The SPAWHE system can save Planet Earth from global warming, floods, droughts and fires.
Nov 7, 2024
I recently launched a “Non-profit” fundraiser to save planet Earth from global warming, floods and droughts. I’m not crazy because I’ve been working on this topic for fifty-five years. Even though for the first thirty-seven years I didn’t know I was working on it. It all started by chance, when I was twenty years old, in 1970, and as soon as I graduated, as a mechanical expert, I was hired by Alfa Romeo and, again by chance, I was assigned to follow live the construction and assembly of all the production departments of the car plant in Pomigliano d’Arco in the province of Naples. In the following years, until 1987, I was in charge of the management and maintenance of the same plants. Again by chance in 1987 Alfa Romeo was bought by Fiat and granted resignations with incentives to those who wanted to change jobs. I loved my job but I was also eager to learn more about the environmental and energy systems under public jurisdiction. I took advantage of the incentive offered to go and work in a small company (ing. Caccavale S.r.l) that operated in Italy and Tunisia in the public sector of purification, water distribution and energy production, where I was responsible for the construction and assembly of mechanical, hydraulic and thermal systems until 2005. I had reached retirement age at fifty-seven and decided to spend the rest of my life inventing new purification and energy systems, combining the scientific organization of industrial work with environmental organization. For me, the results obtained were much higher than expected. But I also did not find interlocutors because public science does not update at the same speed as industrial science and even the companies that work in these sectors innovate very slowly. This negative phenomenon is worldwide. Therefore all my inventions are still to be tested.
The dilemma between who discovered gravity between Galileo and Newton is well known. I say that it was Galileo but Newton made us understand it better. Who was right between Tesla and Edison on the efficiency between direct and alternating current. I say that Tesla was right, but not for the reason that everyone says that it would be the simplest to transport energy over a distance. It is not necessary to transport electrical energy over a distance, but only to better distribute the world’s fresh water and from this, with the help of gravitational force and atmospheric air, through the simple inventions of the undersigned, we can extract from the environment all the energy we need, at all hours of the day and night, in every corner of the Earth, in fixed and mobile plants. Therefore, not only fossil and nuclear energy are wrong but also solar and wind energy. We don’t even need electric cars because my hydroelectric car, patented in 2017, would have been completely energy autonomous and would have anticipated, just a few years later, the global linear motors patented, which could also take us into the atmosphere and space without fuels. This means that we are governed globally not by science but by scientific hypocrisy. Because global warming should not have been fought but prevented. And here I return to talk about the article I titled “Sorry for the delay” in which I apologized for being born in 1949, and for having spent sixty-five years inventing the correct way to produce electrical energy without heating the planet which is undoubtedly the hydroelectric system without hydraulic jump, which can be produced in every corner of the Earth, in fixed and mobile versions, with economic and environmental advantages for all humanity.
I strongly believe in the professionalism and perseverance that each person must put into their work. For this reason I often write about my professional training, which is based more on the scientific organization of industrial and environmental work, which rarely coexist in the same person, since on planet Earth, everyone works in watertight compartments, both industrial and artisan companies, including academic scientific faculties, awarded with the most important Nobel prizes in the various scientific branches. Specializations are important to obtain the maximum performance from one’s work. While, in my activity as an installer of industrial and environmental anthropic systems, I realized that the Earth’s system works well only through the synergies between the various scientific and technological specializations. Therefore, even anthropic design is a specialization, probably the most important, in order to combat and prevent global warming of the planet, but also to realize the real economy. In fact, the Earth’s climate is managed by nature, not by men. Before man invented industrial development, it worked perfectly. I, who have been installing industrial and environmental systems all my working lif e, should have been the first to know, but no one ever taught me. I had to discover it by myself as a pensioner, but only after, for practical reasons, I had patented both the best systems for cleaning fossil energy (which no government or multinational on the planet has created) and the best systems for extracting already clean energy from the Earth’s environment (also never created by any government or multinational on Earth). In fact, the system I invented for cleaning fossil energy is an interactive system that simultaneously involves the cycles of water and air polluted by industrial processes in artificial rains indoors on calcareous materials both in large thermal plants and in urban sewage systems and in final purifiers far from cities. As we know, these systems, described in detail on my website Https://, are part of the patents filed from 2006 to 2014.
