and most economical way. Public and private science and the multinationals that have produced global warming, viruses and the current distribution of world wealth have shown that they do not know how to design anthropic plants globally. While the undersigned without a single euro or dollar from any government or multinational has tried both in purification, energy, health and even space plants. Furthermore, we cannot think of going into space without organizing life inside the space wagons, which needs to produce human food and endlessly recycle water, air and reduce and consume the CO2 produced by human breathing. So in my version of virtual design of space transport I allowed myself to re-propose my domestic water saving project (CE2006A020014 of 22. 05. 2006, which is also a European patent, not implemented on Earth due to the incomprehensible silences of Italian, European and world public science. In fact, this integrated solution with a system of pressurization of space wagons and the external capture of interspace dust filed on 27. 07. 2021 with the Italian filing number U102021000019907, was the last patent filing of the undersigned, with which I definitively closed my career as an inventor without finding interlocutors. It seems strange that my first patent filing is connected to the last one, in completely different environments. But it is not because it means that from 2006 to 2024 we have not solved the terrestrial environmental problems and we claim to want to go into space. So, my failed career as an inventor, which has not seen even one of the forty proposed inventions, perfectly respects the history and background of the current global warming.

I made my inventions public the day after filing the patents, to share my experience in industry and the environment, not to become rich as a pensioner. Unfortunately, I have never found public and private interlocutors. Except for one occasion, way back in 2009, when I was invited by the former President of ENEA, Luigi Paganetto, to the Bologna headquarters to discuss my solutions for water saving and sewer purification, which were preparatory to subsequent inventions, since I used the internal water saving system in homes to insert automatic calcium chloride dosing into the recycling of sanitary water, free from cooking fats, to prepare the sewer purification, which would also purify smoke from chimneys, which I would modify in subsequent inventions, which would begin the global purification system of water and air together, which in subsequent years, I continued to perfect, creating complementary purification and energy cycles, with the introduction of compressed hydroelectricity, which introduced vertical sedimentation tanks (Imhof type) into the sewer system equipped with surface oxidation and artificial rain on calcareous materials, which would produce complete cycles with purified and alkaline water in the sewers, consuming electricity produced with the hydroelectric system. compressed, without the hydraulic jump, therefore, without fuels, nuclear, wind and solar energy. This same system in subsequent inventions, I also used it to virtually create mobile terrestrial, marine and space plants.

Unfortunately, due to unfortunate circumstances, things did not go as indicated above, because, as I wrote in some previous articles, the letter Prot. ENEA/2009/370587/PRES dated 02/07/2009, in which the former president of ENEA invited me to a meeting at their headquarters in Bologna, writing to me verbatim: “In order to delve deeper into the technical aspects and economic implications of the systems and technologies you propose, I ask you to contact Dr…………., head of the Section on Analysis Methods and Prevention of Anthropogenic Risk, who will be able to organize a meeting with the experts in the sector”

Unfortunately, for reasons unknown to me, the President’s collaborators delayed the meeting, and called me in the second half of September 2009, making me travel about 1100 km by train there and back just to inform me that Prof. Paganetto was no longer the president of Enea, and they could no longer deal with my patents, not having sufficient funds even to pursue their patents. Therefore there was no technical discussion on my patents. All this could have been communicated to me even with a simple email, without making me also bear the inconvenience and travel expenses. This is the level of behavior of Italian and probably worldwide research institutions towards private inventors. Subsequently, ENEA, like all other Italian and international research institutions, did not respond to my publications, although, as I have demonstrated, it has submitted patents that are much more important and potentially useful to humanity than those developed up to 2009. Certainly, today many publishers invite me to publish the articles I write with them, but they would also like to be paid to publish them. Even the organizers of conferences invite me to participate, but they too would like to be paid and in addition I would have to pay for travel and accommodation expenses.

The sponsors, who are multinationals, do not finance those outside their system of power. I took 20,000 euros from the single-income family for patent filing fees, which, being of public social utility, should have been exempt from any tax.  I paid them to look for public and private interlocutors that I did not find. Furthermore, I have not been paid by any employer for about twenty years of work, including overtime, because I work every day. Even on holidays. The problems that I have tried to understand remain unsolved, despite the world summits on the environment and energy. In the meantime, this year too, winter is coming and millions of people are suffering from the cold and hunger and cannot even warm themselves and move to other places due to lack of energy. In the meantime, this year too, winter is coming and millions of people are suffering from cold and hunger and cannot even warm themselves and move to other places due to lack of electricity, which instead, could be extracted from the environment in the place where they live, even if it is at the North Pole or in the desert.

As a designer and inventor, who proposed alternatives, which never had answers, I cannot remain silent, because in addition to being a victim of the same global energy and purification system, I would be an accomplice to their crime of omission.

The comparison between the internal environment of a terrestrial dwelling and that of a future Space wagon conceived with Spawhe’s inventions.