Only after filing all the patents, in 2022, did I start talking in my articles about the publications of other important climatology researchers who in the previous century had studied climate phenomena and denounced the problems, but had not proposed inventions, as the undersigned did, despite being at that time, almost ignorant of climatology. This means that the spawhe system that closes all the cycles it opens in anthropic plants is universal and automatically leads to the global update of the world state of the art in all sectors of terrestrial climate and energy activities. The concept of energy saving on planet earth is completely wrong, since if we extract energy coldly from the terrestrial environment it costs nothing (apart from the wear and tear of the machines). The more we produce, the more we purify the environment using the Spawhe system. But science and the world ruling class continue to pretend not to understand this system, continuing to waste resources, to heat the planet and to destroy it with floods, droughts and fires. From which we cannot defend ourselves precisely because the technologies we have developed are not energy autonomous, are not efficient and, above all, fail in the face of great natural disasters and the stupid wars of men in power.
With the spawhe system, virtually, I also went into space without fuels and nuclear energy. While on Earth we are destroying the environment and we cannot feed people. We need to go into detail about all the energy and purification solutions and update the state of the art daily and practically. Politics, philosophy, ideologies are important, but true progress can only be achieved with honest and selfless work for personal wealth. Today the most important inventions are hidden because they do not allow parasitic income on raw materials such as fuels, and minerals that we can do without, extracting clean cold energy directly from the environment at all hours of the day and night and at all latitudes and longitudes of the planet. Because water, air and gravitational force are the essential raw materials that can be recycled infinitely. The rest is technology that, developed cold, is almost as recyclable infinitely.
The most recent articles, after 2022, speak, above all, of the hypocrisy of the world’s ruling class that prevents correct scientific and technological development for obscure power games that they themselves cannot control because nature itself is rebelling in the face of senseless scientific and technological choices that continue not to exploit the natural cold scientific principles of the Earth, just to continue producing heat with new generation fuels, which even if they do not produce CO2, however, have an economic cost, are consumed and produce steam that is even worse than CO2 for the purposes of global warming. They do not even solve the transport of electrical anergy, which also interferes, like steam, with the natural ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. It seems that terrestrial science, rather than inventing social inventions useful to humanity, works to create a humanity subservient to men of power and multinationals. Inventors who are outside this system cannot demonstrate the usefulness of their inventions, not finding public and private funding. I have noticed that scientific and technological inventions cannot even be financed by the “Non-profit” because it is excluded a priori that an inventor can think of a global purifying energy system on his own. No one takes the trouble to read hundreds of articles linked together like a spider web. But the spider web was not invented by me, it already exists, invented by nature. I have supported it by developing my solutions. While the multinationals have only looked at increasing production capacity and public inventors, instead of doing research work and multiplying the projective capacity of the environment in function of increasing industrial productivity, have taken advantage of the patent trade to produce and sell patents that supported inventions, with all their defects. Today only the SPAWHE system that has not been funded by governments or multinationals is the only one that seriously addresses the problem of global warming, not allowing excesses of steam, CO2, electrostatic currents due to the transport of energy in high voltage on pylons. In other words, the Spawhe development model aims to bring the current environmental climate back to the model existing on planet Earth at the end of the nineteenth century, when the first hydroelectric plant with the hydraulic jump was built, which could have opened the minds of the great scientists of that time who could have identified my interactive inventions since then. Saving us from the entire global warming.
As can be seen in the most recent articles, the ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere has been profoundly altered by the entire industrial development, but world public science has denounced the problems without proposing solutions, while the undersigned has proposed the solutions and only later found scientific confirmation that the system created by the Creator of the universe likes that terrestrial energy is produced cold, as the undersigned has always proposed. However, even today the entire science is silent on my solutions.
However, the natural ion exchange between the Earth and the universe is not perfect because the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere behave like the plates of a capacitor and the atmospheric air like the dielectric. Before the advent of industry, the degree of imperfection of the dielectric was under control regulated by nature itself.
With the inventions produced by men since the beginning of the industrial era: thermal, nuclear, solar, wind and the same transport of high voltage electricity on overhead pylons that interferes heavily with the natural terrestrial ion exchange. Despite this awareness, even today in 2024, I have not found public or private financiers to realize inventions of submerged and compressed hydroelectric proposed in 2014-2015.
Faced with the silence of the world authorities and official science, I could do nothing but turn, with little hope, to the world population. But I am open to collaborating with repentant billionaires.
No one can continue to snub my inventions just because I did not have the money to pay the maintenance fees for the patents that were granted to me, nor to legally oppose those that were not granted to me. What would have been the point? If the current ruling class did not finance the patents that were granted to me on the cleanliness of fossil fuels, up to the pump with the double separate supply to the impeller and the hydroelectric car, it certainly would not have financed the other even more futuristic inventions such as the artificial heart and global linear motors that could also take us into space. Fortunately, at seventy-five, I still feel I have the energy to begin the fourth phase of my life, that of the entrepreneur, if the capital arrives. He who does it himself, does it for three. In my case for four. And if I could also experiment with my artificial heart, which does not alter DNA, I would propose myself as a guinea pig, to also live the fifth phase. Life is a gift from God and must be lived to the fullest to create well-being, without altering the terrestrial environment that hosts us. None of my inventions interfere with the environment, natural biological life and above all, the ionic exchange between the ionosphere and the terrestrial surface, which is the delicate system, developed by the Creator of the universe in 4.5 billion years to control the terrestrial climate. A century and a half of industrial development was enough to alter such an immense masterpiece, from improvised anthropic inventions that have not selected what is compatible and what is not compatible, with the terrestrial environment. As a modest technician installing industrial and environmental anthropogenic plants, I have participated for 37 years in the construction of these plants and the following 20 years in trying to change them, even losing money to legally register alternative patents, having to deal with a ruling class and the same workers, who do not understand how plants are designed globally. It is not only science and technology. It is above all, scientific organization of work, so that the natural functioning of the Earth’s environment is not disturbed by human anthropogenic plants. In other words, we must not give up progress, but we must do so respecting the environmental rules established by Earth’s nature, which, if we think, are also the rules of correct rational economic development. It makes no sense to waste resources to produce heat from which to obtain energy, when we can obtain cold energy from the Earth’s environment. This is against the rules of common sense, not only of economics. Yet, the majority of anthropogenic plants are wrong, not only the thermal ones which then also involve the costs of cooling and fume purification. There is no point in transporting energy if we can produce energy on site when we need it. Whoever created the universe and the Earth overestimated the design capabilities of human-made plants, which all used solutions that ignored the incredible characteristics of water, air and gravitational force. Unfortunately, I only understood these things as a pensioner, but after I had already proposed the correct solutions that I had independently intuited based on experience. So there are many crazy people who created global warming on the planet and many of them also have degrees in scientific disciplines. For these reasons I want to highlight my troubled path as an inventor misunderstood by science and institutions.
In 2006, as soon as I retired, I immediately started filing the first patents, based on the scientific organization of work in the environmental sector, which still does not exist, starting from domestic water saving, the prevention of the formation of phosphorous hydrogen in the sewers, the modification of the chimneys so that they captured the CO2 that should have been neutralized in the sewers by means of artificial rain on calcareous materials and sewer sedimentators with surface oxidation of the water that should have anticipated the aerobic purification treatment in the sewers of water, air and fumes together with interactive cycles. These systems, being conceptually new, involved high energy costs for the circulation of water and air but would have made the urban atmospheric air more breathable and would have allowed great energy savings in the final purifiers, which are still forced to purify septic water, damaged by the sewer systems.