If we think about it, the temperature of the Earth’s environment, although very far from the temperature of the vacuum of space, which is that of absolute zero, is approximately -2.73 K, equal to -270.42 degrees Celsius, considering that in a vacuum the heat between the inside and outside of the space carriages is transmitted only by radiation and not by conduction and convection, given the absence of atmospheric air on the outside, it would have been more logical to go into space with cold energy instead of hot energy, as public and private space agencies have done. But also much cheaper because terrestrial energy, as conceived by the undersigned (virtually without funding) costs nothing, is infinitely recyclable, is breathable by humans, plants and livestock that we will bring with us, so that we can renew terrestrial energy in the same space carriages, starting from artificial light, chlorophyll photosynthesis and the entire carbon cycle. We can even capture from space the particles of minerals wandering in dust for research purposes, but also as elements of replenishment of human nutrition and technology, concerning future aerospace transportation as described by the undersigned in some patent filings and related articles. But keeping its feet on the ground, current space science is biting off much more than it can chew, precisely because terrestrial science has not understood how energy is extracted from the environment. It does not matter whether this energy is to be used to stay on Earth or go into space. The important thing is that the energy is compatible with the life of living beings, is cheap and can be produced cold. With such characteristics it is clear that both on planet Earth and in space it should have been fluid dynamics and electromagnetic. Nuclear and thermal solutions do not allow this type of coupling and are also uneconomical and polluting. The electromagnetic force that bears the name of the scientist Lorentz has not been very useful in the design of submarine and space aeronautical transport, where the means of transport must move in a three-dimensional space, other scientists have used heat instead of fluid dynamics. While my Global Linear Motor coldly producing the entire energy cycle, it extracts it from water and compressed air. In fact, although this engine has never been built, it uses an electric turbo fan incorporated into a double cylindrical wall, inside which the induced electric circuit is wrapped and the grooves where the permanent magnets mounted on insulated supports slide, which, depending on the direction in which they move, produce the thrust called Lorentz thrust.

Of course, there are also other tricks to ensure that the thrust always goes in the desired direction, but the essential factor is to use a cold primary energy source to produce both Newtonian and Lorentz thrust, which are separated only by a simple wall. This solution has never been implemented on planet Earth because airplane turbo fans are thermal. Consequently, the space race was also based on thermal energy. Using rockets instead of thermal turbo fans, which could not go beyond the atmosphere.

Until 2014 – 2015, when I invented submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy, no one could have thought that it could also be used in the Earth’s atmosphere. Instead, in 2020 I conceived global linear motors embedded in double-walled tunnels containing coils of copper wire with permanent magnet circulation that could produce the linear Lorentz thrust outside the electric turbo fans and outside the same autoclaves that contain the water and compressed air needed to produce primary electrical energy. It is obvious that the electrical energy produced is less powerful than thermal energy, but since the raw materials cost nothing, we can combine multiple global linear motors that work in parallel and still be able to overcome the atmosphere, without excessively stressing the materials. The subordination of designers and inventors to employers, the patent market and many other factors prevent the best solutions from coming out. If someone, like me, publishes solutions without being able to demonstrate them practically due to the lack of funding, he is not believed by any of the professionals in the sectors involved, who prefer to leave things as they are, where everyone benefits, even if progress does not advance and planet Earth is heating up more and more and the resources of the subsoil are consumed.

For me, scientific truth would be much easier to understand if we reasoned globally, even if in the subsequent phases of project development it is necessary to resort to individual scientific and technological specializations to develop all the details. With clean electricity that costs nothing, we could even incorporate electromagnetic thrust into the walls of aircraft or space carriages as well as global linear motors. But designs are made gradually one step at a time, before learning to fly you need to learn to walk. This is why we have produced global warming, also losing out economically. We learn from our mistakes, but this ruling class supports each other and fights on political and racial issues, supported by a science that instead of working for peace with social inventions, like those proposed by the undersigned, hides them.

 How can an inventor who loves his work and who finds no interlocutors, remain silent about stupid inventions like cars with electric accumulators and how can he estimate the governments who spend public money to power them with energy produced by power plants powered by fossil fuels that emit CO2, or nuclear power that emits steam, which are two greenhouse gases that they cannot eliminate because they do not know how to design purifiers. While fixed and mobile clean energy costs nothing and is found everywhere?

The figure above shows that with global linear motors we could also solve serious terrestrial problems at very low costs because in some cases it is necessary to stop in a stable way in the atmosphere. But we have only seen these things in science fiction films without knowing what energy they would use, how much the system used would cost and how much it would pollute the environment. I say that the world political scientific economic ruling class is afraid that my solutions really work for this reason no one takes responsibility to answer me.

For example, let’s imagine the fire container working and knowing from meteorological science, that most of the lightning that produces atmospheric disturbances originate in the ionosphere area located 300 kilometers from the earth, I think we would be naive if we did not try in the future when we have developed my system of flying, to send to that area, perhaps without a crew, a fire container (shown above) with a load of water to spread it over the desert areas in the various seasons to study its effects. Obviously after we have stopped the current emissions of water vapor produced by current nuclear, thermal, solar plants and the transport of electrical energy on high voltage pylons which together currently interfere with the natural ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.

See the figure below

The figure below shows a space wagon with the essential handling and climate control systems.

The energy that will save the earth from global warming will also be the one that will allow us to explore and colonize a part of the universe: compressed magnetic hydroelectricity.