After this long preparatory work, finally in 2014 -2015, I found the rational way to produce electricity and purification at low cost with a single interactive system which is precisely the compressed hydroelectric system that also allows the purification of water in fixed anthropogenic plants. In fact, these plants, closed pressurized, in order to produce energy, must be opened at the exit of the hydraulic turbine to be able to discharge the residual hydraulic pressure. If in this phase we replace the clean water that produced the electricity, with dirty water to be purified by inserting it into the pressurized recycling circuit by means of the pump with the double separate supply up to the impeller, the system also becomes purifying, as well as energetic. This turning point of 2015 should have been welcomed with enthusiasm by the entire world ruling class, instead, we are in the year 2024, and the entire world science has not yet noticed this potential, even though I have also developed the patent for the hydroelectric car, with an artificial heart oxygenating the blood energetically autonomous, of global linear motors that could add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz. Which on planet Earth can only be added coldly, at least with the technologies known to man.
Hello, my name is Luigi Antonio Pezone. I am a retired former designer and installer of industrial and environmental anthropogenic plants. I am very concerned about the survival of planet Earth and all living beings that live on it. I retired in 2006 to develop new environmental and energy solutions without employers’ conditioning that I have collected on my website https: Do not be surprised by the sum requested, apparently high. The problems to be faced are very serious. I only want to demonstrate with the help of other technicians and specialized companies that my solutions patented in forty patents and illustrated in about 120 technical articles, at the current state of the art are the only ones that can stop, not only global warming but also the unfair distribution of world wealth. The two phenomena are connected, which is why my solutions have not found financiers from the current world ruling class. Only by making demonstrative prototypes democratically can skeptics be convinced.
2024 will almost certainly be the hottest year on planet Earth, breaking the record set just last year, and 2025 will be even hotter, confirming that humanity has slipped into a funnel from which there is no way out unless global energy policy changes immediately and radically. It is ridiculous that these things have to be written by an ordinary pensioner while great science only denounces and keeps silent on the only solution still possible, which is hydroelectric without the hydraulic jump.
While I was writing this article (the night between October 29th and 30th), the disaster in Valencia, Spain, occurred, with at least 200 deaths and thousands of displaced people. In a few hours, the rain that falls in a year came down, taking away cars and devastating homes. This flood comes a few days after the (less serious) ones that hit half of Italy. We know the reason: the Mediterranean is heating up at an impressive speed and is unloading violent storms and floods on our countries, due to the excess of steam in the atmosphere, which does not only depend on the way we produce energy but also on the warming of the oceans. The phenomena are connected. If we do not immediately begin to produce cold terrestrial electrical energy and do not experiment and realize all the fixed and mobile Spawhe inventions, starting from the only rational system that is hydroelectric without the hydraulic jump that can be realized in fixed and mobile plants, even in aeronautical, submarine and space ones, the terrestrial people will never emerge from these disasters, precisely because the entire world science has been involved since the beginning of the industrial era. For this region I wrote an article with the title “sorry for the delay” even if I am only a pensioner. It should have been the United Nations organization to do my job. Instead, it asked me to pay taxes on patent filings, without realizing that I was working for free on problems of public social utility, which should have been addressed by world public science, which sells its commercial patents to multinationals. The following images show the immense amount of steam present in the sky above Valencia the day before the flood and an area of the city affected by the flood.
It is impossible not to connect the two phenomena in sequence and reach the logical conclusion that the correct way to produce terrestrial energy is the cold one that produces neither steam nor CO2 which are two greenhouse gases.
A week later there were elections in the most powerful nation on Earth that brought Republican Trump back to power instead of the Democrats. There are no substantial differences between conservative and progressive governments on the environment and energy issues worldwide. It is said that things will get worse for the climate because Trump will renege on the Paris Agreement of October 5, 2016. But what the Paris Agreement has actually achieved so far no one says. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming and combat climate change. Clearly, as far as the climate is concerned we were better off in 2016 than in 2024. Certainly none of the fifty-six countries that signed the agreement took into consideration my inventions that I began to develop and publish in 2006.
Why have science and technology, although advanced, created global warming?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is simple and elementary and can be condensed into one word: SPAWHE. Which summarizes what the world’s ruling class has not done: Synergic Plants, Artificial Welling, Hydroelectric Energy. Advanced science and technology have not created:
1. Synergies between anthropic plants, which still exploit single scientific principles and technologies.
2. They have not extracted from the sea the immense food production that could be extracted with artificial welling, as natural welling occurs only on the planet’s coastlines, which represent 5% of the ocean surface.