I have finished my career as an unwanted inventor. I have not finished my career as a critical writer of the world institutions that claim to design the development of the future without knowing how to coherently and multidisciplinaryly put together all the details necessary to guarantee the survival of man even in particular situations, such as, precisely, future space travel, which, for the undersigned, do not need to reach the escape velocity of 11.2 km/second to leave the planet Earth, if they have an internal energy source that is not consumed, and that in the absence of Newton’s thrust, replaces it with Lorentz’s electromagnetic thrust. Coincidentally, the only energy that can produce such thrust at the temperature of the vacuum of space is hydroelectric, due to the circulation of pressurized water inside the autoclave of the global linear motor, which was conceived by the undersigned to reinforce the Newtonian thrust of electric motors, certainly less powerful than thermal ones, but considering that in the vacuum there are no dispersions outside the autoclaves that contain the water and air by conduction and convection, we can very well keep the water liquid and the atmospheric air gaseous with simple electrical resistances and thermostats without resorting to heavy and expensive nuclear solutions or the current liquid fuels of public and private space agencies. Let’s not talk about the fuels that aeronautical, naval, submarine, terrestrial entities consume to move from one place to another or simply work the land in agricultural fields. All these economic and environmental disasters are due to the fact that compressed hydroelectricity has never been produced on the planet, because no scientist has realized that we do not need the hydraulic jump to produce hydroelectric energy. It took an intuition of the undersigned in 2014, a good 124 years after the construction of the first hydroelectric plant in the world, which took place in 1990 at Niagara Falls in the United States. In fact, to produce submerged hydroelectric energy it is sufficient to put in series in the same descent pipe a centrifugal pump that pumps in the direction of the gravitational force powered by an electric motor and below it, mount the same pump connected to an electric current generator that receives the water and produces electricity. We can easily see that the energy produced by the generator is much higher than the electrical energy absorbed by the electric motor of the pump positioned above, not only because the energy connected to the generator is in a lower position and therefore uses a higher hydrostatic height, but above all, because the hydraulic circuit is open and the water that is discharged at the outlet of the pump used as a turbine closes the hydraulic circuit with a submerged discharge, which is not a recycling. It only has a pressure loss equal to the output speed squared divided by 2g. In essence, the upper pump only has the task of overcoming the state of inertia of the water, while the lower pump, which functions as a turbine, uses both the hydrostatic head and the kinetic energy produced by the upper pump to produce electrical energy. This simple way to produce electricity on planet Earth has never been exploited and although I have published and improved it with some Italian patent filings of the year 2014 (102014 92260232, 102014 92290390, 102014 92298581, 102014 92305199), While in 2015 with the invention of the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller (102015 000048796), which is also an international patent, which would allow the production of hydroelectric energy also by exploiting the potential energy of parallel basins of different hydrostatic heights and creating current generators that can be mounted in individual homes always recycling the same water (102015000048792). Consequently, these generators could also be mounted on means of transport, so in 2016, with the patent 102016000087373, the hydroelectric car with driving torque applied to the periphery of the wheels was also born, which would be completely autonomous from an energy point of view, but also innovative from a mechanical point of view since by applying the driving force directly to the periphery of the wheels with the electronic control of the rpm, the high costs of mechanical transmissions would be saved. Obviously this concept is also valid for other means of transport and work, including agricultural tractors. Unfortunately, we are governed worldwide by a ruling class that does not assume social responsibilities. The public castes of NATO countries and communist countries are made up of many thousands of managers, who deal with energy and the environment, on planet Earth, who could have responded to me and invited me to a constructive discussion, because I have filed these solutions in the institutional patent offices that they themselves have legalized. They did not do so even recently, when I clearly demonstrated, after the disaster of the Bargi hydroelectric plant in Italy, that global warming and the current world floods could have been avoided and even prevented, by extracting, precisely from water and air, terrestrial electrical energy without any need for hydraulic jumps and other terrestrial energies, because nothing is cheaper than water and air. Therefore, by better distributing the world’s waters and extracting electrical energy from them, only with submerged and compressed hydroelectricity we could have saved the planet from global warming and floods.

The figure above indicates the way to transform a hydroelectric plant with the hydraulic jump into a submerged hydroelectric plant without the hydraulic jump reinforced with compressed hydroelectric energy extracted  directly from the terrestrial environment according to the following articles already published. 

Today, unfortunately, we are in a paradoxical situation: global public research cannot afford to oppose the power of multinationals, but it also has good reasons to get along. In fact, public researchers and inventors are privileged. If they are good, they get a salary from governments, but the greatest profits come from selling patents to multinationals. Obviously, multinationals do not buy patents that go against their interests and therefore, we have industrial production with high returns and environmental and energy production with low returns, which leads to a greater demand for machines produced by multinationals, which are more interested in producing economic profits than in achieving true scientific, technological, environmental and human health progress.

Only in this way can we explain the global silence on the inventions that I have proposed that do not use complicated mathematical, chemical, physical formulas, but simple reasoning based on experience and the scientific organization of work. In fact, I learned the scientific organization of work in the automotive industry. But when I tried to apply it also in the environmental and energy sector, simplifying the processes, increasing their speed, increasing the yields, exactly as it happened in industrial processes, instead of gathering consensus, I only gathered silence.

Unfortunately, it is convenient for multinationals that industrial production increases, but the environmental and energy sector must remain backward, as it is currently, so that entrepreneurs can also profit from low energy yields, from the sale of fuels, from electric cars, from new fuels that are more expensive but less polluting. Instead, the undersigned, through excessive zeal, exaggerated, distorting the fundamental concepts of energy, based on the real functioning of the earth’s environment, which even if official science has not noticed, is much simpler and cheaper than that desired by multinationals: it requires a simpler and more rational design of public and private infrastructures worldwide, since clean and powerful energy can be extracted directly from the earth’s environment.

The current global climate collapse is mainly due to the poor scientific preparation of world politicians, who are manipulated by those who manage the world’s scientific, technological and economic power, who only publicize the inventions that are convenient for them, while hiding those that would have solved the problems by extracting free energy that is already clean from the environment.

The hypocrisy of governments and multinationals has no limits. Faced with the damage caused by climate change, governments and multinationals, instead of rationally designing human plants, both from a structural and technological point of view, want to impose insurance policies on citizens against damage caused by natural disasters (which are not natural but caused by bad planning). These solutions are suggested by false government advisors who serve the interests of those who hold the world’s wealth, who also want to earn from the misfortunes caused by their own bad industrial and environmental planning. There is no way out of this absurd situation without the moral recovery of the entire world society. This recovery can only be done by practically demonstrating what the best structural, energy and purification solutions are, by redesigning the main fixed and mobile global anthropogenic plants on a reduced scale. It doesn’t take much to understand that what works on a small scale also works on a real scale. We cannot continue to produce and multiply wrong plants all over the world on a real scale as we have been doing on the entire planet since the beginning of the industrial era, without testing truly alternative solutions to the development model of the consumer society, which practically asserts that we must consume to create work and well-being. While I assert that we create greater well-being if when we work we completely close all the cycles we open, otherwise it is better not to work because we are destroying the planet with open and non-closed organic and inorganic chemical cycles.

Even if I had not sinned of presumption, inventing immediately after the compressed hydroelectric (which may not work, but I am sure it works), global warming could have been avoided because instead of powering vehicles with electric motors powered by thermal and nuclear power plants, they would have been powered by hydroelectric energy present everywhere, which would also have led to a rational distribution of the world’s waters in favor of agriculture. Unfortunately, world institutions, such as the United Nations, which through the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) grant inventors a large percentage of the profits of industrial patents created, while they do not recognize any value to the intellectual property of unfunded inventions. This type of organization, in fact, has prevented inventors from working on important ideas and projects, which multinationals would never have purchased, having based their development model on fossil thermal, nuclear, solar, wind and hydroelectric energies with the hydraulic jump.

I never thought of changing the world from a political or moral point of view. I simply thought that if I had concentrated on solving practical problems, with my industrial environmental experience, I would have been more useful as a pensioner than as an employee, obliged to respect the orders received from employers and the pre-established contract specifications. I put my ideas on paper, born from experience, to give a contribution to society, not to challenge it. I started with the simplest problems, such as saving water at home, which in my opinion, can be done by separating the paths of water containing fats from those used for personal hygiene to better use the still clean water in the internal circuit of homes instead of wasting it. If I had been allowed to modify the chimneys, making them with two concentric ducts and created an upper expansion in order to slow down the speed of the smoke exit, even without installing electrostatic filters that would have been very useful, I could have recalled the CO2 (which is 1.5 times heavier than air) and SOx, Nox, other pollutants, towards the sewers, with special fans, to start the common purification of water and air in vertical purification pits like Imhoff, but equipped with surface oxidation and artificial rain on calcareous material. If these inventions of mine, regularly filed as patent applications that were also granted to me but not financed by public bodies and multinationals, the cities would have been much better than they are now. Unfortunately these inventions have not been taken into consideration by Italian and world public bodies and the state of the purification art has not improved as it could have. In fact at least the purification patents (which are seventeen) have been granted to me and include purification inventions. I have extended six of these patents internationally to verify whether I am an inventor who is misunderstood only in Italy or misunderstood internationally. Clearly I had the answer that I am misunderstood internationally. I should have surrendered to the evidence of being considered incompetent by current science, instead I continued to make inventions, paying only the bare minimum, which is the filing of a national patent, even knowing that after three years it lapses if I do not continue to pay the maintenance fees. In fact, I have forty inventions and I am not interested in industrial property but only in intellectual property, which is recognized even to those who write a simple song. Not to inventors who strive to find non-commercial solutions to environmental problems. In this period of great floods, the most astute administrators who thought of creating flood basins to protect at least the inhabited centers, rightly, are welcomed as national heroes, demonstrating that in a world of the blind, even those who see a little light can be a guide for others. None of the Italian and world politicians and administrators have realized that the retention basins are not a definitive solution, but only a temporary one while waiting to change, not only the preventive system against floods but the entire global water, purification and energy management system.

 For ten years this system has been patiently waiting to be understood after the inventions of the submerged and compressed hydroelectric system that demonstrated that we do not need the hydraulic jump to produce hydroelectric energy and therefore we can hydroelectric energy everywhere even in mobile plants by recycling the same water instead of using fuels. We do not need Ferraris to work the land but agricultural tractors that develop much higher energy without consuming fuels. But this applies to all human activities because everything can function with fluid-dynamic electrical energy produced without heat at the temperature of the earth’s environment.

Europe in particular, while a senseless war is being fought between Russia and Ukraine, is submerged by floods that involve all countries, none excluded. As I write this article, climate emergencies are being experienced in Slovenia, Hungary, France, Germany and in particular, in Poland, while the flood in Emilia Romagna has been repeated just over a year after the previous one. All these phenomena confirm that the global climate collapse has now occurred. Not because the Gods of heaven have become angry with ordinary men, who count for nothing in strategic environmental choices. I believe that the scientific God who governs the universe has grown tired of the presumption and ignorance of terrestrial science that indulges the thirst for power of politicians and billionaires. Science has misused all the world’s energies and created weapons of destruction so that some men can increase their power. In this respect, I almost regret having invented the artificial heart oxygenating the human blood energetically autonomous, which certainly, if realized could allow human beings to live many hundreds of years, as the men of the future will feed themselves mainly on Technology. In fact, to survive, the elderly of the future will feed themselves with physiological solutions having to feed only the brain. All other functions will be carried out by artificial organs, more effective than natural ones. The reason why this invention has not been understood is mainly due to the scientific ignorance of the men of power who continue to use force instead of the brain. Since the best scientists are busy pleasing the men of power, it was up to a modest pensioner to invent the artificial heart oxygenating the blood, because this invention could not have been conceived, if the inventor had not first learned to extract clean energy directly from the earth’s cold environment. The metaphor that says that man was created in the image and likeness of God without any difference in skin color, acquires greater meaning, if with the artificial heart we better oxygenate the blood that reaches the brain, which already has greater potential than a super quantum computer. Only the ignorance of men in power and of science itself, which has prevented the global purification of the environment and the extraction of clean electrical energy directly from the environment, has prevented the invention of the artificial heart and consequently the extension of human life by also increasing human intellectual capacities without altering DNA. Therefore, without learning to coldly extract energy from the terrestrial environment, man has not been able to combine Newton’s physical thrust with Lorentz’s electromagnetic thrust to fly in the atmosphere, in space and in underwater environments with sustainable energy extracted directly from the environment. It should have been clear for a long time that the energy of a planet like Earth, which has almost nothing in common with the energy of the universe, as this energy is based on the ion exchange of water, the terrestrial air and all the minerals present in the periodic table of elements that contribute to the development of biological life that does not exist in the rest of the universe.