3. They have not exploited the immense production capacity of hydroelectric energy, which does not need a hydraulic jump to be produced in both fixed and mobile plants.
Science is to blame for global warming because it goes against its own energetic principles. The principle of inertia says that in empty space a body remains in its state of inertia or motion until an external cause causes it to change. On planet Earth things are a little different because of the gravitational force, since bodies, being attracted by the gravitational force towards the center of the earth, can produce or consume energy according to the direction of motion. This also applies to liquids. Therefore, to produce electrical energy within a hydraulic basin, it is necessary to first overcome the state of inertia by means of a centrifugal pump and then exploit the kinetic energy produced in the direction of the gravitational force to produce electrical energy through a turbine. Consequently, we need an electric motor to turn the pump and a generator connected to the turbine to produce electrical energy. You don’t have to be a scientist to understand that the energy produced by the current generator is much higher than the energy consumed by the engine, because the energy flow is open, one-way, and uses both the hydrostatic head and the gravitational force. Earth science has never done this reasoning, having preferred to exploit the hydraulic jump that allows the production of free electrical energy.
If, instead, science had made my reasoning, not now, but at the beginning of the industrial era, it would have realized that it is very convenient to put a pump and a turbine in series, since, since the energy produced by the generator is higher than the electrical energy consumed by the pump, we would have had the advantage of not wasting water and producing energy all year round. This system that I called submerged hydroelectric, I patented it in Italy in 2014 and in 2015 I perfected it to be able to increase the amount of energy produced, increasing the hydrostatic pressure by means of an autoclave pressurized with compressed air and to allow the production of hydroelectric energy even in very small systems with little water, such as wells, domestic systems, mobile systems, such as generators, means of transport. Furthermore, having realized that recycled water is enriched with oxygen, I also used the energy system as a purifier in domestic sewage systems and I also patented an artificial heart that oxygenates human blood and is energy autonomous. All this, while official Tesseste science has not noticed anything and, consequently, neither have politicians and entrepreneurs. Who, strong in this official scientific silence, have continued to pollute. While, legislators, national and international judges, the United Nations and the World Bank, have continued to finance systems that are wrong from an environmental, energy and economic point of view, which are increasing the damage caused to the environment day after day, since the advent of the industrial era.
The SPAWHE self-purifying and self-energy cold system, conceived by the undersigned in a life of work between industry, environment and retirement, which would have prevented global warming, is struggling to take off not because of the high costs necessary to redesign the world’s anthropogenic plants, but because of the modest collection of funds necessary to create the demonstrative prototypes of how to purify and produce energy rationally with the raw materials consisting of water, air and gravitational force, which would also be made available free of charge by the Creator of the universe.
The Spawhe City that I would like to create is a kind of Disneyland, with educational functions on the self-purifying and self-energy system mentioned above, unwanted both by science and by the powerful of the Earth, who are accomplices, not only of climate change but also of the wars existing on the entire planet. Mostly started to appropriate energy sources.
The first hydroelectric power plant was built in 1882 in the United States near Niagara Falls. On March 27, 1899, an experiment by Guglielmo Marconi for the first time put England and France in communication, without having to resort to submarine cables, wires and telegraph poles. Marconi’s invention paved the way for other inventions such as radio, television, and the Internet. While hydroelectric energy, from a conceptual point of view, did not grow until 2014 – 2015, when the undersigned invented submerged and compressed hydroelectric power that does not need a hydraulic jump. Therefore, planet Earth in 2024 is 142 years late compared to 1882, as the hydraulic jump cannot be considered an invention. Mills that ground grain with a hydraulic jump had already existed for centuries.