The blood oxygenating artificial heart filed as a patent in 2018 has not been funded and tested because it is the miniaturization of the compressed hydroelectromagnetic system, patented in 2015, which by coldly extracting energy from the environment would purify and oxygenate and nourish living beings on planet Earth without current terrestrial energies. It would have been a contradiction to fund the artificial heart to extend human life and not use the same system to extend the life of the entire planet. What I ask myself, is it possible that the undersigned is alone in making these reflections, which have not yet received a single euro of public or private funding, to be verified? Is it possible that not even climate collapse sows any doubt in the current world ruling class?


Who I am from a professional point of view is written in my curriculum vitae and also in the articles published online and on my website, but when I decided to ask for donations to demonstrate the validity of my solutions in favor of the environment and humanity as a whole, I think it is right to say something more about myself from a human point of view.

My life as a human being has been poor and modest but full of family affections and I have never envied richer and more powerful people. My father was a modest agricultural worker who died at only thirty-five years of age in an accident at work when I was eight years old, leaving a housewife wife and four children, of whom I was the second born, but the only male. I was in a Catholic orphanage with the Salesians until I completed middle school and then I attended high school to become an industrial expert. But I was always a head of the family for my sisters because, in addition to going to school, I worked as a blacksmith’s boy (husband of my father’s sister). So I did not have an easy life as a teenager and I got used to hard work and study at the same time. I had a good family life, with my wife who took care of my daughters who are now teachers, having graduated, and we have eight grandchildren (six girls and two boys). We all live in the same town in separate homes but we see each other every day, like a big family. So, I had a peaceful life that allowed me to dedicate myself first to work, which I did not use to be successful, but to support my family and prepare myself professionally for my activity as an inventor in retirement (in my heart I always knew that if I had had a peaceful life, as an elderly person I would have been an inventor). I did not care about obtaining academic qualifications, but to deepen my knowledge of plant engineering and work organization, first industrial, having been lucky enough to be hired by Alfa Romeo right in the construction phase of the Pomigliano d’Arco plant in the province of Naples. Dealing with the installation and maintenance of the systems I also became a designer. But I also wanted to deepen my knowledge of environmental systems, so I left Alfa Romeo and went to work in a small company installing public water distribution, purification and energy production systems. In the meantime I always kept myself scientifically updated on applied technologies. As chance would have it, the company I was working for ceased its activity just when I had matured the requirements to retire and my dream came true. I never imagined becoming an inconvenient inventor. What I filed as patents and what I wrote as a writer, has not been understood and realized because, in my opinion, there are too many hidden interests that prevent the correct connections between the various scientific and technological disciplines. Since the undersigned is an expert especially on the scientific organization of work and does not see his own inventions understood, he had no other choice than to propose a “No Profit” fundraiser based on the inventions of SPAWHE, with which you could even create a mini city called SPAWHE CYTY, where you could practically show how to design fixed and mobile anthropic systems so that they close all the cycles they open. This virtual city will never be realized if the poor do not finance it, and there are many of them. But I also hope that among the many false financiers wich I spoke about in some articles there is also some real billionaire who likes my solutions, if nothing else, to earn the kingdom of heaven. In fact, the Gospel of Matthew says that Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. I believe in miracles, so much so that I have managed to make proposals that world science has never managed to think of in over 150 years of industrial development. The fact that I only collect scientific silences, not real opposition, is for me the confirmation that I am right. The money I will collect will all be spent on ascertaining the scientific truth. I don’t want to die rich and see the gates of Heaven close to me. Even if Heaven didn’t exist, it wouldn’t change anything, because money doesn’t make you happy. I’m a happy man even if I’ve never been in a five-star hotel.

But in concluding this article, I want to make some reflections on the meaning of “No Profit”. This word does not mean that people work without being paid. It only means that the purpose of the works that are built and what is produced is not to generate profit to enrich investors, manufacturers of global machinery and plants, but to improve the living conditions of those who work and of the society that supports this type of activity. Therefore also of local banks and citizens who do not work directly in the financed activity. It is not a question of who profits and who loses. It is a question of doing things properly, which is an unknown word, especially in the very important sectors of purification and energy production worldwide.

All municipal, regional, state public activities are “Non-profit” but if public facilities do not work well, in addition to environmental damage, the public debt of the State concerned also increases. Italy is one of the most indebted countries in the world because it has a type of scientific organization of public work that is more ineffective than other countries. To repay the Italian public debt, we do not need politicians, but rather planners and inventors of public and social work. Not that of industry, crafts, commerce, tourism and so on. All in all, Italy is doing quite well in these sectors.

What is missing all over the world are precisely the designers and inventors of public and social work and I realized this precisely because I learned to work in industry and then I tried to transfer my experience to the design of public work. First of all, I must say that I was able to do it only as a pensioner, not paid by anyone. Because no one opposes the solutions from a technical and scientific point of view. While large private companies divide the contracts legally. It does not matter if it is thermal energy, nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, cogeneration, wind, water purification, air, water lifting and distribution, waste treatment, composting, incinerators. They are all separate technologies and the civil works are adequate to the technical and scientific processes adopted. I have known these types of plants above all in subcontracting work.  