All in all, my inventions are the simplest and most linear, based on simple physical principles, exclusively terrestrial. Yet, terrestrial science and the public and private ruling class pretend not to understand them, so as not to admit that it has created global warming, weapons of destruction, the unequal distribution of world wealth, while there would be food and well-being for everyone, even with a population tens of times greater than the current one, since terrestrial energy is cold-extracted, self-purifying and self-energetic. Most of the food could be extracted from the sea, with artificial Welling. The human life of elderly people, like myself, could be extended by hundreds of years with my artificial heart, an energy-autonomous blood oxygenator, preserving human DNA. Obviously, eliminating the organs of the digestive system, enhancing the function of the brain and those of the joints with artificial mechanical organs, cybernetics and robotics. But we are at year zero of all this because current science has not funded even one of my inventions and wants to continue to go into space with fuels and nuclear energy that, due to the heat developed, will never allow us to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz, which can only be added coldly, as I have written in a hundred articles published on, which is nothing more than the website of a pensioner. Who, at the moment, has collected zero euros from the powerful of the Earth and the same amount from the poor, who are waiting for manna from heaven, instead of inventing more rational and sustainable inventions on their own.
Today, faced with the failure of the old nuclear energy, and all the old and new generation thermal energies. The science that produced global warming wants to feed us a new nuclear and new generation fuels, which would not produce CO2, keeping quiet about the fact that they produce steam that is even more harmful for the purposes of global warming. The increase in steam in the atmosphere produces an increase in rainfall and the water that contains the steam, which is 830 times denser than atmospheric air, increases the kinetic energy of hurricanes and typhoons. Today the SPAWHE system is the only one that can simultaneously save the planet’s climate and the economy, gradually correcting all the wrong, fixed and mobile, anthropogenic plants. The current global problem is due to the fact that no one wants to pay for the damages that global warming has produced, which was created by scientific, political and entrepreneurial errors. If these errors are not recognized, the damages continue to grow, along with unemployment. Meanwhile, the world’s banks, which are full of money and precious metals, see the value of money devalued.
Automotive companies with internal combustion engines are laying off workers to produce electric cars that are not the right solution, having to be recharged with energy from power plants, which are mainly fossil fuels, hydroelectric with hydraulic jump, solar and wind. Which are all obsolete from a scientific, technological and economic point of view, compared to compressed hydroelectric energy that could replace them all at the same time for scientific, technological, economic, practical and environmental reasons, also solving the problem of other world transports, as battery-powered cars are only a palliative. It is not possible to think of battery-powered agricultural tractors. Buses have already proven to be a failure, being the system expensive, impractical due to the poor autonomy, and in addition, they catch fire easily. It seems to me that the current world ruling class is the most incompetent of all time.
I say that it is fortunate for the world economy that the SPAWHE system was developed in general silence, while the NATO countries and those on the opposing front copied each other to produce new types of fuels, electric cars and solar panels, which are worth very little compared to the clean energy that can be extracted directly from the environment. Only energy extracted cold from the Earth’s environment can stop global warming and begin the recovery of the environment and the world economy, starting with everyone on equal terms without devaluing money and without firing workers. The money can be invested differently, gradually, by those who first recognize the errors and immediately begin to extract clean energy from the environment without any monopoly, patents because the inventor of the system is a simple pensioner who has never paid the maintenance fees for the patents that were granted to him and has never filed legal appeals against the patents that were not granted to him, with the ridiculous accusation of wanting to create “perpetual motion”. Water, air and gravitational force belong to everyone. Intellectual property of inventions is not a monopoly like the industrial one, but a pleasant reading of hope for a better world.
Today, strangely, the United Nations and governments do not recognize intellectual property to inventors but only to writers of fictional works. I say that inventors have failed in their task precisely because they are managed by political and economic power through maintenance filing fees and funding that does not arrive if the inventions are unwelcome to governments and the United Nations. Strangely, only the inventions of SPAWHE are global and interactive inventions, while those of multinationals, which copy each other, resemble each other trying to surpass each other only in technology. Non-interactive technology does more harm than good.