Only as a pensioner did I have the time and freedom to study the alternatives and I immediately started with the most complicated part which is the purification one. Which is still the same because my solutions have never been realized (overlapping biological ponds, special chimneys, limestone greenhouses, artificial rains, sewer sedimentation tanks) and then, without science and the world ruling class noticing anything, to reduce costs, I realized I could extract clean energy directly from the environment, with hydroelectricity without the hydraulic jump in fixed and mobile versions. So, without wanting to, I believe I have first solved the big purification problems that concern the production of steel and cast iron, the large incinerators, and then to reduce the costs of these purifications, by pure chance, I invented first submerged hydroelectric energy and then compressed hydroelectricity. But we are talking about inventions from 2014 – 2015 that have not yet found public and private interlocutors at a global level. Of course, I could also be wrong and in that case I would be forced to apologize publicly for the big mistake. But I have only collected silences and until proven otherwise, I trust my experience, even if my solutions have not been implemented on planet Earth. I repeat, the creator of the universe through gravitational force, the Earth’s atmosphere, the chemical composition of water and atmospheric air and the ion exchange between the Earth’s surface governed the Earth’s climate and natural purification without the use of any technology, therefore, we only had to increase the speed of the processes at the natural temperatures of the Earth’s environment without involving heat, which is what the undersigned did and already described in Italian and English in 40 patents and 120 published articles. All we have to do is circulate and recirculate the Earth’s waters that produce electricity through submerged and compressed hydroelectric plants without the hydraulic jump and replenish the waters consumed by the nearest water source. This means that we have made a mistake in the entire world development because if we do not have to produce cast iron and steel and we do not have to incinerate waste, thermal energy is useless. Therefore, my way of solving environmental problems was correct and logical, starting from the cleaning of fossil energy that required more complete solutions and then simplifying the energy and purification solutions when heat is not necessary, which represents the majority of cases. This also explains the reasons why I do not find public and private interlocutors at a global level. Therefore, I am not someone who organized a “NO profit” fundraiser to satisfy personal ambitions. I was forced to do so by the hypocrisy of the entire world ruling class.

I have published my energy and purification solutions in chronological order from 2006 to 2024 and I have summarized them like a nursery rhyme for children in the SPAWHE nursery rhyme, because the later inventions could not be invented without the earlier inventions. In fact, there are neither earlier nor later inventions. Children will probably understand the meaning of the nursery rhyme. The world scientific, political, economic, ruling class certainly did not understand it. Here is the spawhe nursery rhyme:

“The cleaning of fossil energy published in, to be efficient, should be based, above all on inorganic chemistry that is able to absorb CO2, producing carbonates in the water, so that they counteract the acidification of the oceans and global warming. To speed up the processes and reduce the energy costs that would have involved the circulation of very large quantities of water necessary to neutralize the very large quantities of CO2 emitted by the current thermal power plants and heat engines, it has gradually been transformed technologically into solutions of less space by exploiting the principles Pascal and Henry.  In fact, I realized that on planet Earth, all the activities that nature produces through organic and inorganic chemistry, photosynthesis and the carbon cycle can be increased in speed without any need to use thermal, nuclear energy and current renewables. It is sufficient only to increase the operating pressures of the systems, modify the circulation pumps and make the machines work differently. In fact, natural interactive systems expel, with the times required by nature, the elements extraneous to natural cycles, due to accidental polluting phenomena, including direct and indirect thermal effects due to volcanic explosions, to natural fires that have always existed on the planet. The current industrial activities of men have multiplied exponentially the elements extraneous to natural cycles, therefore nature is no longer able to restore interactive balances. Obviously, this is my truth and in the entire website, I explain how, in my opinion, we should have created global plants that purify both fumes and water at the same time before they go to pollute the soils, rivers, lakes and seas. Having not done this in any country in the world, it has not been possible to advance the state of the art of purification to make it known to other countries. Therefore, the advancement of the state of the global purification art has not occurred. Consequently, it was not even possible to notice that the water circulation pumps, if we make them work in the direction of gravitational force, by placing them in series with the turbines, we could extract the energy directly from the environment. Having not done this, it was not possible to realize that the water circulation pumps, if in addition to making them pump in the direction of gravitational force, we modify them on the suction side and make them another inlet clearly separated from the main one up to the same impeller , we can always use the same water to create energy because we use one feed to recycle the water from the upper basin and the other feed to introduce into the same impeller the water discharged from a turbine fed by falling water from the same upper basin. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that by replacing the upper basin with a pressurized autoclave with compressed air, it being understood that we use a turbine connected to the outlet of the autoclave, we can recover the water drained from the turbine and insert it back into the autoclave, whose pressurized water is recycled with the same impeller of the pump by means of the second supply. In this way, with the same water and the same compressed air, we would have produced a current generator that extracts energy from the environment, with quite small dimensions. Having not done this, it was not possible to further reduce the dimensions of this current generator by increasing the operating pressure of the autoclave in order to be able to mount it on cars and trucks, on agricultural tractors. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions can still be reduced by using submersible pumps as turbines mounted directly in cylindrical tubes that would act as autoclaves. Therefore, these groups could be used to be inserted directly into the wells to raise the water and at the same time oxygenate the aquifers which today are polluted by agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and fecal coliforms. In fact, we know that part of the air that pressurizes the autoclave dissolves in the water according to Henry’s principle, purifying the water for free. Not having done this, it was not possible to think that the overall dimensions could be reduced even further. Even miniaturized and instead of purifying the water from the wells we could purify the human blood, placing two small autoclaves side by side that would replace the right and left ventricles, creating energetically autonomous artificial hearts that would feed the systemic circuit that oxygenates the brain and the lungs to lengthen the life of the ‘man. Having not done this, it was not possible to think that pressurized cylindrical autoclaves can be incorporated an external cylinders containing water at atmospheric pressure, outside of which sliding tracks of permanent magnets mounted on transmission chains driven by motors can be made electric at variable revolutions that would produce an electromagnetic flux of variable intensity which would produce induced currents in a solenoid outside the same water tank. Therefore, we could produce in this tank a linear electromagnetic thrust force according to Lorentz’s law at the ambient temperature, without fuel that could be added to the reaction thrust of Newton that would be produced by propellers driven by electric motors always commanded by generators. of current that produce the primary hydroelectric energy, fed by submersible pumps used as turbines placed inside the central reservoirs. Not having done this, it was not possible to replace the current thermal turbofans of aircraft to travel in the atmosphere and in space with energy extracted directly from the environment, it was not possible to create flying cars, nor submarines that move with the same system without fuel.  It was not possible to make the ships travel without fuel, nor to mount the same system to make mobile barriers in the sea to defend ourselves from high waters. It was not even possible to think that in the space travel of the future we can add to the global linear motors an external steel tunnel connected to the turbo fan, where it will produce a higher vacuum higher than the surrounding space vacuum and connect this tunnel with a small vacuum pump to a thickening tank of the captured powders, which will be emptied periodically letting in the atmospheric air which will feed an electrostatic filter that will recover the powders that will be used together with the other interactive purification and energy plant inventions described on the website https: // to make humans survive even in space without suffering physiological damage due to the absence of atmospheric pressure, gravity, food resources and raw materials to build spare parts for the machines necessary for survival in space. In fact, atmospheric air and water will fill the space caravan wagons full of human beings and will be endlessly recycled, suitably replenished with artificial photosynthesis and carbon cycle, while general gravity will be reinforced, becoming very similar. to the terrestrial one, electrostatically polarizing the paths of atmospheric conditioned air and recycled water in the interactive, energy and purification, compressed hydroelectromagnetic plants, still unknown to terrestrial science. Current science has forgotten that the primary fluid dynamic energy is produced by the flow rate for the pressure and density of the fluid itself. Therefore, the best solution to produce clean energy at low cost and in infinite quantities is: to use compressed air as an energy source (which is not consumed) and water as an energy carrier (which with the use of new pumps with separate double power supply up to the impeller, can recycle it indefinitely by exploiting the maximum pressure of the compressed air and the maximum density of the water at the same time. In the simple formula of fluid dynamic energy mentioned above. No heat source is needed. This is the biggest mistake in world science because water is not only the best physical and hydraulic energy carrier, it is also the best electromagnetic carrier, having the natural ability to ionize into ions (H+) and (OH-). This ability was given to her directly by nature, that is, by GOD. Excluding water from energy production means excluding physical, chemical, biological and neurological life, above all, producing energy coldly. So much so that among the inventions of the undersigned, there is also the artificial heart which oxygenates human blood, which could extend human life by several hundred years. Obviously, together with other parallel inventions in the field of medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, which are still to be developed. But air and water, which are fundamental, are provided free by Nature and the artificial heart, at least as a project, is provided free by the undersigned, who has not found financiers. I believe that the artificial heart that oxygenates the blood was not financed by the current ruling class because, if it works, it demonstrates that men have made mistakes in the most important inventions for the survival of nature and the human race, just to accumulate money.”