Globality and interactivity are essential characteristics if we want to produce inventions that can also take us into space. We know, above all, that the universe is infinite. The extinction of life on Earth would occur without interfering with the functioning of the solar system to which it belongs, which in turn, is a small element of the galaxy called the Milky Way that contains over 100 billion stars is 100,000 light years wide and represents only a small “corner of the Universe”. These immense dimensions should make us reflect on the immense ignorance of small men who fight for power games on the tiny and infinitesimal planet Earth, which is a grain of dust, compared to the universe. It is not even imaginable the intellectual greatness of those who created the universe, who from time to time, communicates to a few elected scientists, who concentrate more than others on research, tiny scientific truths that should be made available to everyone. Not monopolized for personal enrichment, or for specific groups of people or nations. This is what I think even if I am not a great scientist but a simple citizen who has loved his work and tried to understand it better, especially as a pensioner, not pressured by the need to bring home a salary for survival. Being a free man opens infinite space to human creativity. The great artists who do wonderful things could not do them if they were not free men. I who have never had artistic ability, but practical, thank God that in the last part of my life he allowed me to express myself as a free man from a practical point of view. With all due respect for works of art, global warming cannot be overcome with works of art, but with practical, coherent and global inventions that only a technician free from vested interests can put together.
In this article and in other previous articles I have wanted to underline my strange professional path from large industry to small company installing different anthropic systems, especially in subcontracts, which almost no one would have done, to have a greater guarantee of keeping their job. But I followed my instinct and probably, I was guided by a kind of professional vocation to make these choices against the current towards the current centers of world power. As I wrote in the previous article, when as a pensioner, I began to be an inventor I believed more in the science of men than in that of God. Today I believe more in that of God because, I realized that my inventions have done nothing but increase the speed of natural processes already existing in nature. In essence, I have done nothing more than apply the scientific organization of industrial work learned in the automobile industry to natural energy and environmental work based on fluid dynamics and terrestrial electromagnetism, which already exists in nature by means of gravity, universal electromagnetism and the ionic exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. I have only had to accommodate these already existing forces. I have had to use existing human inventions to increase the operating speeds and pressures at the temperatures of the terrestrial environment to extract from the environment all the energy that planet Earth needs without ever using heat and the energy sources that produce it, except in exceptional cases, such as the production of steel and the incineration of waste. These thermal needs, however, must be met using the inventions that I developed before inventing submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy, which are modified chimneys, limestone greenhouses and artificial rain. The following figures are extracted from the undersigned’s previous articles
This diagram simultaneously represents the water and energy distribution of the future without any of the current energies. In fact, where water arrives, energy also arrives because the other indispensable elements are atmospheric air and gravitational force. The rest is technology, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, electrical engineering, electronics, mechanics at room temperature, without producing CO2, steam and pollution, because the water purifies itself at each passage through the autoclave and this also applies to mobile systems.
Current air transport with fuels and thermal energy is an immense source of pollution and waste of economic resources and not allowing to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz due to the heat, which would destroy the electrical coils that allow the thrust and the regulation of the electromagnetic force, it has not been possible to stop in a stable way in the atmosphere with large tanks of water to put out fires; not even save shipwrecked people from above with stormy seas; not even experiment with the possibility of triggering rains in the desert areas of the earth, transporting wagons of water in the ionosphere area, as shown in the drawing below.transporting wagons of ater in the ionosphere area, as shown in the drawing below.
This graph developed by British geophysical scientist Sydney Chapman (1888 – 1970) links ion density (on the abscissa) and altitude (on the ordinate). The areas of the atmosphere in which the various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum are absorbed are also mentioned. Source: University of Cambridge.
As you can see, the peak of the curve is located about 300 km from the surface of the earth. In this area, monostatic disturbances mainly arise which produce lightning and consequently also natural rainfall. If we, with the cold production of terrestrial energy, eliminate the current excesses of C0 vapor and high voltage electrostatic networks that disturb the natural terrestrial system, with the cold transport system and the joint thrust of Newton and Lorentz, we could send the water we know is already ionized, directly in the F2 zone indicated above in the areas where we desire rainfall. Probably, we will also be able to fertilize the deserts, reducing the atmospheric phenomena that are destroying the planet due to the bad energy and environmental designs of earth science.