The SPAWHE nursery rhyme, published above, to be fully understood must be read together with the map of the website, where the inventions of the undersigned and the illustrative articles are published chronologically, starting from the cleaning of fossil energy, as if this had been created, at least with demonstrative prototypes of the functioning. Instead, no one financed these prototypes, but the studies and research I carried out made me understand the limits of this solution, which in order to become sustainable, would have had to reduce the energy costs to raise the water, modify the current purifiers and the prehistoric smokestacks. If one follows the chronology of the inventions and the subsequent articles, it can be noted that the development of the scientific and technological details developed for the cleaning of fossil energy were essential and preparatory to the birth of compressed hydroelectric and hydroelectromagnetic energy, which was born above all to economize the energy consumption necessary to raise the waters and create artificial rains on calcareous materials which would have absorbed the CO2 and produced alkaline waters. The leap in quality occurred when the undersigned invented the pump with separate dual power supply up to the impeller. In fact, pumps are the heart of all man-made plants and must work with balanced suction and delivery pressures to extract energy from the environment without using fuel to produce primary energy. Therefore, these pumps must have only one impeller and two separate feeds all the way into the impeller to exit with the higher pressure absorbed from the higher pressure source and to be recycled indefinitely. Obviously, working with balanced suction and delivery pressures, heat is no longer necessary to have a pressure that can be exploited statically: it is sufficient to exploit the static pressure of the upper basin or that of an autoclave by recycling the same amount of water that we will use to produce energy so as not to consume the energy required to restore the compressed air pressure. Obviously, pumps with separate dual power supplies cannot produce a driving force greater than that which circulates the water in the recycling circuit. To produce the driving force we must use the turbines, or pumps fed in reverse compared to the current use, which can have several impellers connected in series to multiply the pressure and therefore the force to be transmitted to the axis of rotation, consuming the energy kinetics acquired thanks to the upper hydrostatic head or to the pressure of the autoclave. Obviously, in order to have a constant energy production we must not lower the level of the upper basin which gives the greater pressure nor lower the pressure of the autoclave. Therefore, conceptually, to extract energy and driving force from the environment it is always necessary to assemble in series a pump with the dual power supply separated up to the impeller and a pump and a turbine or a pump used as a turbine which produces the driving force. We cannot get more water out of the circuit with higher pressure than we use to produce electricity through the current generator connected to the turbine or to the pump used as a turbine. However this system is sufficient to revolutionize all the world’s energy and purification systems, since we can produce open plants of any size or pressurized plants at very high pressures in mobile plants without producing pollution and without using fuels and nuclear energy which produce pollution and greenhouse gases such as CO2 and steam. Steam is still underestimated by world science because it is made up of simple water with neutral pH, while CO2 combines with water to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3) which contributes to acidifying lakes and seas. Science has underestimated the fact that CO2, despite the strong increase with the production of fossil energy, is still 420 ppm compared to the volume of the atmosphere; The density of CO2 is only 1.5 times higher than air. Instead, steam, with industrial development and the current way of producing energy with thermal and nuclear plants, has assumed very high percentages, which can even exceed 6% of the volume of the atmosphere, while the density of the drops of water contained in vapor is 830 times higher than atmospheric air. Considering that the force expressed by atmospheric disturbances is calculated by multiplying the speed by the density of the fluid and the flow rate that moves in the atmosphere, the damage produced by the excess vapor present in the atmosphere is immensely greater than that produced by CO2. scientists who study physics should have been the first to discard the energies that produce steam first and then CO2, which is always combined with other combustion gases that are also toxic (Sox, NOx, CO, etc). Furthermore, considering that scientists who have studied meteorological phenomena from the beginning of the 1900s until now have ascertained that between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere there is a continuous exchange of electrostatic and electromagnetic ions which is continuously regenerated through the production of electric discharges commonly called lightning, in the immense quantity of approximately 1500 -2000 for every second on the entire terrestrial globe, for at least a hundred years we should have realized that it was necessary to look for a different way of producing electricity, avoiding the production of steam and CO2, but also to avoid the transport of electrical energy in the atmosphere, which inevitably interferes with the natural ion exchange between the earth and the ionosphere. Unfortunately, the entire world of science, not having understood these fundamental scientific and technical concepts, has allowed the rush to use the wrong energy sources which have needlessly wasted natural resources and created global warming. The SPAWHE nursery rhyme is nothing more than a long list of sustainable inventions proposed by the undersigned and not financed by governments and world entrepreneurs due to the silence of the science most awarded with Nobel prizes, which today is trying to create the new nuclear power on Earth, based on nuclear fusion involving temperatures of 100 million degrees centigrade that would be magnetically isolated with technologies yet to be tested. While the Creator of the universe preferred to create the nuclear energy of the stars at a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers from the planets and protected the planets themselves by different atmospheric layers thickened by the gravitational force, while the nuclear energy produced inside the nuclei ferromagnetic elements of the same planets is isolated by different layers of the subsurface. Furthermore, the Creator of the universe made it possible to develop through the gravitational force, universal electromagnetism, an ionic exchange between atmospheric air, water, organic and inorganic materials, the production of invisible electrical energy that governs the planet without no need for special energy transport lines. In fact, electrical and electromagnetic energy is already present on the planet. Therefore, the SPAWHE system is nothing other than the natural terrestrial energy system put together by the undersigned using scientific principles and the inventions of the past put together more rationally from an industrial point of view and set based on his own experience as a former designer and installer of anthropic systems terrestrials. However, with the plants planned on SPAWHE we could increase global food production with artificial welling, bring water to deserts by desalination of sea water in a sustainable way, but first of all, it is essential to demolish the wrong inventions and build the correct ones but the entire world ruling class pretends not to understand and talks nonsense about renewable energy. The solution is much simpler, linear and economical and can be applied everywhere even in the human heart to extend human life. It is no coincidence that none of the logical inventions, chronologically conceived, have ever been tested and implemented. As long as they remain only in the virtual state, it can always be said that it is only simple science fiction. Instead, for the undersigned it is science fiction that must be based on simple but well-connected inventions, such as global linear motors that could also take us into space without fuels and nuclear energy, even capturing interstellar dust to increase food resources and technologies of generational travellers, mostly equipped with energetically autonomous blood oxygenating artificial hearts.

The United Nations that require the payment of taxes even on patents of public social utility should guarantee the experimentation of inventions in reasonable times because the inventors who dedicate themselves to the study of these solutions are not all billionaires. Instead they let the patents lapse if the inventors do not pay the maintenance fees. My patents have all lapsed and the most important ones have not even been granted. Among these, the artificial heart oxygenator of the blood energetically autonomous. If I had paid all the maintenance fees for the patents that they have granted me and supported all the legal costs for the patents that they have not granted me, I would not have been able to support my family. This sacrifice would have been useless because none of my inventions have been realized. However, even saving as much as possible just to fulfill the costs of filing the patents, I have spent over 20,000 which is a lot for a simple pensioner. This money can be considered as my financial contribution to the fundraising that I have organized through the following website:

To participate in the donation or even just to see how much money my fundraiser has raised, you need to copy the entire link above and paste it into Google.

I have done the test and at the moment only 20 euros have been donated, which I donated myself with a bank transfer to verify the functioning of the system. The Gofundme system works. But it must be kept in mind that, as mentioned above, I have already paid 20,000 euros in untested patent deposits and that my unpaid work by any public or private employer started in 2005 will not be concluded until the truth of SPAWHE is ascertained. In essence, returning to the title of this article, the SPAWHE system is a different way of purifying and producing energy, according to the science of God, without polluting and without consuming natural resources. Probably, it could also take us into space. While the manipulated terrestrial energy of governments and multinationals is destroying the planet, in exchange for vile money.

Luigi Antonio Pezone     
